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Well, I'm flying outa here. I've got a carpe to diem!
I gotta go too.
@JasperLoy it isn't :/
@Venus finally found a book that treats a bit on asymptotic and some probabilistic methods see: www.ams.org/bookstore/pspdf/stml-71-toc.pdf but i can't find it online : ((
@PedroTamaroff Do you know if Caratheodory's theorem has an extension to multiply connected Jordan domains?
math.stackexchange.com/questions/1086993/… the comment/answer is upvoted, but the question isn't!
I hate this site! I will never break 2k!
I have an answer on a question with 5 upvotes and no upvotes
A: Number of ways to arrange $n$ items in $m$ positions with grouping of the items

Jorge FernándezThere is another way to do it. You first divide the $n-k$ non-selected positions into $g+1$ blocks so that the $g-1$ middle blocks have at least one non-selected item each. By stars and bars there are $\binom{n-k+1}{g}$ ways to do this, after this separate the $k$ selected items into $\binom{k-...

@AlecTeal the main point of this site is to make a collection of useful informations, not to have lots of reputation ; )
Yeah but it'd be nice to have a hope of hitting 2k
My most upvoted answer is an analysis question that was so easy I could answer it!
All the good questions get no attention
/me gives @JorgeFernández a sympathy upvote for the git with 11k rep!
DanielFisher deserves three upvotes on each of his answers, the first one for his sympathy, the second one for his mastery of the subject, and the third one because he's too damn awesome!
I don't think I've had the chance to get an answer from him yet.
Careful you don't get Cherry Blossom poisoning @user153330
@AlecTeal am very serious
@DanielFischer is there something like the function in facebook where you can see your interaction with another user? Like look at questions in which you both commented or comments on your posts by that user or visceversa? I think that would be uber-cool. @PedroTamaroff
@DonLarynx gonna group-theory the shit out of problem 281
@JorgeFernández I think there is such a query on SEDE, but I'm not sure. It's not something the Stack Exchange sites were made for (on the contrary, rather).
what do you mean on the contrary?
do what you gotta do @Jorge
@Behaviour Does a conformal map between two (possibly multiply connected) bounded Jordan domains extend continuously to the boundary curves?
@MikeMiller Yes, continuous extension to the boundary is a local issue; its existence depends on the structure of the boundary near a particular point. The other components don't matter.
(I assume you mean finitely many components).
Yes, I do.
I don't know the proof of Caratheodory's theorem so I don't know if what you said, with it in mind, should complete the proof.
One can derive this from the simply-connected version of the same fact. Fill in all holes except one, then map to a disk. Restore the holes. Now you have a conformal image of the same domain, but one of the boundary components is an analytic curve. Repeat for each boundary component. You get a domain bounded by analytic curves.
I posted here that I didn't know whether it had an extension to multiply connected domains. If you care to comment with your insight I'd appreciate it.
This was the proof I tried to write down, but the issue is that the original conformal map needn't extend to a conformal map of the filled-in region.
e.g. pick an annulus of the right radii, and take the map z \to 1/z.
I'm not trying to use the original conformal map here. Just transforming the domain into one with analytic boundaries.
Since the transformation is conformal and is a homeomorphism of closures, the problem reduces to the analytic case.
I can probably fill in the details. Thanks.
@MikeMiller But the question does not seem to be asking about continuity. It's just "boundary goes to boundary". That's true for any homeomorphism of open sets.
Yes, that's easy.
I made the assumption that it extends continuously to the boundary, because otherwise it's difficult to interpret what it should mean that boundary goes to boundary.
So the interesting question is when you can extend thus.
Please clarify what you mean by "take boundaries to boundaries". Presumably, it's a statement involving some limits; make it precise. — Behaviour 17 secs ago
@MikeMiller Since you're at UCLA, you should have Harmonic Measure by Garnett and Marshall nearby. There is a chapter on finitely connected domains there, and I'm pretty sure the result can be found in that chapter.
Amusingly I had a copy of that book precisely until I was at UCLA. I'll take a look when I return to campus.
Oh, I see the point, @Behaviour. Thanks.
@TedShifrin hi! :)
Any math.SE resolutions for 2015?
3k rep
0.1k rep
+1 @Huy gotta get those close vote privaleges
I'll race you!
I will probably delete my account.
@JasperLoy do so so that you concentrate on 2015 to study rudin and your holy books (the textbook challenge)
@quid Maybe to get all the WB 2015 hats.
@user153330 I won't be studying in 2015 anymore, sorry to disappoint you.
