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@JeroenVannevel Ssssh!
@JeroenVannevel that costs money to build Android apps in C#
I have android Studio on my Windows 8 machine, but it is a little buggy and I haven't figured it all out yet.
I have a VBScript to write
@Malachi Meh, 100$ isn't the end of the world. Certainly if you can just re-use your code for another platform
I don't have any other devices to test on. I do have xamarin installed as well, but I don't have the figured out yet either
@Malachi With Java you can make the apps for free! And if some resources I have found is correct, you might also be able to write iOS apps for free using Java and some tool
@SimonAndréForsberg I wanna start with Android for sure, I need to write myself an app to gather information on clients needing work done, like when I am talking to them I can input their info and have it automatically sent to my e-mail when I hit wifi
that is going to be my first app. text, pictures, etc inputted and organized so that I can create a website designing system from the database and be able to pick a website format, etc.
I need to find some developers that want to help me get going, when we start making money it will be intense! but I have no money at the moment and need money! LOL
Q: Database mirroring cache

SimonI generally prefer to work with EF by specifying exactly the data to fetch from the DB with regards to Navigation Properties/Lookups and the like, so we wrote this cache system to limit the number of calls to the database. public class DBCache<TContext, TKey, T> : ICache<TKey, T> where T : clas...

@Malachi It sounds like you should start by figuring things out
@Malachi: When did you hit 10k on CR?
@SimonAndréForsberg business plan or android programming?
@Nobody this last weekend
@Malachi business plan and android programming..
also your product vision seems a little fuzzy to me ...
@Vogel612 I do need to work with a project management software and put things down in a plan, I think then I could start moving forward with things.
@Malachi preferably both, just like @Vogel612 said
@Malachi I think you might have plenty of use for this:
user image
^^ Fill that out and you got yourself a business model
Looking at one year old code: Somewhere between oh god and I can live with it...
Monking @Marc-Andre
Hey @SimonAndréForsberg !
Hi everyone!
Bye all, I need to get some work done
@skiwi what you can live with it??? Holy that's awesome
Where's the "open file in new window" when you need it in Netbeans...
@Vogel612 Quite awesome yes
Q: How can I make this Euler/RK4 implementation more elegant?

sapiI'm completely new to haskell. One of the things that I'm doing to teach myself is converting some numerical methods from existing python code (they seem to me to lend themselves to functional programming quite well). I'd like to know how I can improve the general style of my code. In particular...

well when I finally get around to a business plan and I need programmers coders/hackers I will let you guys know!
even though @rolfl already has a dream job
where are my VB friends?
> dateStrings(i) = (dateNode.text).Substring(7, 4) & (dateNode.text).Substring(0, 2) & (dateNode.text).Substring(3, 2)
is that the right way to change 01/01/2001 to 20010101?
@Malachi just.. no...
well it is..
@Vogel612 :)
it works, and vba is a crap tool to do it in the first place..
what you actually want is:
I don't have a choice otherwise I agree with you
Date date = Date.parseExact(dateNode.text, myDateFormat);
dateStrings(i) = date.toString(outputDateFormat);
pity that vba is crapping in there ;)
@Malachi Use date objects, date parsing and date formatting!
@Malachi Parse it as a datetime and display it without any formatting
I am forced to use an old version of vbscript and xpath so I am not sure that I can parse and play with objects.
lol gotta love external technology constraints
I haven't even tested this code yet, I am still trying to work out the logic to return the data that I want from the XML to the application
it's a third party application that uses word documents for forms, I need to parse from an XML file that is embedded into the document the information that I want to show on the document, I write a small script that is part of a larger function or sub that is run on the load of the document....... I don't like it.... there is probably more to it than I think
I can only see my script I don't see the code that surrounds my little script
Q: Shorten my asynchronous DB queries, using async.js module

Waldo JeffersI am using Node.js Express.js node-mysql.js async.js I am making multiple asynchronous queries to my DB, but every query relies on the previous one's results, so I decided to use the waterfall method. But I found my code a bit messy, especially the function(cb) { ... } wraps. How could this...

