@ArthurFischer I have noticed in your profile: "I'm trying to slowly edit/delete all my HINT answers from the site. I am also trying to stay away from giving hint answers in the future."
I wonder whether you consider hint-answers bad in general or it is just your personal policy.
I am probably not going to change your mind about it, but answers I have seen many very good answers on the site, so I would consider it a loss for the site if your answers are removed.
@MartinSleziak I'm becoming less and less a fan of HINT answers on this site. In part because I feel it breeds HINT answers by users that probably don't have the ability to give appropriate hints for the particular question they've chosen to answer, or hints that are so opaque they can hardly be seen as giving any advice to the OP.
Thanks to "disputed low quality review" flags, I come across numerous examples of these every day, and the net effect has been to sour my opinion on these types of answers in general.
It's just a personal quest right now. A very slow quest. (Those I would prefer to delete are those given to questions which are of dubious value, and those which have been filled out by other users.)
@MartinSleziak Yeah. Being a mod really opened my eyes to the underside of this site. It's not all pretty, unfortunately.
Niether meta nor the main site is working for me. (The connection has timed out.) Is it just me or do other people have the same problem?
It's quite sad that I have stuff to do in the real world, and yet I am hanging around here, despite the fact that the only part of site that is working is chat.
I don't think that such an extreme measure is needed.
I vaguely recall that somebody requested in their profile ban from the site for some period of time, so that they can concentrate on other things. But I do not know who it was and what happened with that request.
@ArthurFischer Will it have some consequences for me? I mean if I later do some actual offense, will having been banned from chat have some weight on deciding what to do with me.
If you really want to try it out, I am ok with being a lab rat. (But not for longer than a few hours, please.)
@MartinSleziak Can't guarantee it will not affect you if later you decide to start spamming the chatrooms with, say, racist messages. I can annotate your account to the effect that you were willingly banned "for science", but it's not the most visible thing and could be missed. Better to practice a little self-control (more than I am demonstrating at this time).
I pretty much doubt that I will be posting racist comments.
@ArthurFischer As I said, if you want to try the interface for that, feel free to do so. If you think it is completely unnecessary, we can simply leave the matter. (If you don't have reason to use it in the future, that's even better.)
@MartinSleziak If I was really curious about this I could set up another account, answer/ask a question or two to earn enough rep to join chat, ban it to see how it works, and then delete the account.
(Actually, step two could be skipped by explicitly inviting the user to a chatroom.)
@ArthurFischer Ahhh the time I was surprised and exclaimed it with a profanity. Thanks! Is it true you have IP logs for every user login that is from the same IP? I imagine that would be interesting based on university logins
That wasn't phrased well. Is it true that if A and B login from the same IP, it will link them on some admin/mod page?