@Jasper Did you receive my e-mail?
@DonLarynx Yes, I did, thank you. Happy New Year.
@Jasper what are you going to do with your life?
It is not a resolution but I suspect I'll reach 20k next year.
@JasperLoy see below
@DonLarynx I wanted to start studying in 2015, but my mind got really messed up recently, and I am not sure why that happened. So right now, I won't be studying. I will be planning what to do for the rest of my life. I will see what changes I need to make in my life.
@user153330 Yes, I understand that. But it's really more complicated than that.
If you say so @Jasper.
That's a good resolution @Huy I hope it will work out.
@DonLarynx What about you? What are your plans for 2015?
You sound fearful @Jasper.
@MikeMiller will you miss any in 2014?
@DonLarynx I am. I do not know what is going to happen to me...
@Jasper to live my life to the fullest by participating in athletics, mathematics, and hosting parties at my place.
@JasperLoy that's normal, that's actually because you were near at starting to make something really big, but at the very last moment you had some doubts. all i can say is throw those stupid doubts out the window and start
@quid Depends on whether someone starts a message I post here at midnight UTC in 3 hrs.
Unfortunately, two are unattainable on MSE.
What is unattainable?
@MikeMiller Why do you like hats so much?
@DonLarynx What kind of athletics do you do?
@JasperLoy Intramural football and soccer
For the stars a message, well let us see if you have anything good to say ;-)
@DonLarynx Do you really call those athletics?
@quid Kofia is "first post on a site between 12/26 and 12/31". My first post on MSE was long ago, and thus I am disqualified. I got it for a post on Arqade.
@jasper: What do you mean?
@DonLarynx I used to run 4 km every day, when I was an undergrad.
And one is for commenting on a post of StackExchange employee Abby Hairboat. She has never posted on MSE.
@Jasper good for you kid, I run 10km a day with a soccer ball.
@DonLarynx Well, maybe we have different definitions of athletics, never mind.
@DonLarynx Have you found a new girlfriend?
@JasperLoy $\boldsymbol\Downarrow\boldsymbol\Downarrow\boldsymbol\Downarrow$
Thanks for the clarification on the hats!
@Jasper I'm not going to anytime soon.
@user153330 Thanks. Are you an undergrad?
@JasperLoy ye
Gladly. I am sure you are as passionate about these stupid pictures as I am, @quid. :)
It is quite fun. Though I take it more as a spectator sport.
At least I claim so to have an excuse for only having 12 or so.
@JasperLoy it's all in your head, if you really want to make great things you'll make them regardless of exterior agents i.imgur.com/G9dHxmQ.jpg
@user153330 You are right that it is all in my head. My head is messed up, do you know that?
@user153330 That book you are looking for is very specialised, so it is very hard to find a pdf.
@JasperLoy that looks like you're tired, get some vacations
@Jasper we've all been there, tighten up
@user153330 I have not been working for 7 years. This period, I did my best to get well and get on with life. But lots of shit happened these 7 years too, and often things got worse. The future seems hopeless. But I am hanging in there and trying to create some miracles with what little I have left.
@JasperLoy that's awesome, why? you have now nothing to loose! go and you'll succeed (if you want)
@user153330 stop wasting your ATP typing, he won't do it
@DonLarynx i think he can do it, in fact i'm sure he'll do it
@Jasper needs to let go of the past or else he'll die
@JasperLoy also don't start extremely, just step by step the important thing is consistency
@DonLarynx It's not that I don't want to get well. Some things are very hard to do. A man without a hand can never grow back a hand.
if you didn't have a hand you wouldn't be typing.
OK, just an example. Not referring to me.
dayum, 41 questions on the close votes review queue. Hop to it 3k+ users
I would if I had 3k :O
@user153330 You are a very optimistic guy.
Give me two hours, @JMoravitz.
I'm teasin y'all anyways. (not about the fact there are 41 in the queue though)
@JasperLoy no i'm quiet normal just like everyone just like you
@Jasper needs a miracle
on that note, quick notation question., what is the preferred typesetting for Big-Oh notation? \mathscr? \mathcal? somethin else?
@DonLarynx well he can make a miracle, doesn't he say: "there are miracles where you believe"
@user153330 The song is 'there can be miracles when you believe'.
@JasperLoy you just have to believe
Usually just O.
Never mathscr.
@MikeMiller Sometimes, it's hard to figure who you are talking to.
mathcal is rather popular, no?
Careful attention will give you the answer, @Jasper.
Yes, I guess. But never mathscr.
Merry new Years
Could we perhaps return to other subjects.