I'm not sure about the on-topicness about this one:
Q: Shorten my asynchronous DB queries, using async.js module

Waldo JeffersI am using Node.js Express.js node-mysql.js async.js I am making multiple asynchronous queries to my DB, but every query relies on the previous one's results, so I decided to use the waterfall method. But I found my code a bit messy, especially the function(cb) { ... } wraps. How could this...

Q: Need help to optimize query

Gaurav JainI have 2 queries and both increasing load on server almost timeout. can anybody please optimize them for best result ? Query 1 SELECT DISTINCT M.msg_id, M.uid_fk, M.message, S.created, M.like_count,M.comment_count,M.share_count, U.username,M.uploads, S.uid_fk AS share_uid,S.ouid_fk...

@CaptainObvious class 1
what is the real use for the
@Malachi Which VB?
VBA? .... maybe. .NET I would certainly think there's a String.Format for that.
@ckuhn203 vbscript, aka. asp-classic-clone, aka. vba in worse
@ckuhn203 what @Vogel612 said
It seems I get that a lot today..
if I can get this working I am definitely going to post a question
now I need to figure out a reverse sort of the array of the dates that I have. then I can do another xpath query to grab the node that I really want.
the final goal is to grab the node with a child node that has the most recent date but not in the future
I can't remember if I have to do all those fun things to get an array to work, I think that might be an arraylist that I had to specifically call out of the woodwork
Q: Helper Method for Generating Stubbed ICommand in Rhino Mocks

Robert GowlandThis helper method is designed to make stubbing ICommands simpler. Do you see any problems with this implementation? public static ICommand GenerateCommandStub( Action<object> executeAction = null, Func<object, bool> canExecuteFunc = null) { var commandStub = MockRepository.Gener...

@Corbin Actually, the developers said they checked it to be legal 4 times over.
executeAction ?? (_ => { }) what is this ?
lambda in a lamda
if executeAction returned null, then the lambda is executed (and does nothing) and then the return value of that is the result of the statement.
this is evil
is the lambda variable really named '_'?
PS : Hello!
Hi there, and yes it looks like it..
though I'd have just gone for (() => { }) if that's possible in C#
Depending on the language, it could mean something else though
it looks a lot like c#...
It is possible!
but maybe it's JS, you're right..
I was thinking Swift
no clue how that works, but objective-c is giving me the creeps.
But it's a stretch
A: What's the _ underscore representative of in Swift References?

DavidThe underscore is a general token used to indicate a discarded value. In this specific case, it means that the function will be invoked as runAction(argument) instead of runAction(action:argument) In other contexts it has other similar meaning, e.g. in: for _ in 0..5 { } It means that we mer...

Who here has a Twitter that I don't know about?
@Vogel612 hits himself in his confusion!
@Vogel612 Maybe you will get it when I explain it in this answer: codereview.stackexchange.com/a/56807/27623
not about the operator itself.
it's a throwaway reference...
the twitter account is the ouch problem
@syb0rg I do.... but seldom use it.
monking, all.
@MadaraUchiha (Vogel begins to shake in fear, frantically looking around for a place to hide from the second rikudo)
Monking @rolfl
(Vogel612 tried to use {FLEE}, but it failed)
@syb0rg are you following me?
@Malachi Yep
twitter gives that phrase a whole new meaning
@syb0rg like having RoboCop follow you, kind of scary......
@Mat'sMug Hey Mat! are you following me?
Huh? On twitter? Hold on...
Nope. I don't use twitter much though
How could a Mug use Twitter?
Are you a BotMug?
Q: Decoupling Presenter from "child" Repository

Mat's MugStill pursuing the white rabbit, I had an IPresenter interface implementation featuring this method: Private Sub ExecuteAddCommand() Dim orderNumber As String If Not RequestUserInput(prompt:=GetResourceString("PromptExcludedOrderNumberMessageText"), _ title:=...

