My Code here. I've got my alien movement equations working/implemented (the green lines are for debugging). How can I set a fix speed for the aliens? I currently am just incrementing the x at a fixed rate but of course this means that the shorter the x, the larger the y, the faster it will go.
@Maltysen I'm using linear (y=mx+b) equations for aliens to follow to a certain random point. At fixed interval, the x is increased and the y is calculated. Problem is, when the y is longer then x, the aliens appear to be moving much faster then the others.
I actually came up with both of these solutions to the problem of uniformly sampling a disk to answer an interview question! (It was via email, btw, not in person.) The interviewer said that, apparently, my solutions were creative, and the first time he'd seen a solution to the problem. Apparently, this is a hard thing to do. :P (And I still didn't get the job! >_<)
@El'endiaStarman probably for the best you didn't get stuck there though. It would suck to be stuck in a job where you aren't allowed to use any creativity.
I was about to ask if it was alright to convert floats to ints when its value is integer, given that there are no operations that act differently for ints and floats, when I remembered that all three spreadsheet programs I've used (Microsoft Office, Open Office, Google Docs) do that, and it's annoying for aesthetic reasons.
Why did I come to Sandbox?
I have a very specific challenge, and I wanted to see if it was too specific.
The challenge is to output "Valdosta ACM" using the shortest number of characters with the BrainF**k programming language.
I've noticed it isn't the norm to specify a programming language...
Taylor series are a very useful tool in calculating values of analytic functions that cannot be expressed in terms of elementary functions, using only information about that function at a single point.
In this challenge, you won't be actually doing any math with them, but merely making string re...