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6:03 AM
@Johannes_B sorry was out when you asked.
\providecommand{\authorshipname}{Auteur} %not sure what you wanna say by this one (If you give some details I'll modify it)
\providecommand{\byname}{par}% as in: submitted by
\providecommand{\abbrevname}{Liste des abréviations}
\providecommand{\constantsname}{Constantes physiques}
\providecommand{\symbolsname}{Liste des symboles}
2 hours later…
7:55 AM
@RomainPicot authorshipname holds a string like Declaration of authorship` to say *Yes, i did the work, cited everything and stuff.
@cfr Those are strings needed in a template, i guess nobody will use those inside normal text.
@Johannes_B It's for what kind of document? A thesis, an article, ... ?
8:24 AM
@RomainPicot Thesis template.
@Johannes_B It could be translate by "Déclaration sur l'honneur" if the text that follows explain it. It's commonly used in France to say I declare on my honor that I have done something. And if it's not true you lose you honor of course ;-)
@Johannes_B And btw, I'm looking for a Thesis template if you want I can look at it to "test" it :-P
@RomainPicot Thanks.
@RomainPicot Oh please don't use templates.
@Johannes_B Why did you create one in this case? :-P
@RomainPicot I didn't. I just provided some patches.
@Johannes_B A language patch? And nothing about don't use a template?
8:34 AM
@Johannes_B I don't think that it makes sense, to define single words in this context.
The plonk doesn't plonk me anymore.
@RomainPicot I cannot simply wipe them from the net.
@UlrikeFischer To be honest, me neither. At least not for \byname. The others are mainly used in titles.
9:31 AM
@Johannes_B The plonk seems to have disappeared.
@egreg That one i got. It seems to randomly work. I blame my machine.
@Johannes_B Yes, just now it plonked!
did that work?
@DavidCarlisle Yes, it plonked, but just once.
@egreg shame, not annoying enough.
9:35 AM
Oh no, we are down!
@PauloCereda We? ;-)
9:53 AM
@PauloCereda I was down too, no stackexchange site worked for 10 minutes - scaring.
10:20 AM
@egreg I hope i don't get a heart attack from that freaking Thesis.cls one day.
@Johannes_B Take it easy. Just now I saw a class that loads epsfig.
@egreg Yay :-D
@egreg another one of my excellent packages.
10:49 AM
Interesting problem, assume given
Then run