@TopinFrassi hmm..
@CaptainObvious that's right: a presenter that doesn't present anything. talk about ...
why does this deleted answer say it was converted to a comment? codereview.stackexchange.com/a/10170/18427
I am following you @Mat'sMug
Q: Atomic bomb of if else statements best way to make this better

Josh Kirkpatricki have coded this mess of JS and a bit of jQuery however i am not a JS or jQuery developer as you can probably see from the code below, everything here works perfect as intended however it is a real mess, what would be the best way to clean this up with best practices and such? $.get...

@Malachi there you are!
@Malachi Comments were purged it seems.
well I saw it as a comment, with the whole rat-tail of non-constructive comments that were made on the answer...
quick question all
what is considered "in scope" for a code review
@MattGiltaji Let me direct you to our help center: codereview.stackexchange.com/help/on-topic
i meant more in answering
Oh, why do you ask?
for example, if someone posts javascript that is building html and using inline styles
would directing them to use css classes be appropriate?
cool, just wanted to check
We've had answers that have only reviewed comments in the code get ~25 upvotes
Q: Java Method Format with Try and Catch Blocks

moto_beatsI have the following Java method that works but had some questions related to formatting and best practices. The method is used to check a url and return the time it takes to check and the HTTP status code. public static String urlCheck(String url) { try { URL urlToCheck = new URL(u...

Please explain why the code in your answer is better, don't just dump it here. — syb0rg 7 secs ago
Migrated answer.
Q: Random name-picker with array

freebol96I created a program that picks a champion for a role on the game League of Legends using arrays and random numbers. Is there a quicker and more efficient way of doing this? There is one form that contains this: namespace Random_Champ_Picker_V2 { public partial class Form1 : Form { public F...

Q: Using Java to Add the Contents of two EditText views in Android

ben rudgersI have a toy app that contains: editText1 for entering a number editText2 for entering a second number adderButton for triggering addition textVeiw for displaying the result of the addition I know: The naming could be better I should check for overflow/underflow on the addition and elsewhe...

@ckuhn203 Answer was posted after it was migrated, I checked
Oh wait, it was posted 2 seconds before migration...
Still, the answer would be considered poor by me even for SO
Agreed. Just calling it out.
I will reverse my downvote when it is edited. I'm not cruel like that
(plus, I want my 1 rep back :P )
Hey @MattGiltaji, haven't seen you in the TCG chat much recently...
@SimonAndréForsberg yeah, work has picked up recently. I'll pop in there later today
@MattGiltaji Alright, hope to see you there
Much better answer now IMO:
A: Random name-picker with array

AlexDFirst of all, you no not need to create an instance of Random class every time. Then, you may use ?-operator to select the array from which you want to take the element. And, assuming that you have to take a random element form the array, you may use just a[T.Next(a.Length). Random T = new Ran...

OP seems to like it too
How does this work?

int t = T.Next( 0, 57 );
string toop = (string) array.top.GetValue( t );
@syb0rg Same answer, I just edited the formatting
@SimonAndréForsberg Yeah, I was working on that too when I saw you already had completed it.
@ckuhn203 ?
> Yeah, 'not implemented. too many results to efficiently process in a SqlResult. - that's why the presenter doesn't actually present anything :)
monk.. whatever :)
Been busy as hell today, just now getting a bit of a break and been grinding at it since 9:30
Found out 3 of our web portals have bugs causing/allowing duplicate entries :D
Hey @Mat'sMug. Being a C# developer, can you explain this to me?
10 mins ago, by Simon André Forsberg
How does this work?

int t = T.Next( 0, 57 );
string toop = (string) array.top.GetValue( t );
This sucks and I most likely will mention it when I have time to really look and write a review, but your interfaces need to change I think @Mat'sMug.
Also please take a look at my answer and point out my silly C#/Java confusions:
A: Random name-picker with array

Simon André ForsbergYou need to learn how to use a Dictionary Currently I can see the current patterns in your code: radioButton is "connected" to a string[] radioButton is "connected" to an int So I would do something like: Dictionary<RadioButton, string[]> availableArrays; Dictionary<RadioButton, int> maxVal...

