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4:05 AM
aviation.stackexchange.com/questions/3489/… this question is made 1000x better with the Cloud-to-Butt extension installed
5 hours later…
9:10 AM
@SentryRaven Nice!!
I think you have done more than 10 now. Soon you'll have flooded the whole front page with new question titles :-)
I am in a flow...
I just hope I didn't change any question too much...
How often does the query update though? I find an already changed question occasionally...
The data in data.stackexchange.com is update once a week, on Monday
the search bar though is much more often
Lovely. :)
Yesterday I did quite some random spinning of my scroll wheel and clicked a question to be edited so you'll occasionally find one of my improvements. I think @fooot did some as well yesterday.
9:16 AM
I'll leave some for others ;)
I think you did about 35, that should about cover the 50 per week target for this week.
Well, 15 to go then :P
As you said, leave some for others, they can cover 15 :-)
I am finding at lot of MH370 questions...
Well, at least I earned the excavator badge...
I think we had a whole bunch of new users around that time. Most of them outside aviation, few of them acquainted with the Stackexchange websites. Not a suprise
Haha, there is some reward in your work
is it bronze or silver?
9:31 AM
My activity page looks like I had some sort of disorder with having to make titles pretty...
OCD or something
Yep, but few people look at that. The frontpage tells the same story though...
Hehe.... well, you gotta have your hobbies..
9:49 AM
@SentryRaven congrats on the Strunk & White, well deserved
What is "Strunk & White"? Never heard that before...
And I think my favorite question will be this here: "How do you encode the ILS03L approach from KEA VOR in ARINC-424 at Athens (LGAV)?"
That is essentially the entire question in one title :P
I had to look it up myself too when I earned it. It is an (American) English style and grammar guide.
Yeah, I just googled it. Not a bad badge
I think that question could be phrased in a more generic way. How do you encode a radial to radial turn in ARINC-424? Because that is essentially what he is looking for. And it helps Google to point people with a similar problem on a different approach chart to it the question
Good point
10:09 AM
Okay, I went through the list one now and tackled everything that looke remotely like something I can understand the question and rephrase the title. More on Monday then.
And the first page is all mine, YARR!!!
The whole frontpage is drowned with your edits now ;-) Never mind, the last question asked was irrelevant anyway. It is a major improvement. Kudos to @SteveV. to bring it up.
I was looking at some of the other sites and some are really bad with question titles. I like the way ours looks now.
It certainly give the impression that someone showed me the edit button today and I went all "ooh, shiney!" on it!
10:49 AM
@egid I lost it at "Related: How can I tell how far I am from a butt?"
Even worse, the private encryption key accompanying the Superfish-signed Transport Layer Security certificate appears to be the same for every Lenovo machine.
4 hours later…
2:30 PM
@falstro wow...
@falstro tl;dr some PC distributors put their own cert as root preinstalled which allows them to MitM
2:50 PM
@ratchetfreak Yeah, they ship a trusted root certificate, but not only that, they ship the private key, and a tool that automatically generates a certificate to impersonate the site you're visiting (e.g. your bank), and reencrypts the data using that. Your browser trusts it because of the trusted root certificate, since it can't know that your bank doesn't use that root as a CA
3:21 PM
sometimes MIL specifications really surprise me: simulated wind gusts have a start, but not an end. And they are defined in body axes (i.e., traverse gust will always be traverse, no matter the heading). Or, at least, this according to the official Matlab implementation.
"official" implementations are rarely to exact spec
especially when the spec is by committee and the same committee is writing the implementation
http://www.dtic.mil/dtic/tr/fulltext/u2/a119421.pdf (pag. 177 of pdf, i.e. pag. 166 of doc)
they are
the "only" issue is that the documentation of Matlab is highly inaccurate w.r.t. the MIL doc
(groan, realized now I did not posted what I intended)
"they are" not the same, Matlab definitely did not write the MIL specs in 1980
3:54 PM
@SentryRaven I'm not sure if I agree with your edit about using relation in place of journey.