A = B

Why doesn't I get an option clash?
11:00 AM
@UlrikeFischer Scaring indeed. :)
11:26 AM
@daleif because the option checking code is excessively simple and easily fooled.
11:38 AM
@DavidCarlisle ok, so there is not much we can do. I got an email with a bug report on \usepackage[fleqn]{mathtools} being loaded after kpfonts or datatool and fleqn was not active at all. I did not notice the actual problem until I actually replaced mathtools with amsmath then I got an option clash.
@daleif there are several aspects of the package loading that aren't right in some respects (it was one of the first things we did and naturally at the time we didn't have any real examples of packages with options) touching that code would affect the loading of every package so just being suboptimal isn't enough of a reason to change it, it would need to be positively dangerous:-)
@DavidCarlisle I'll add a note to mathtools at the net update (just uploaded the last one yeasterday)
Sadly, Barbara actually found another "feature" in multlined which I'll need advise on when I get to it.
12:09 PM
Overleaf twittered about a new template and i have to say: I am amused :-) overleaf.com/latex/templates/lab-template/…
@Johannes_B Oh dear
@JosephWright Did you get to the very bottom?
@Johannes_B No, I got as far as \usepackage{hyperref} and this told me enough
@JosephWright Oh, that means you didn't see epsfig and the wonderful GO HORNETS ascii-art at the bottom. :-)
@Johannes_B Actually, I'd already made my mind up before I got to hyperref
@Johannes_B Yes
@Johannes_B DONT CHANGE ANYTHING BEFORE THE "TITLE" SECTION. was probably my favourite
12:17 PM
@JosephWright :-D
12:31 PM
@Johannes_B \Large{...}
@DavidCarlisle Didn't even see that :-)
@Johannes_B so I just tried editing the wikibook thing (on \fontsize) as an unregistered user. How does the review thing work? It looks like the edit just went live straight away?
@DavidCarlisle I have no idea who reviews right now. One can apply to get immediate review rights, otherwise it is kinda a reputation thing after x succesful edits.
@DavidCarlisle (the use on 1em as baselineskip was weird (it will use the value of 1em at the point the declaration is made, not a value suitable for a 5cm font. the statement that ypu need to change font family to get scalable fonts was incor)
@DavidCarlisle I see this as the latest draft.
@DavidCarlisle looking at 2.1 global structure, there is a i take your hand and lead you description of what a document class is and what the preamble is. Isn't that what the Basics section should contain, especially since it reads: This tutorial is aimed at getting familiar with the bare bones of LaTeX.
1:25 PM
@Johannes_B They're being used in customised versions of \ref, though. So I take it the idea is that you can say e.g. 'As I showed in \customrefcommand{label}`, all elephants taller than 5km are pink. But that isn't going to work because the name needs to mutate in some cases in some sentential contexts. Equation is OK because it is not subject to mutation regardless, so the dictionary form is always correct. But the name for sections is potentially problematic, for example.
@cfr Ah, now i know what you mean. I bet nobody will ever use those comands, they are leftovers from the very very irst ecsthesis class back in the day.
@Johannes_B Do you plan to remove them? If so, I can give you translations if I can find your original comment to get the list.
This is why something like fancyref can't be generally translated into a language like Welsh. (Not sure about cleverref but probably similar in that case.)
@cfr If i remove everything i don't like, the template would just load a class and don't do anything else.
1:41 PM
@Johannes_B But these conflict with packages people are very likely to want to use. For example, doesn't cleverref define \cref?
@cfr Not sure, need to check. If it does, this is a good excuse to get rid of that part. But then again, a template like this will always be buggy.
1:57 PM
@Johannes_B \cref and \sref will both cause problems in Welsh. Especially \cref. 'P' is subject to all three kinds of mutation so there are 4 different versions you might want: pennod, bennod, mhennod, phennod and it will change the preceding word, as well, in certain cases. 'In chapter...' is such a case: 'yn' is 'in' but 'in chapter...' must be 'ym mhennod'.
\providecommand{\equationname}{Hafaliad}% not subject to mutation
\providecommand{\sectionname}{Rhan}% Part ** subject to mutation **; chapter (pennod) is also ** subject to mutation **
\providecommand{\authorshipname}{Datganiad Pwy Oedd Awdur}% Declaration of who was author (I don't think 'authorship' is appropriate here as the only translation I've found is almost certainly an abstract noun)
\providecommand{\byname}{gan}% David Copperfield by Charles Dickens (is this the required sense?)
\providecommand{\abbrevname}{Rhestr Byrfoddau}
I am not at all confident about the translation of 'Declaration of Authorship', though. Also, my translation of \sectionname is problematic because this is what you'd want for \partname, too. But I'm not sure that there is much to be done about that.
@cfr I would simply suggest to leave sectionname empty. I'll was just about doing a bit of checking. As far as i see it, this custom ref commands defined in the template are worthless. hyperref is loaded and can do the same with autoref.
@JosephWright does the mod can ban for an innapropriate name? Because I've seen one (answer flag as not an answer but not for his name)
@cfr Thanks for the translations. Looks like complete randomness to me :-)
@RomainPicot I've reset the name
@JosephWright You can remove my last sentence to avoid a bad word on the history even if it's in a link ;-) . Thank you for the name reset :-)
2:05 PM
@JosephWright same was in his image in his one answer which I deleted (which is flagged as a non-answer)
@DavidCarlisle sorry have not seen the picture (the proxy at work doesn't accept picture from imgur)
@DavidCarlisle I can also see the email address used for the account: it's 'interesting'
@RomainPicot you didn't miss much:-)
@DavidCarlisle an edit to hide the picture at least ;-)
2:32 PM
@cfr \providecommand{\duckname}{hwyaden} :)
@PauloCereda we'll have to invoke Joseph's powers again to erase more inappropriate words:-)
@DavidCarlisle What did I do?!
@PauloCereda used vim.
@DavidCarlisle oh no! :)
2:49 PM
Q: !LaTeX Error: There's no line here to end

lordxeus! LaTeX Error: There's no line here to end. I need help for resolver it problem my code don't want compile i believe that error is little thing but for me no is evident. I need help me to understand this code please \newcommand\makeintropagesnorm{ \ifx\@eslang\@empty \@maketitlepageen...