Beefore there are still more flags.
@Alizter Thanks, has 2015 arrived at your country?
Lol yeah, I've received like 4 flags
We could talk about Mathematics, as per the room title, I suppose.
@MikeMiller yeah right, when those that happen¡?
I see Don has been suspended.
Yes indeed, @quid. Consider $PO(1, n-1)$. If we consider the set of $m$-dimensional space-like vector subspaces of $\mathbb{R}^{1, n-1}$
@JasperLoy how can you see that?
we wish to show that $PO(1, n-1)$ is transitive is on this set. This is easy for time-like vector subspaces. Why, and what is the main difficulty when the subspaces are space-like?
@JorgeFernández By clicking on his chat account.
(I know the answer to the first, and the second, although I do not know how to workaround said difficulty.)
Oh, well I got like 5 flags, although I didn't respond to them
does he get banned if there are too many flags even if the flags are not reviewed?
This chat is so much better than real life.
Openly complaining about people asking for homework-help, discussing math and getting scolded at when not discussing math.
@AndrewThompson: How so?
Truly paradise.
Alright fellas. I think this discussion has reached its peak.
@AndrewThompson: You can just walk away IRL, if you don't want to discuss something outside of maths, no?
I am fond of both, but I think I quite like actual existence more.
@Huy I can, but then you're not conforming to social convention.
@MadaraUchiha yeah, we're on a new topic now.
Which you, to a certain degree, should.
In 5 minutes I'm in 2015!
@Chris'ssis yay!
@AndrewThompson: "I need to go now"
@AndrewThompson: Simple as that.
@Chris'ssis: 1 hour and 5 minutes in my timezone. :D
@JorgeFernández Indeed, too bad someone had to get banned for that to happen.
Be good ya'll
Well, I don't think he should be banned though, but it's just 30 min.
@Huy "I need to go now." "No you don't, you're just going to do more Rudin-exercises in the office. We know you."
@Huy Will you go on some party?
I usually spend new years with my parents friends.
@Chris'ssis Are you alone now?
and christmas with my extended family
I usually spend new years in a slightly drunken haze browsing the internet. (And I would not have it any other way.)
@Chris'ssis: No. Most of my friends are on holiday in the mountains or so with their families, and the friends that are here like to go clubbing, but on New Years that's a really bad idea because there are way more people and everything is way more expensive.
@Chris'ssis: I'll just watch the epic fireworks through my window, I suppose.
@Huy I see.
@Huy Hehe, good!!!
@Chris'ssis: What about you? Anything planned for the next two minutes?
@Huy Nothing special.
@JasperLoy With my mom.
@Chris'ssis: There's still some time on the clock.
@DanielFischer I had a question for robjohn since it's related to one of his answers. But he's not here. Interested?
Happy new year to you, @Chris'ssis :)
$$\Huge{\text{HAPPY NEW YEAR 2015 !!!}}$$
All the mods are flooding in.
@MikeMiller Thank you! Happy New Year!!! :-)
@Chris'ssis $$\Huge\tt HAPPY\quad NEW\quad YEAR\quad 2015\quad !!!$$
@RandomVariable Maybe, let's hear. But if it's about a difficult integral, robjohn is the more experienced.
So the people celebrating new years now live in GMT+2?
@user153330 Thank you! Happy New Year!!! :-)
@Chris'ssis best wishes for you dear Chris!!
@user153330 The same for you!!! I wish I was able to publish my book this year! :-)))
@robjohn Happy New Year!!! :-)
Darn you GMT+2094095093s
It's already 6 am here.
@JasperLoy What did you do for new years eve?
Did you drink? Eat some nice food?
@PedroTamaroff Nothing. I was staying at home thinking if I could start studying in 2015, but I felt I could not, so I am very sad now.
@PedroTamaroff Well, I had some KFC for dinner.
@JasperLoy Why did you feel you could not?
@PedroTamaroff Well, because my mind is still very confused and anxious. I will now need to make new plans for my life.
@don It's just 10 more minutes and you can return.
@JasperLoy He was banned again?
@PedroTamaroff Well, he was banned 20 min ago. I am sure you can see the hidden stuff. But maybe you can't.
@DanielFischer On a square contour centered at the origin, how far away from the positive integers would the contour need to stay so that when $z$ is large in magnitude, $\psi(-z) \sim \log(-z)$, $\psi_{1}(-z) \sim -\frac{1}{z}$, $\psi_{2}(-z) \sim - \frac{1}{z^{2}}$, etc.? Can you get too close? I've never really thought about this before.
