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...no takers?
@TanMath Or maybe I went to do other things, like eat dinner and take care of house chores
Why the hell did I come back to 10 pings
If it doesn't get cracked in an hour I'll reveal it.
@Eridan See help center ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@Eridan Only the good ones
@Mego a_a
@AlexA. Which part? It's rather large.
9 mins ago, by quartata
(utt.synth (Utterance Text ""))
(format t "Hello, World!")
No one?
Remember, no STDERR output. It must output "Hello, World!" to STDOUT and nothing else.
> Do not use signature, taglines, or greetings.
Got it
Disappointed but understanding
hey @AlexA. you're a math major and stuff right?
I have a math question
BSc in math
I have a math answer
My textbook defines the limit of vectors as the limit as the distance between the two vectors goes to 0
But note that so request help at your own peril :P
This seemed cool until I realized that it was was a limit of a dependent quantity
how does this work?
can you do that?
@Maltysen What do you mean by a "dependent quantity"?
What do you mean by "the limit of vectors"?
@AlexA. What do you need broski?
@Maltysen What do you mean by "math"?
@Mego I need your lovin
@Maltysen You're asking Alex for help with something? What has the world come to.
@AlexA. the lim as x-> <1,2,3>
Hey people you should join dystroy.org/miaou/1216?PPCG :P
@quartata Uhhhhh....LISP variant?
@GamrCorps not really. I understand that, but wanted to understand why the alternate definition works
@El'endiaStarman Yes.
@Maltysen Are you asking about something like the limit as x->0, y->0, z->0 of f(x,y,z)?
@Maltysen Oh I see, I have no clue what that means but you have my support.
@AlexA. All my hugs and kisses too?
@Eridan yep
@Mego your. Challenge is too hard!
I give up
@quartata Clojure, maybe?
@El'endiaStarman Nope.
It's a variant of Scheme.
@TanMath The Bernoulli one? I actually solved it with fractions in Minkolang.
But it doesn't work in any of the standard Lisp stuff because the first line throws an error.
Only problem is, go much higher than like n=15 (n=60 suffices) and you can lock up Apache on the server (or at least slow it down to unusability).
@El'endiaStarman why doesn't if work but?
@Maltysen So if I understand correctly, you have the definition that lim (a, b, c) = (x, y, z) if lim a = x, lim b = y and lim c = z. Then you have an alternate definition that lim (a, b, c) = (x, y, z) if lim dist[(a, b, c), (x, y, z)] = 0. You want to see why these are equivalent. Right?
We did this in my Multivariable Calc class today. You set two of the variables equal to what the limit is taking, then evaluate the limit at the third variable. Repeat this for all three variables, then test along selected lines/curves that work out nicely; x=ay=bz works, but usually x=y=z is easiest
@El'endiaStarman Yipes
Mini-challenge: turn [tag:these] [tag:are] some words into these are [tag:some] [tag:words]. That is, "invert" the tagginess of the input words.
@El'endiaStarman Except for the inaccuracies above 33 :P
@Zgarb yeah
but more like why can you take the limit of dist[(a, b, c), (x, y, z)]
@Mego That wasn't with fractions.
@Calvin'sHobbies huh... I'll have to go with Peter for #2, though I'm not sure
1 and 3 are easy...
Hmm, 4 is a challenge
@Calvin'sHobbies 4/7
@Calvin'sHobbies 100%!!!!
7/7 ftw
I was on there :D
@AlexA. Very good!
CJam == Cherry Jam!?
Anyway, for n=15, my code has this fraction: 2966157772582254953931139563933193239063244903345451937289905861760744364264732‌​526683159927250549426880695487003927722403930570752000000000000000000000000000000‌​0000000/2542420947927647103369548197657022776339924202867530231962776452937780883‌​655485022871279937643328080183453274574795190631940489216000000000000000000000000‌​0000000000000
@Maltysen Well, you can define a function f(a, b, c) = dist[(a, b, c), (x, y, z)].
good night y'alls
Dear god I got 7/7 on it
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ I got that one wrong too! I always thought it was a joke...
What is wrong with me.
@El'endiaStarman Yah
Although in reality, CJam is just nonsense
You people actually got the Sp one? O_o
@quartata You're an idiot?
Turns out that paying attention in chat makes you learn stuff
Who knew
@Doorknob I've asked him before. :P
I did guess on the StackEgg one.
@Doorknob I only know because I explicitly asked Sp once :P
I got the animal one wrong and the Sp one wrong.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ You edited that lmao
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Good night!
@Doorknob How could you get the animal one wrong?
@quartata I guessed flawr :P
I mean, VTC is in chat a lot.
@Doorknob He has that weird snake thing
I almost clicked Elendia, but then I remembered he has sanic
abandon all sleep, ye who enter here —me
The animal one was actually the easiest for me.
@AlexA. oh yeah