I just haven't figured out exactly how yet.
@SimonAndréForsberg what are you doing? what is the context?
@Malachi See the C# question I answered
looking at it now
Wait a minute...
@SimonAndréForsberg well to start, values are .Added to dictionaries in C#
@SimonAndréForsberg you might be looking for one of these, but not sure. I might have to look at it a little more msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.tuple(v=vs.110).aspx
.Put => .Add
@Malachi I was considering introducing that topic to the OP but I felt that it might be a bit too much at once. And now that I look at it again, it's probably not needed
@Mat'sMug Want to increase your edit count towards Copy Editor badge?
is array.top something like array.Length?
and what's array.jung??
@Mat'sMug Nope, array is an instance of his arrays class (which probably should be done differently)
maybe I should read the question :/
Just found web page JS from a comment-happy web dev
<script type="text/javascript">
    $(document).ready(function() {
        // Menu
            minWidth: 6,   // minimum width of sub-menus in em units
            maxWidth: 27,   // maximum width of sub-menus in em units
            extraWidth: 1     // extra width can ensure lines don't sometimes turn over
            // due to slight rounding differences and font-family
        }).superfish({ delay: 500,                            // one second delay on mouseout
@ckuhn203 remember that an interface cannot extend another interface in VBA - I'm open to suggestions though ;)
@Phrancis Send a link to codereview.stackexchange.com to their [Contact us] address :)
@Phrancis }).superfish({ delay: 500, // one second delay on mouseout
<script type="text/javascript"> // javascript starts here
@skiwi what's this superfish thing?
aaand, full rewrite complete:
A: Random name-picker with array

Vogel612I hereby propose a revisit of your design... What you have here is a classical Kind-to-Value mapping with multiple values and multiple kinds per value. To make your code more OOP you might want to consider introducing a Champion-class as follows: public class Champion { IEnumerable<PlayStyle>...

@SimonAndréForsberg that's how you properly overdesign ;)
@Mat'sMug I know. That's why I said it would suck.
@Vogel612 Do I smell German Overengineering (TM)? :)
@Phrancis it's more about the delay: 500 //(implied ms) and on the other hand1 second (1000ms)
lunch time, later!
@SimonAndréForsberg just a little.
If I would have gone for German Overengineering ™, I'd have started with a ChampionPlayStyleConfigurationReaderFactory
Either way Ima head home for now..
and recheck my lambda there, before implementing and running my own version of that.
or probably not...
@SimonAndréForsberg I still haven't fully figured out dictionaries and stuff like that yet, let alone figure out how I can make tuples work for me the way they should.
@Malachi Perhaps you should figure that out before you make your Android app
or, if not before, while you make it
I know how to use Dictionaries, and have used them a couple of times, but I am sure I am not using them to their full potential.
I don't get the opportunity to write new code, I am almost always maintaining code that should be scrapped and re written.....
otherwise I would learn more I am sure.... HINT HINT new things....
@ckuhn203 how about introducing an IService to encapsulate multiple repositories, and have IPresenter depend on that interface instead? Hmm..
I was thinking that what you really need is IRepositoryBase and IRepository
Everything except your header implements them both.
BUT that breaks everything and you have to go back and change all of the classes implementing IRepository.
On the other hand, doing anything else is a hack.
Q: I have a flaw in my javascript that I can't see - where is it?