@JasperLoy I can see everything Jasper.
@RandomVariable Uuuuh. $\psi$ is the digamma function? And $\psi_1,\,\psi_2$?
@DanielFischer The trigamma function (the derivative of the digamma function) and the derivative of the trigamma function
Basically I'm referring to the polygamma functions.
@don You can come back now.
@PedroTamaroff: Also dead people? shudders
@RandomVariable Never really worked with them (well, one uses $\psi_2$ to show a couple of things about $\Gamma$). Perhaps you can get useful estimates by playing with the series representations. But ask robjohn, he knows the polygammas, I believe.
@Jasper I apologize for using vulgar language against you.
@DonLarynx I did not flag you. I don't know who did.
@DonLarynx Next time, if you wanna say this kind of stuff, you can email me, so that you are not flagged by some folks here.
@JasperLoy Yes that's a good idea. These subjects are simply not suitable for SE chat.
I wonder how these people manage to go on a ship at this time at this date. I was on a ship once in autumn and already found it really cold, and now it's 30° colder.
What people? What ship?
@quid: There's a ship on the lake here which goes for a short tour around the lake (~2 hours) till late in the night. And I just saw it, but I didn't know it was still going and there were a lot of people on it.
I see.
@quid: i.imgur.com/Vq7lXQR.jpg This is the ship.
I'm watching "the rum diaries" whilst waiting for UTC new year. It's a good movie.
You have a nice view @Huy
I have a view on a ship, @quid. :D
@quid: I hope it suffices to see the fireworks. I'm too lazy to go in the cold to see it.
@DanielFischer I'll ask him. It's an issue that comes up when using contour integration to evaluate sums that involve the harmonic numbers and/or generalized harmonic numbers. I've posted a few answers using that approach. I'm not sure if those answers need to be edited a bit or not.
@RandomVariable You used the asymptotic equalities without knowing the precise conditions for them to hold on the contour(s)?
What else would you do with fireworks other than see them, @Huy? Eat them?
@Huy Good decision! As everybody knows the best new year party is in the math chat!
@MikeMiller: Maybe, if I'm very hungry!
@MikeMiller Slow down, hotshot.
@quid: Well.....
@don What are you doing now?
@DanielFischer Yes.
Admittedly I will be elsewhere during new year in my time zone.
Finishing PE 31
@MikeMiller they should cancel your hat for that!
@RandomVariable Mmm, better to ask robjohn then to make sure everything is correct.
What year is it in your time zone, @quid?
Very helpful! I have narrowed down your location by almost 50%.
5775 in mine ;)
I feel very far from you now.
@DanielFischer Is that the oldest calendar that is still used?
@RandomVariable Maybe. Anyway, it's one of the two in which I know which year it is.
Still one more hour wait for the hats to arrive...
Yes. Note that the actual required time is 11:55PM UTC, not midnight itself.
Bleh new years in Norway now
People are shooting fireworks
So noisy
Can one do ASCII art fireworks here?
@quid: I'm sure glad I didn't go to the city to watch the fireworks. It wasn't very impressive.
Thanks for letting me know @Huy I am not sure if to say "sorry to hear it was not good" or "glad to hear you made the right choice" :-)
@quid: I mostly make the right choice and I just did again. :D
@DanielFischer How are you enjoying התשע"ה so far?
I'm here to claim my hat :]
@Studentmath The first months were peaceful. Then came a moderator election.
My, it's actually been almost three months now. The time flies.
I am sure you will regret your decision if you haven't yet, but be sure it pleases most of the site
'Tikon Olam'
@Studentmath There are good things. One can destroy spammer accounts, that's nice.
Hi @robjohn.
@Chris'ssis Happy New Year!
Are there many? I've only seen one in my few months in here.
@DanielFischer Greetings.
@quid: ASCII fireworks are hard to make due to spacing issues.
@Studentmath Not too many, but enough for the occasional fun.
I saw it :-) Thanks for trying @JimmyK4542
@DanielFischer I've not been around enough to say something star-worthy today :-) I need to come up with something...
@robjohn You get a hat if enough people star enough of your messages today?
I think one suffices but it needs to be +/-5 minutes of UTC 0
@DanielFischer I think the Tam'O'Shanter is for getting a starred chat comment today. (there are just 43 minutes left :-)
@quid any chat comment (starred or not) within 5 minutes of UTC midnight will get the Mistletoe hat
@robjohn not sure it says "post a chat message within five minutes of 0 UTC 1/1/2015 that gets starred"
That's going to be a busy time in chat ;)
I forgot about the other though!