I more or less have everyone's avatars memorized
> sanic
That ID one was hard as shit though
@Calvin'sHobbies sanicball gotta go fast
I got lucky on that, I'll admit.
When you think about it, it's obvious. Peter was here from... almost the very start
@Doorknob Not exactly
and I remember him being like #1-2 in rep when I joined
Yeah, his user ID is three digits IIRC
@AlexA. Wait, really?
Trufax: Peter is actually an AI residing on the SE servers
Mine's 3808.
@quartata I was gonna say "Oh yeah, what's my avatar?" but then I realized that my name is my avatar :/
@Maltysen I'm guessing that (a, b, c) depends on some index n (so you actyally have (a_n, b_n, c_n) and the limit is as n goes to infinity), and then d_n = f(a_n, b_n, c_n) is just some number that depends on n. You can take its limit as usual.
@Eridan Your avatar is some weird purple cat thing
Yeah, 194 must be private-beta early. Or around that time.
I install so much random shit because of this site... Octave is the latest
@Mego You should have always had Octave installed.
Octave is useful software, not random shit :P
I don't have Octave. :(
should i install octave if i already have matlab installed?
apt-get octave
I actually had to use it for a lot of stuff.
@AlexA. install
I don't like programming in it, but it's still cool.
@quartata Nope
@Zgarb oh that's cool. But it still doesn't really explain what lets you take the lim of the distance function.
@Eridan I mean, I know what your avatar looks like...
@quintopia It has some syntactic advantages over Matlab
It's the purple dude
That's good enough.
Description: GNU Octave language for numerical computations
 Octave is a (mostly Matlab (R) compatible) high-level language, primarily
 intended for numerical computations. It provides a convenient command-line
 interface for solving linear and nonlinear problems numerically.
Wait Matlab is R?
that's the registered trademark right?
@Zgarb Like for example can you take the lim of f(x) -> 0 of g(x)? Ignoring vectors
Oh hahaha
It's a purple cat with bat-like ears, a helmet, spectacles and a scarf standing in front of a blackboard.
I thought that was like... nested parens or something... nevermind
Happy @Eridan?
speaking of purple...
Come at me. Test my avatar knowledge.
@Maltysen You can take the limit of a function f as a value in its domain approaches another value.
@quintopia Purple is my favorite color, give me some more
It's a person with fins, a scarf, and a cape standing in front of... sure, that looks close enough to a blackboard
@quartata about to
@quartata What's the avatar of user 1337, no cheating :P
@Doorknob Of someone I know...
Someone who frequents chat.
I don't know random users.
I think my Bernoulli challenge is up there on the list of challenges with the most wrong answers
who is this
@Mego Nope, make your language unusable has more.
@Doorknob Brian Tompsett
@Doorknob Brian Tompsett some chinese characters
wow ninja'd
heh, nice
Professor of computer science
@quartata Oh right I remember the fun I had with that one. That one guy and his Java solution that I kept breaking was fun.
At a university I think in England
Maybe Canada
Somewhere unamerican
Also Sp3000's clever solution for breaking the Python one
@Mego :(
Ah yes, University of Hull, UK.
@Mego No one ever noticed my kick-ass Enema solution
> kick-ass Enema
@Maltysen Well, you can take the limit of g(x) as x -> 0. Or you can take the limit of g(x, y, z) as (x, y, z) -> (0, 0, 0). But the f(x) stuff doesn't really make sense.
Go home SE you're drunk
@Zgarb that's what I was asking: can you take the lim of g(x) as f(x) ->0?
because it makes no sense in the epsilon-delta definition
But my textbook was doing it with the whole lim as dist -> 0
How is it specifying the distance?
@Maltysen Well ok, that makes sense for certain functions f, but not for others.
what's the best way to compile c code on windows?
@Maltysen If g(x) depends on f(x), sure. If not, you could probably do something like lim [x->a] g(x) where a = lim [f(x)->0] x
@quintopia Install Linux
@Mego you know as well as I do that that's the wrong answer.
@quintopia Linux or Cygwin. Pick your poison.
Linux isn't poison >:(
i may already have cygwin installed
Why are you doing it on the windows? Can't you find a less fragile, more horizontal surface?
@Geobits I took them out of the wall and laid them down on the kitchen table first
@quintopia 702 is hardly "terrifyingly small." :P
@Maltysen I have to go now, hope you find an answer somewhere.
@quintopia you can install gcc separately outside of cygwin
@Doorknob then make it smaller
@Zgarb thanks for you help :)
@Zgarb <3
@Maltysen I would try that
@Maltysen I'm glad Zgarb has been able to help because I don't think I understand the formulation your textbook is using. I might recognize it if I saw it written down. Which textbook? I might have it...
the thomas & finney one actually
Q: Golf a Purple Interpreter