^^^^^ i knew there was a reason i hate the fact that \newcommand is automatically considered "long".
@barbarabeeton There was recently a discussion about that on the latex-refman list :-)
3:07 PM
@barbarabeeton Cf. Approach for \NewDocumentCommand :-)
Oh, god...
@ilFuria Something relaxing for you tex.stackexchange.com/questions/278056/…
3:34 PM
I'd better get back to work... :)
@Johannes_B btw: I admire the comments on that post, I wouldn't have known where to begin!
@ilFuria Months of endless pain and self torture. github.com/johannesbottcher/templateConfusion/blob/master/…
@Johannes_B Obviously I knew the infamous template... but I never really looked into it! I'm speechless.
@egreg your answer is far too modern, I'm sure the tick will be mine
@DavidCarlisle A specimen of good typography!
@egreg as ever
3:51 PM
@egreg Your version looks uglier which in this case means winning, i assume?
@Johannes_B I gave one more choice, so I'll certainly win.
@David: If I add a tag in ResearchGate, will you endorse me? :P
@Johannes_B Unfortunately, Comic Sans has no small caps.
@egreg even better, let's uppercase all letters! :)
@PauloCereda I think I have hit spam so often thunderbird has stopped showing me most RG messages, so probably I wouldn't see the endorse suggestion.
3:54 PM
@DavidCarlisle :)
@egreg never fear:
I'm not sure I want to pay £88 to be able to use comic sans small caps.
@egreg: ^^ :)
@DavidCarlisle I can use @PauloCereda's credit card.
@egreg I think we spent all that already.
4:09 PM
@DavidCarlisle The uglier version, as I said.
@egreg The customer is always right
@DavidCarlisle LOL
@DavidCarlisle Yes, especially when they tick the right answer. :P
I'd think that \afterpage is needed in 0.00001% of documents and \newgeometry needed in a similar amount, so the number of documents needing \newgeometry in \afterpage should be ... small.... — David Carlisle 12 secs ago
5:04 PM
@clemens @ChristianHupfer golatex.de/viewtopic,p,78083.html#78083
A tip for LaTeX class that I may use for a thesis? (do not say thesis.cls pleas :-P)
@RomainPicot memoir.
@RomainPicot Or scrbook, or plain old book.
@TorbjørnT. was thinking to memoir so I'll use it. Thank you :-)
5:20 PM
@RomainPicot Good choice. All you need for a thesis is provided by the aforementioned classes. Extra stuff you need is provided by packages.
@RomainPicot minimal.cls?
@DavidCarlisle perhaps a little be limited ;-)
@RomainPicot but it comes highly recommended with an author of impeccable character.
@Johannes_B: I rarely follow links to GoLaTeX
@ChristianHupfer It is a short post that made me wonder.
5:24 PM
@DavidCarlisle well, not me then ;-)
@Johannes_B A post on scrbook? You know that I am not interested really in KOMA so what's the point of directing me there? ;-)
@ChristianHupfer There is no mention of KOMA-script in the post i linked to.
12pt, % Schriftgroesse 12pt
a4paper, % Layout fuer Din A4
german, % deutsche Sprache, global
twoside, % Layout fuer beidseitigen Druck
headinclude, % Kopfzeile wird Seiten-Layouts mit beruecksichtigt
headsepline, % horizontale Linie unter Kolumnentitel
plainheadsepline, % horizontale Linie auch beim plain-Style
BCOR12mm, % Korrektur fuer die Bindung
DIV18, % DIV-Wert fuer die Erstellung des Satzspiegels, siehe scrguide
@Johannes_B: Really ? ;-)
@Johannes_B: Well anyway, I've got no time for this -- I do not have even time for TeX.SX right now :-(
5:44 PM
Moin und danke für eure schnellen Antworten, Männers! Alles sehr interessant. Habe jetzt aber einfach ganz klassisch nen Reset gemacht, also MiKTeX und Texmaker neu installiert --> #Läuft, Digger!
Trotzdem danke für eure Hilfe!
Over and out.
@ChristianHupfer Really ^^^^^
6:22 PM
Seen the latest treasure on c.t.t.? \newcommand{\ba}{\begin{align}}\newcommand{\ea}{\end{align}}
good morning
is it possible to have a two-column layout where each column has "individual" pagebreaks? I'd like to fill the left column of my document with data and have it break to the left column of the second page when necessary. same for the right column
6:54 PM
@Christoph yes, with restrictions look for packages such as parallel and paracol
@DavidCarlisle great, thank you!
@Christoph Another alternative could be package scrlayer-notecolumn
7:11 PM
@Johannes_B Anyway, the first stuff of that thread dealt with KOMA.
@ChristianHupfer But i linked to the very last post. My thought was: Rotzbengel
@Johannes_B You could that with a lot of other posts here.... No, I don't want to have those links ;-)
@ChristianHupfer By the way: Today is unclear question day, it's gota be today's date.
@Johannes_B I haven't looked much on the main site... No time to answer questions.
7:16 PM
@ChristianHupfer Exams? new job? got a cat? a new model train set? :-)
@Johannes_B No new job unfortunately, only extra work at school, unpaid of course
@ChristianHupfer unpaid :-( go on strike
@Johannes_B ;-) Beamte mustn't go on strike
@ChristianHupfer Schließ dich im Leherzimmer ein und schmeiß mit Papierfliegern aus dem Fenster. Schrei dazu laut irgendwas seltsames. Nuschle dann Dieser Streß, dieser Druck und du kommst ein paar Wochen nach Hawaii :-P
@clemens Why, why? Why another open construction site? de.wikibooks.org/wiki/LaTeX-Kompendium:_Schnellkurs
@Johannes_B Ich will gar nicht nach Hawaii
7:33 PM
@ChristianHupfer Me neither.
7:47 PM
I guess best is to close as unclear? The given solution in a comment is unclear for me ...
Q: Texshop, unable to include graphic

