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1:24 AM
The irony in this question is somewhat palpable... Using BIC results in an answer that doesn't fit with the OP's prior.
6 hours later…
7:24 AM
"?IC gives you an objective criterion for your model choice, except that it is known to give the wrong answer." Substitute your own favourite letter for ?.
7 hours later…
2:33 PM
Top Ten list, continued:
3. The question tells you how many marks or points you will be awarded for a correct answer.
7 hours later…
9:13 PM
2. "[...] How can I analyse these data?"
9:34 PM
Should we make a meta thread to collect these suggestions?
This list is too good to disappear in chat history.
@chl Thanks for the bounty!
@amoeba: I was thinking the same. But would it look a little mean?
@Scortchi I am trying to understand whether it was a pun or a genuine question
:) Genuine question. There's a perception that we're a bit rough on new users - I don't think that's true - but a Meta thread that appeared to be there just to mock bad questions might give the wrong impression.
On the other hand, with a bit of explanation below each point, it could be useful.
9:50 PM
Well, I think we do have a Meta thread on how to ask a good question, and a quite well-upvoted one. Given that, a humorous thread on how to ask a horrible question would I think be perfectly fine. It can actually be quite useful.
And it's not just to mock; it is to educate via reductio ad absurdum
Of course. What do you think of the idea of explaining why it's bad below each one? As people do ask questions like these it can't be quite obvious. (Would seem to make it less funny though.)
Maybe each item can be posted as a separate answer, and a comment be made under each answer to explain what is actually a recommended way?
Or the "spoiler" format - where the text only appears when you move the mouse over it
10:00 PM
do we have this functionality?
A: Which of the followings can be regarded as sufficient statistics?

Xi'anThe likelihood of your sample writes as $$\begin{align*} \prod_{i=1}^3 \{p\mathbb{I}_1(x_i)+(1-p) \mathbb{I}_{-1}(x_i)\}&=\prod_{i=1}^3 p^\frac{1+x_i}{2}(1-p)^\frac{1-x_i}{2}\\&=[p(1-p)]^{3/2} p^\frac{\sum_{i=1}^3 x_i}{2}(1-p)^\frac{-\sum_{i=1}^3x_i}{2}\\ &=[p(1-p)]^{3/2} \sqrt{p/(1-p)}^{\sum_{i=...

Good for answers to self-study questions
oh, nice
Well good night!
See you
10:35 PM
I wanted to add one to the list, but I'm not confident enough to take the 1) spot!
2 - epsilon) "Im comparing an XYZ model to a YYZ model using the ABC and DAR statistics. Using the LLV test on the OOP dataset, my results are not good. Perhaps I failed at TTR?
I call it the abbreviation stampede.
It hurts me, but seems not to bother others as much, hence my not wanting to take the 1 spot.
11:12 PM
@MatthewDrury I feel you. It quite often results in "closed as unclear" until the OP spells some things out, so I reckon it's a decent candidate.

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