@Farhan I agree, that confused me, but I can't think of anything I want to replace it with right now.
@fooot Journey is better but I understand that it doesn't convey the complete meaning either.
4:11 PM
@Farhan Why do you think Relation does not fit?
@SentryRaven I'm not question why. I just wanted to ask about how?
Now you are confusing me :)
in that question, "relation" makes no sense to me. m2c
but english is not my first language
Might be wrong in my head, but I have heard relation being used for bus connectons or flight connections before, even in other langauges...
I changed it to Why are different routes flown between the the same pair of airports?
And now excuse me, I am trying to depart EBBR here...
@SentryRaven Hold on first. Are you starting a journey from Brussels or a relation?
4:21 PM
I could be embarking on a journey here....
4:44 PM
@Federico …there's not a "duration"? (or a specification for its randomness?)
5:22 PM
@voretaq7 you guys have any Lenovo servers? :)
@falstro Nopers
Couple of guys with Lenovo notebooks though
All our servers are Iron Systems (rebadged Supermicro, with a warranty & factory support)
Are they affected by the superfish fiasco?
The guys with the notebooks I mean
Ah Lenovo has started releasing bogus statements I see
@falstro Not sure, because (like you just said) Lenovo has started shoveling the Blowing Snow so I'm not sure we can trust them at all
Our machines are wiped to bare metal before they go live anyway so we should be unaffacted
5:51 PM
@SentryRaven Where is this list of which you speak?
6:08 PM
@FreeMan Which list did I speak of?
Do you mean this list?
@SentryRaven That does appear to be the list I was inquiring about. I was wondering why all these old questions suddenly appeared on the top of the current list. Once I figured that out, I wondered why the titles were being edited. Now I know.
Earlier today I said something similar. People that do not see the context of why I did it, might think I have OCD or something.
potentially... :)
@voretaq7 shoveling blowing snow is truly counterproductive, analogies aside :(
@casey This is why it's particularly apt for Lenovo
6:20 PM
@voretaq7 agreed
I cant wait to see how they rationalize this one
or if they'll eventually just come out and say "Guys, we're based in China, are you really surprised? Btw, your data is safe with Chairman Mao"
Would be awkward if Lenovo's preloaded antivirus detected the preloaded malware. Luckily, McAfee prevented that from happening. #superfish
LENOVO CUSTOMERS: If you can see this website, your computer is vulnerable. Instructions on how to fix are provided. https://canibesuperphished.com/
it is good that she linked that, but for chrome at least, the result may confuse the people that are easily confused
@casey Yeah she followed up after that
ah, i missed that one
6:44 PM
I can't help but think "leave https alone you #^$/tards, you don't know what you're doing, because if you did you wouldn't be doing it"
@falstro they knew what they were doing. You dont accidentally present a self signed root CA auto-generated on the fly, with decrypt/encrypt from the real certificate without understanding how TLS works
@falstro Oh this one is clearly malicious intent.
That's not knowing what you're doing. that's googling "how do i get around https"
absolutely. It is the answer to the question "how do we subvert https / TLS encryption in a way the user won't notice"
@falstro its one thing to google it and another to actually implement it and ship it on a large scale
thats why I build! (except laptops). If you want to ship me malware you better do it on the hard disk firmware!
Ending up exposing every single customers bank connection is not knowing what you're doing. But i guess the point is moot since they don't actually know that they don't know what they're doing :p
@casey you mean like intels remote administration stuff? ;)
6:51 PM
@falstro i was thinking more of the "equation group" of recent news
Ah right.
Love this comment on ars technica:
"The relationship with Superfish is not financially significant,"

Translation: We were willing to throw our customers under a bus for very little money.
@falstro If it was your intent it's certainly knowing what you're doing...
Question: Do you think pilots who are learning in the digital age are disadvantaged by not knowing about things like chart margins, the legends & abbreviations in the TPP, the pages of notes in the front of the AFD, etc.?