Jessica MeynellI am completely new to LaTeX and I am having a few issues. I am trying to include a graph from Matlab in my text. I have tried to use the command \includegraphhics{} I have made sure that the file name is exactly the same, and it is saved in the same directory. However, I keep receiving the err...

8:07 PM
@JosephWright hadn't actually, not much can be done about that?
@DavidCarlisle Nope
@JosephWright \let\edef\@undefined
8:48 PM
user image
@RomainPicot yay!
100 000 questions on TeX.SE
(and Yes I've waited for this :-P)
@RomainPicot @egreg failed to manage I see.
@DavidCarlisle He only answered 10% of the questions (@egreg)
@RomainPicot I have no support from other supposed TeXperts.
I'm watching the match Belgium-Italy; an advertisement appears from time to time in a corner of the screen and it's written in Comic Sans.
9:06 PM
@egreg that the most exciting thing of the match to report?
@DavidCarlisle Almost.
@egreg try watching cricket instead
@DavidCarlisle No Comic Sans?
@egreg cricket adverts only use computer modern
9:32 PM
Just made my friend agree that LaTeX is both awful and awesome
10:14 PM
I love the power of write18!!!
10:34 PM
@yo' Are you in Paris?
@StefanKottwitz Not now, will be there for 3 days the week after the next week, why?
@yo' Ah, so you are safe. Things happen there.
Oh, goodness!
@StefanKottwitz :(
10:52 PM
@egreg I pray for our French friends there. I just started to learn French to support our French TeX friends via TeXnique.fr and TikZ.fr.
@StefanKottwitz I hope that @RomainPicot is fine, he lives in Paris from what I see!
So far I haven't got any bad news about my friends. But some of them live like 2 minutes walk from place de la République!
@yo' Let's just hope they are ok and not part of this insanity.
@Johannes_B indeed.
@DavidCarlisle are you saying that the option is being used and I am just fooling the option checking code? If so, is there a way to tell the option checking code that the option is being used?
11:21 PM
@StrongBad I could trace exactly what's happening but it's a bit late:-) I'd declare the options in the class (and explictly pass them on if needed), my answer was more a general comment that "it does what it does" and tracing isn't necessarily informative.
11:33 PM
@StrongBad you could do this in the class:
@StrongBad but it's probably clearer to declare a figures option in the class

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