JohnI'd appreciate another set of eyes on what must be a simple error on my part I can't see. On page load, the user's geolocation is used to plot N nearby sites on a Google map. 'userlat' and 'userlon' are declared at the beginning of the < script >, and when this function is called contain the val...

@Phrancis What @Vogel612 said below, 500ms != 1s
@Vogel612 I have those awful classnames
I'll just close all my 200 open CR questions I still want to read... There's no way I find time for them :(
Well, there's about to be a new one to read......
Q: Code Review vs. Help me solve my problem

rolflA question that asks: I don't know how to best solve problem X, can you suggest a way? ... is clearly off-topic on Code Review. A question that asks: I have solved problem X, and this is how I did it. Is it a good solution? ... is clearly on-topic on Code Review. There is a grey are...

@skiwi It would be awesome if you could filter those questions by if they have been answered or not, would it not?
but but you only post meta questions, barely any real questions!
@SimonAndréForsberg Well the plan for those was to read them, so then I would want answered ones over non-anwered ones
@skiwi Only read them? Not answer them?
@SimonAndréForsberg Yea, to increase my knowledge.
Good thinking!
Q: Optimizing reportviewer usage to avoid out of memory exception

AndyWe have implemented a process using C# and reportviewer to create PDFs by the localreport.render method. When we have to process a big file, say more than 20000 records, the process fails with outofmemory exception error. I know there may be lot of causes for this error, but I want to know if the...

first time answering, any feedback appreciated
A: Atomic bomb of if else statements best way to make this better

Matt GiltajiThere are a few good practices that will help this code out. Close the html tags that you open - generate valid html Newer browsers will probably render your content properly, but older browsers may not. You also may get strange formatting errors that are hard to debug. Save yourself the headac...

Q: Why Spatial FCM code return different result after each experimentation

johnmarkI am using Spatial fuzzy C mean code to classify an image into classes. This is my code. It run. But I don't know why it returns the different result after each experimentation. Sometime, it returns expected result, but sometime is very bad resultI think problem is initfcm function. It return a r...

Yay I fixed my answer.
It now actually works ;)
it just got slightly longer...
Does anyone know how to get an RSS feed from a github repo?
click the rss icon and paste the url into your rss reader?
There's no RSS icon
it's all Atom on github
I'm a bit worried that it shows also the source code
Q: Setting up an Github Commit RSS feed

jalagrangeI am trying to have my github commits as an RSS feed but so far I have not managed to figure it out. I know that a private feed is available with the following syntax: https://github.com/username.atom?token=token But this the users activity feed. I would like a commit feed of one of my project...

Where the ("/¤)%=¤" are all these thunderstorms coming from?
@syb0rg That's for atom unfortunately, which the SE chat does not like
@ckuhn203 > Your execute find command excludes the order number it's given?
the feature is "give me an order number, I'll find its ID"
the order ID is added to some ExcludedOrders table
Welcome @TopinFrassi!
> If that doesn't convince you that this isn't a IPresenter I don't know what will. It's a presenter that doesn't present anything.
@Mat'sMug Fair enough, but add a comment there instead.
Q: Ideas for multi-language system

php_nub_qqI am open for other suggestions regarding the language system, but what I currently have planned is a string type of translation ( what Android uses ), using a database to do the job. Basically I'll have a table languages id | name 1 | English 2 | Spanish and strings id | 1 | 2 | ...

@MattGiltaji, I believe the number of upvotes show that it is a quite good answer you gave ;)
And @Mat'sMug. God bless and good luck with this.
Also, may whatever powers be take mercy on the poor soul who ends up maintaining this.
They're in over their heads.
I'll post a selfie when I get this to make sense. Totally agree with your answer
Yeah. I couldn't wrap my head around it enough to actually offer up a solution. Just advice.
A: Decoupling Presenter from "child" Repository

ckuhn203Let's talk a little about your code the way it is right now. This happens a lot. Private Property Set IPresenter_DetailsPresenter(ByVal value As IPresenter) 'not implemented End Property Private Property Get IPresenter_DetailsPresenter() As IPresenter 'not implemented End Property I like th...

