Is there any games that are using Tilt-shift? or is it possible in the games?
I know ENBseries can inject custom HLSL for Post-Processing, but i can't find any HLSL for Tilt-Shift
I've completed the main quest(killed Alduin) in Skyrim,
and now i'm wondering which side to join.
Is it true that Empire is allied with Thalmars?
If it is , then i'll join Ulfric Stormcloak's rebels.
Hey guys as the title states I need help on buying a new pc.
I enjoy playing games so a gaming rig would be nice..
Basically I need a whole lot.. Case PSU etc
My range would be in the 500-700 (euros) but I would probably go to 900.
So please any parts or whatever please pop them up I can buil...
To set a target marker above a mob today, you have to right click on the portrait and select the icon through a popup menu.
Is there a quicker way to do this? I'd like to be able to do this through the quick slots.
Older versions of Mumble no longer works on windows platforms, please get the new version from here:
Obviously I'm not talking about about posting an entire game guide into one question, that would be way too broad for a question. I'm talking about just general tasks in games that you find semi-difficult or challenging and want to explain to people. According to Jeff, this behavior would be enco...
Why does Clairvoyance always point me in the wrong direction?
The question that I asked was trying to figure out why clairvoyance didn't work properly most of the time. the question that was chosen for a duplicate was asking if clairvoyance would boost illusion and what the point of double casti...
I've tried to launch Mumble today but got this effort from Microsoft C++ instead:
A referral was returned by the server
What does it mean? How can I fix this?
RE: the Skype thing, it's probably the best (by a small margin) in terms of audio quality, but all of the other issues blow that difference out of the water.
Skype uses a tremendous amount of resources, and at 8 people in a call it's going to be painful to multitask.
I've tried to launch Mumble today but got this effort from Microsoft C++ instead:
A referral was returned by the server
What does it mean? How can I fix this?
however that star has dropped off the list so I'd say joke's over
room topic changed to The Bridge: In which we enjoy mostly topic-free discussion of videogames, the internet and the lazers thereof. Now with 5% less alot and 7% more jarate. [gravity--heartless-bitch] [hatlessness] [murder] [wipqozn-gravitation-law]
I mean, the Bridge is the only kind of branding we currently have except for the graphic design of the site
the close votes on my question are "not a real question"; which is inexplicable as it's extremely well defined, and "not constructive...polling, opinion..." when I'm explicitly asking for facts/proof
There have been many "news stories" about how the mysterious [email protected] said they would be releasing "something with a three" at E3 2012. Some have contended that the email was a fake, coming back with gaben emails of their own to prove their case, which others have dismissed as fak...
I am up to level 54 with 200k gold and enough items to offset the cost of higher level training. Which skills are the most time consuming to level? As of now I'm leaning towards destruction, since it seems you have to cause damage to increase the level. My destruction level is at 66 seems to back...
@NickT Sorry, they didn't say. Although really from what I understand Skeptics is more about "X said Y and he's supposed to know about this stuff. Is Y actually true though?"
One of the key themes of Stack Exchange right from the start has been that you can't have a site about everything. Each SE site has a topic, users who are devoted to that topic, and who will ruthlessly exclude questions that aren't on that topic. This can be a bit confusing at times, especially t...
We all know that SC: Ghost is pretty much gone the way of Duke Nukem Forever at this point (one day, maybe but no time soon). But I heard a rumor a while back that it was in a mostly finished state at one point. Not necessarily ready to release, but playable with cut-scenes and likely only a few ...
I got an minecraft server , with hamachi , and the question is , how can I get more people to it? It's new and cool! The IP can be found on . If you want , take a look :D Thank you!
My question about "(Valve Product) 3" was fairly swiftly closed and the rationale provided seems fairly senseless.
The actual close reason was the "not constructive...should solicit facts, references", which is precisely why I was asking the question in the first place; for some definitive, well...
We all know that SC: Ghost is pretty much gone the way of Duke Nukem Forever at this point (one day, maybe but no time soon). But I heard a rumor a while back that it was in a mostly finished state at one point. Not necessarily ready to release, but playable with cut-scenes and likely only a few ...
Near the end (I think) of chapter 12 when you climb vertically on red and yellow pipes, hiding behind boxes and shooting bad guys, at the top you swing across pipes. On the last one, a guy appears and when I try to swing across I look like I hit an invisible wall and fall down. Is this a glitch? ...
@LessPopMoreFizz How do you figure not constructive is wrong though?
> This question is not a good fit to our Q&A format. We expect answers to generally involve facts, references, or specific expertise; this question will likely solicit opinion, debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion.
I don't know the way Blizzard makes games, but couple of studios I used to work with, create lot's of gameplay prototypes. Though this prototypes usually blocky/solid texture thingies. But you can play them =)
But I guess you asking whether actual game (in preview or alpha) was ever developed, t...
That doesn't really sound like an answer from someone who used to work in game development studios.
I'm in a quest where you should bring the blood to Septimus,
I've done it and he opened the "box" where is a big book , but he stands near the book and doesn't do anything, i can't interact with him or the book.
Is this a bug?
I saw a 1 character edit on one of my posts and wondered why; apparently it was after my (less-comprehensive) answer was accepted, to allow the check-mark to be transferred to the higher voted answer (written by the asker) after giving himself a Populist badge.
I think that self-answers should b...
I'm not sure how it happens, but when I'm scrolling around the screen with the arrow keys, occasionally, the screen will start scrolling in one direction, even without me pressing the keys. It's like the keys are stuck on. This only happens in Company of Heroes and nowhere else.
If I press the a...
I believe the game was for SEGA, but it was basically 2 players pit against each other on the same screen, you each picked a spaceship and each ship had different abilities, and you just dueled it out. If i remember some ships had shields, different life totals. I do remember a ship that cloaked....
at least this time people aren't accusing me of some sort of gross malfeasance with respect to imaginary internet achievements (this time)
of course I edit it to add "this time" when it already had "this time" at the start. yo dawg, I heard u like this time, so I put this time in your edit of this time, so you can this time while you this time, etc.
While playing solitaire in the Google Chrome browser, I do get only about 50% of the games finished. I never thought much of it, I just lost and took a new game. But I just finished a game except for two hidden cards. It could not be solved, but it appeared that some cards were missing!
It is ...
> Despite positive reviews for the N64 version, the PS1 version was heavily panned by critics. IGN, which gave the N64 version an "impressive" 8.3, gave the PS1 version a "Terrible" 2.6.
@agent86 That one I know is hailed as an awesome game.