quintopiaGolf a Purple Interpreter Purple is an esolang which is designed with two main purposes: To be a minimization of Aubergine, since there just aren't enough self-modifying one-instruction languages around. To admit the possibility of terrifyingly small golfed interpreters. My first pass at a rea...

in the chapter about partial derivatives. Lesson "Limits and Conntiinuity"
@Maltysen Authors are Thomas & Finney? What's the name of the book?
"Calculus and Analytic Geometry"
@AlexA. You might be edging into creepy stalker territory...
@Geobits Edging? More like running head on.
Sorry, I was trying to be polite :P
why are we stalking this guy again
He's in this room, you know.
... does anyone dare to ping him? :P
Doorknob has a youtube channel, too. Try finding that one, it's full of embarrassing stuff.
@Geobits haha
At last, I have a totally correct and testable answer for the Bernoulli challenge!
@Maltysen This is getting weird.
@Geobits I do?
Yes, you do. Stop ruining things.
I... was not aware of this
I tried looking up keyboardfire and got some dumb music channel.
That's it.
It's not under keyboardfire. IIRC it's WildGooseSnipe or something like that.
Q: Golf a Purple Interpreter

quintopiaGolf a Purple Interpreter Purple is an esolang which is designed with two main purposes: To be a minimization of Aubergine, since there just aren't enough self-modifying one-instruction languages around. To admit the possibility of terrifyingly small golfed interpreters. My first pass at a rea...

@Maltysen Okay, so the limit as the distance function between two vectors goes to 0, yeah?
I feel like someone could do this IN PURPLE
@quintopia confirm
@El'endiaStarman The post has been updated with B_n for n in [0,60]. I used Wolfram to generate them and Python to format them, so it's possible something got lost in translation - let me know if you see anything off.
@quartata Purple is Turing-Complete...so you can do anything in it as long as it's computable!
@AlexA. yeah
So you have f(x) where x is an n-dimensional vector, say x = (x1, x2, ... xn). And for some vector y, you want to find lim dist(x, y) -> 0 of f(x).
Think of x and y as points in n-dimensional space. Then x is approaching y (their distance is going to 0) just as a single variable would approach a point in a univariate case.
@quartata The obvious way to write a Purple self-interpreter probably wouldn't work though
@AlexA. no I understand the definition. I wasn't sure how the lim of g(x) as f(x) -> 0 would work
dist(a,b) is the f(x)here
You just have to reformulate it as a variable approaching a point (x -> y), which is equivalent to dist(x, y) -> 0.
Next question: How can I run Mathematica code without buying Mathematica?
@Mego Get Methamphetica, my FOSS implementation of Mathematica.
@AlexA. ok now I'm just curious about how the limit as f(x) -> 0 would work ;P
cuz the epsilon-delta definition would be like "for all f(x) such that f(x) within delta" and can you pick arbitrary f(x)'s?
@AlexA. linkydink?
@Mego I was just trying to make a joke out of a reference to illegal drugs.
A: Bernoulli Numbers

El'endia StarmanMinkolang 0.14, 97 bytes I actually tried doing it recursively first, but my interpreter, as currently designed, actually can't do it. If you try to recurse from within a for loop, it starts a new recursion. So I went for the tabulating approach...which had precision problems. So I did the whole...

I want a bounty for this. -_-
This was surprisingly hard. o_o
@AlexA. Oh, I'm (digitally) running around like a madman trying to collect stuff to test submissions, and I didn't get the joke :P
@El'endiaStarman How about a "good job" and a thumbs up?
And change that downvote to an upvote! :P
Already did
Yayyy. :)
@Maltysen In general I don't think you can arbitrarily take the limit of a function as another function goes to 0, for example. But in this case you can say: For all e > 0, there exists d > 0 such that if 0 < |dist(x, y)| < d, then |f(x) - L| < e.
Q: So what actually defines something as a "new" programming language?

Ashwin GuptaSo the title pretty much says it, but I'll repeat: What actually defines something as a "new" programming language and not just a library of functions for an existing language? I know that golf languages like Japt and Pyth are written through Javascript and Python, but what makes them fundamental...

@AlexA. ohhhhh thanks so much! that clears it up.
So that makes sense now?
I was trying to plug it in to the epsilon-delta definition and that wasn't working. But this makes sense.

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