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2:14 AM
@HodofHod Send him my regards ;-)
@Shokhet Sometimes the server seems to lose track of who you are (probably some internal machine gets restarted or something. I lost a whole post that way once.
Will do :D
3:00 AM
@Yishai I'm still considering rewriting the one I lost.
3:26 AM
@YEZ Thanks. I look forward to it.
10 hours later…
1:41 PM
@Yishai That's got to be annoying :(
2 hours later…
3:47 PM
Close as unclear what you're asking ? judaism.stackexchange.com/q/45325/5323
2 hours later…
5:34 PM
@Shokhet The post I lost was one I had been working on for about 2 weeks (bit by bit, but it was a significant post)
@Shokhet If you think so you are welcome to vote/flag to close it as such.
5:50 PM
@DoubleAA Done.
@YEZ Dang, that's annoying. ....it might be worthwhile, next time you do that, to copy the whole post into Notepad once every few changes, so that you have a (relatively recent) copy on your hard drive that SE server failures can't get to

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