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How to expand a BezierFunction?
3 hours later…
@kirma Are you looking for something like this?: mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/29633/…
Q: DO I really need to log out of MMA SE to use another identity in other SE fora?

PeltioUp until a couple of weeks ago I was logged in SE with two different identities. This one for MMA, Math, Physics and a 'secret' one for drugs, weapons and sex (or something like that...). I was able to move from one website to the other keeping my respective identities (no action was required). S...

Hi, a quick question: How can I calculate the product of two mcomplex numbers in LibraryLink?
For example
mcomplex a,b,c;
c = a*b
When compiling, it complains that "no operator "*" matches these operands operand types are: mcomplex * mcomplex"
@MichaelE2 Time-old question remains: why no FunctionExpand?
@kirma "That's not my department." ;-P Yeah, it seems so simple, too. Not enough people asking for it?
@MichaelE2 I sort of find it strange. It is not that complicated!
What's the general procedure in cases like the following, where I erred on the side of giving a complete answer which I'm not at all sure OP understands? Should I have answered the follow-up question in the comments? mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/89082/…
@ArnoudBuzing What do you think of this? It must have come up at some point before, I guess it's known to WRI.
2 hours later…
Strange. No operator form for SplitBy.
2 hours later…
Is someone around who can test whether the shortcut Alt+} for matching {} does work in 10.2? For me it seems broken
2 hours later…
@Zviovich I believe verbeia and acalvitti are going.
@PatrickStevens you can do that. Comments on M.SE seem to be less second class citizens than on other SE sites. You van always add edits or updates, preferably marked as such, to your original answer.
@halirutan works fine on windows ...
@RolfMertig god damn it..
@RolfMertig But I found an even more evil thing. I can make that the whole FE doesn't accept any characters from the keyboard anymore.
I can reproduce it with only one input line :-) Thats the best part. Need to make a screen cast of it.
@halirutan But you are on Linux and MacOSX, right? I find that the FrontEnd still works best on Windows (though I have not used much 10.2 on Linux and MacOSX).
need to go ... bye
@RolfMertig Linux is worst.

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