So we can get two hats if a comment made between 11:55 and 12:00 gets starred, right?
That idea just crossed my mind too.
@quid Average it out: "Glad to hear it wasn't very good"
@DanielFischer Do you think we should make a separate chatroom so that this starboard isn't spammed?
@MikeMiller Isn't that a couple of years too late? The starboard here is perennially spammed.
@MikeMiller Isn't that a couple of years too late? The starboard here is perennially spammed.
@robjohn One of my wishes for 2015 is to publish my book, alone or not (no matter how). :-)
Apparently, there is no +-12 hours allowance for Resolution hat. I deleted a bunch of old comments in the last hour, to no effect.
Let the star-spamming begin
Has to be after UTC new year. To-do list for New Year celebration: (1) post in chat; (2) enter an illegal star-exchange agreement; (3) delete 10 comments.
umm ... I think we're still ~25 minutes away from the star-spamming
@Chris'ssis What are you writing about?
@AndrewThompson I'm going to publish a collection of integrals, series and limits, mostly created by me.
@AndrewThompson About hats
For such an important event one needs to warm-up. Whence one must start now to practice the starring.
@Chris'ssis Oh, that's cool. No exposition, just a collection of "fun computations"?
@AndrewThompson It's going to be a book like the one by Ovidiu Furdui.
Ahh, cool.
@AndrewThompson For instance, today I created this one (I won't let it here since it's subject to some research yet)
Never been a big fan of tedious compuations, although I do get why some people are.
@AndrewThompson All it's like a dance, you need to know how to dance with them, and they will reveal their secrets (a matter of art). :-)
(referring to the integrals, series and limits)
My brain isn't wired that way. For instance, I like Real Analysis, but I like the material, the buildup to Stone-Weierstrass.
Again, I do get why some people like computations though. :)
@AndrewThompson Why? :-)
Why to what? Why I do not like computations much?
It's much beauty in there, a world of amazing connections! Just think about it: you solve an integral that at first sight it seems you won't ever use it elsewhere, and then, after a while, you realize that modifying that weird integral in a certain way, you manage to evalute integrals that are not known to have beed evaluated before.
I hated tedious computations a year ago, now I think that they also have their beauty and most of all importance
although my favourite part of mathematics is when we can get nice characterizations or we can simplify things that looked hard.
They have both, but people tend to like what they're good at. I like general results,
@Chris'ssis Tastes differ.
and my brain is more effective that way.
@DanielFischer Did you have a good time today? :)
@DanielFischer That's clear, I know. :-)
@evinda Sometimes better, sometimes less good.
@DanielFischer Did you go out? :)
@evinda No, not my cup of tea.
@AndrewThompson I think people tend to be good at what they like. If I did something I do not like I couldn't possibly get good results. Maybe other would do, but not me.
@DanielFischer Neither I did... :)
@Chris'ssis Both. You like what you're good at, and you get better and better at the things you like.
@AndrewThompson Where the burning flame of the passion is, the sky is never too high.
@Chris'ssis Probably a perfectly valid point of view, but predetermined aptitude is a factor.
@Chris'ssis I often fear that I am clever enough to appreciate mathematics but to dull to contribute to it, which may or may not be true. Ask me in a couple of years.
@AndrewThompson hehe, if you attend an area you like and work very hard, then I'm sure one day you'll be a great contributor. :-)
@Chris'ssis If not a contributor I'd like to be an expositor :)
@AndrewThompson as you wish :-)
This chat message will earn me a new hat
It's 11:55 PM UTC, 12/31 2014. Happy Hat Minute!
hat time?
Wait and see, @teadawg1337.
Suggested (alas, poor man's, only horizontal) ASCII fireworks: >>>>**** >>>>>@@@@@ *****@@@@@
I don't even know what these hatthings are, but I'll play along.
Yey hats!
Happy New Year!
We do need someone to start starring all the messages. Any volunteers?
@k170 Not quite
I'll star if people post
not it
Oh my...
@JimmyK4542 As you wish Lord Vader said.
What's all this about hats?
dear god
who the shit is starring everything
jk let me star too :D
Make it stop
@DonLarynx Everybody, more or less.
@teadawg1337 It will stop in 7 minutes
Is it midnight there?
Holy stars, Batman!
(couldn't help myself)
@DanielFischer Will you remove all these at, say, 15 after? All hats should be awarded by then.
less than a minute
Why does anyone care about hats?
@beginner It's a community bonding sort-of-thing. :)
Woha, that's a lot of stars.

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