(I'm specifically thinking in re: this question about S-ILS -- I knew the 'S' bit from the terminal procedures book, and I would know where to turn to find it if I had a physical TPP book, but I actually had to think about where on faa.gov I'd find that part of the book, and if I'd never seen the book I might not have even thought to look there.)
7:19 PM
Some people are really getting active in editing older posts.
A good thing!
@FreeMan I completed my journey. Or relation. Or both...
@SentryRaven relation sounds really weird in that context in general, do you have a link to the actual text?
No, I cannot remember where I could have seen that. And wikipedia also says I am totally on the wrong path there...
7:42 PM
@voretaq7 they should know S-ILS if instrument rated. It is in the minimums box on every single charted ILS approach published by the FAA
e.g. the minimums for 22L @ EWR are specified for "S-ILS 22L", "S-LOC 22L", "SIDESTEP RWY 22R" and "CIRCLING"
well, not all of them
@casey yeah, I know what it is when I see it on an IAP. Listed in a NOTAM I might have had trouble making the connection though
the approaches unto ASE do not have straight in mimums, so no "S-" stuff
@falstro true
@SentryRaven congrats on completing your relational journey. If only I had an idea what y'all were on about.
No idea either...
7:54 PM
@falstro is that the largest KS funded?
not sure
My only reference were a few games that finished somewhere near 4M or so
its projects like that where you really hope the creators estimated their costs correctly and can scale up production
7:59 PM
@Farhan that is... amazing
8:10 PM
Oooh, Superfish has released a statement:
"It is important to note: Superfish is completely transparent in what our software does and at no time were consumers vulnerable—we stand by this today. Lenovo will be releasing a statement later today with all of the specifics that clarify that there has been no wrongdoing on our end."
"at no time where consumers vulnerable"... uhm... wat?
@falstro FishFishFishPhishFishFishFish!
Ars comments come through again:
"We have thoroughly investigated this technology and do not find any evidence to substantiate security concerns."

I guess the investigation was...

Yeah, sounds phishy to be honest...
9:21 PM
@voretaq7 nope, as you can see in the MIL document (but at least in the MIL is specified why, while in the Matlab implementation this is totally ignored and thus made useless)
@Federico I refuse to read MIL specs on the grounds that I have no whisky in my office.
@fooot @SentryRaven @Pondlife and whoever else is editing titles, IMHO not every title needs to be in question form.
@voretaq7 heh. Incidentally, I have whiskey in my office... maybe I should read some MIL specs
@voretaq7 I whish I could say that
@falstro You'll find the whisky disappears quickly.
@Federico You can say whatever you want, but your doctor may overrule you when you develop liver damage :)
9:25 PM
@voretaq7 it's not mine though
@falstro That's never stopped me…
@voretaq7 yeah, no, I was referring to the "I refuse to read MIL specs" part :P
MIL spec. Is that Military specification or Mother-In-Law specification? Important to know the difference..
@FreeMan Not really - both will give you a headache.
@FreeMan I doubt you'll have a choice in the latter.
9:38 PM
@Farhan Divorce. :)
@voretaq7 Baby, I don't like your mom. Let's get married!!!
@Farhan Marriage is already a bad idea - there's not even tax benefits anymore! :P
@Federico I agree, if the question seems clear enough as it is I leave it alone. Question form just helps spot the vague ones. Feel free to weigh in on the Meta question.
@voretaq7 When were there tax benefits?
9:54 PM
@Federico I'm not really part of the Great Rephrasing (TM) - some of us have real work to do ;-) - but I've been retagging a few things as they pop up. Although my personal opinion is that most titles are better as questions; it helps to focus on one specific point
@Farhan there still are actually (I think if you're a one-income family you can both have an IRA and deduct for the married limit)
but since none of that has really kept pace with inflation and the like it's kind of a shit benefit
certainly not worth having to remember an anniversary and birthday :P
@Pondlife Are you coining this term: Great Rephrasing™ ?
10:12 PM
I prefer Great Clarification.
@fooot I like Great Clarification better!
10:35 PM

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