@TopinFrassi yeah, santa has been good to me. @syb0rg also made a very nice edit to fix capitalization and some other formatting
i'm searching meta, is there some sort of style guide to how we should be formatting answers?
@Mat'sMug - sounds like you should be looking in to the featured question at the moment.
@rolfl Do you happen to know why Atom/RSS feeds are not working in our TCG chatroom and/or know a way to contact TPTB?
@MattGiltaji No, things like that should be unique (within reason of course).
@rolfl which?
Actually, I missed some stuff in my first edit...
@rolfl SEDE question: Is it possible to find a list of all bounties that has been started but went away unawarded?
@rolfl are you tired of our questions today? ;-)
@Phrancis No
in Code Review - Discussion about help vs. review, 3 hours ago, by Simon André Forsberg
@rolfl Please use "reply to message" for such markings (when there are new chat messages appearing all the time)
user image
I just wish there was a keyboard shortcut for reply-to-message...
I smell a feature request.
I've been wanting one for a long time. Not sure how it would work though.
Well, the up key to edit puts a damper on things.
'r' for reply?
hit it as many times as needed to get tot he right message?
@rolfl Or 'r' for "Do you want to start your message with 'r'?"
good point, I meant to put ctrl-r, but entered before I fixed it.
:rr maybe like this?
not so funny now.
@rolfl Oh, you want to refresh the page, huh?
hit Ctrl-R to reply!
But Ctrl-R is Refresh! (Firefox)
that was what my joke was supposed to be.
but I failed.
And chrome.
How on earth did they manage to do the Ctrl-K thing without breaking something?
Alt + r
That would work nice.
@SimonAndréForsberg Get yourself a keyboard iwth programmable keys
I would've gotten one... but it doesn't fit on my desk
@skiwi How would that help?
wait... Ctrl+K is code formatting?
I have a lenovo thinkpad, the bottom left two keys are Fn and Ctrl.
@SimonAndréForsberg program your own reply-to key
Most laptops have Ctrl and then Fn.
I have key-mapped them to be the opposite in my bios.
so, when you press Ctrl, you get Fn.
and visa versa.
If I would remap them now... I would get crazy
@skiwi but how would I specify what message to reply to?
@skiwi Well, I have a laptop at home, and one at work.... and I hate having to adjust between them, so I changed the work one to have the same layout as the home one.
@SimonAndréForsberg Press it multiple times
Which is really, really useful
@rolfl fair enough
Another option would be if you could see the ID of a message and then copy that, then you could do ":id message"
On my original Mac (MacOS version 1), I hacked the OS and modified the keyboard map to have a Dvorak layout.
@Donald.McLean That's hardcore.
Hmm... how about Ctrl+Up ?
Right now Ctrl+Up = Up = Edit
it is.
but could be changed.
SE Meta here I come!
I also modified all of the menus and system messages to use Esperanto.
brace yourself!
Q: Is There a Shortcut for Replying to Chat Messages?

MaxpmIs there a keyboard shortcut for replying to messages, much like the up arrow is a shortcut for editing your previous message? (Is this an appropriate use of the support tag? I wasn't sure if it belonged in discussion.)

@Donald.McLean Still type dvorak?
@rolfl seen it earlier, will look again tonight after I review @duck's VBA code :)
@rolfl No. The computers I use are all shared or belong to the government.
Is it still worth posting a feature-request even if a user script exists for it?
@rolfl reply!
Oh, I like it!
My workplace blocks SE Meta :(
@Phrancis but not SE Chat? That's... interesting
SE chat and most the other SE sites (except SU) seem to work fine. Weird
So does anyone know how to install to chrome?
Chrome blocks the direct install.
install firefox.
@ckuhn203 check the Chrome settings in Advanced Settings, there may be a security setting you need to change

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