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12:36 AM
room topic changed to CharcoTEMPORARILY REPURPOSED FOR SECRETS: Where comments are flagged and SE is hacked. Handy links: erwaysoftware.com/blaze, github.com/Charcoal-SE (no tags)
I don't actually live on the north pole.
In fact, nobody lives on the north pole.
I may or may not be a round metallic object.
I don't even live in north pole, alaska
12:38 AM
room topic changed to CharcoTEMPORARILY REPURPOSED FOR FLOGGING DOORKNOB: Where comments are flagged and SE is hacked. Handy links: erwaysoftware.com/blaze, github.com/Charcoal-SE (no tags)
@Doorknob ...
gets flog
12:39 AM
crap, misplaced my flog.
room topic changed to Charcoal HQ: Where comments are flagged and SE is hacked. Handy links: erwaysoftware.com/blaze, github.com/Charcoal-SE (no tags)
You get off easy this time :P
uh oh, I don't have a kick button on @Undo because he's a mod Uhhh happy yay
Oh, good. I never said that.
gets Rudolph to eat you
@Doorknob? :P
Eeeek why am I less colorful D:
@Doorknob change your parent site back.
12:44 AM
Also, why Tex?
> Loading available sites...
I know :P
... sigh
@Doorknob Because that was the first site that came to mind.
Is it working for you, @Doorknob?
@hichris123 Is what working?
... changing your parent site back?
12:45 AM


Complain about Xcode here
@hichris123 Uhh ok I'll do that
What did you do?! :P
... uhm... uh...
Ok I have to go. @hichris Post this rigged wheel of blame that may or may not always land on Shog in TL for me plz? :P
I think I broke something @Doorknob. :P
Heh, something definitely borked :P
12:50 AM
@Doorknob Whats TL?
@SantaClaus A sekrit place!
There, you've done it again.
... oops.
ok, have to go now (going to Seoul)
@Doorknob Eat lots of yummy food for us! (and have fun, but that's secondary.. I think?)
12:51 AM
@Doorknob Well then it belongs in
@Doorknob What is it?
@Doorknob You should be blue again. :D
So what is TL?
Oh it's the Teachers Lounge...
1:18 AM
@SantaClaus TL is a thing that doesn't exist.
I see a chat room at that link
@Undo That was the point.
@Undo Now of course you see a chat room. I see the "Request Permission" screen.
goes to /access
Am I correct in assuming theres zero chance of a non-mod getting access?
1:28 AM
Unless you become a mod...
@hichris123 Obviously, that would fulfill the condition of if (user.isMod)
@SantaClaus Well, I was a non-mod at some point.
I then gained access to TL.
user.isMod = true; happened at the same time, but still... :P
@hichris123 ...
I'm surprised this chat room hasn't been deleted yet


Complain about Xcode here
1:52 AM
@hichris123 just a coincedence
@SantaClaus There's a non-zero chance, corresponding to the chance of a mod misclicking on the access screen. Which is pretty darn close to zero.
2:41 AM
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: MATEMATICAS ! DIAGRAMA DE FLUJO EN COMPUTADOR on spanish.stackexchange.com
3:34 AM
Greetings from... uh, wherever we are
4:00 AM
@Doorknob I don't know about you, but I'm in a chair.
4:52 AM
I was in some obscure subway stop in Korea, which I would have said if the wifi there didn't bork
Now in Seoul :D
@hichris123 Yay, blue!
@Seth That depends. Is it Friday (or are you in Iceland)?
@Doorknob No and no :(
Iguanas don't live in Iceland.
1 hour later…
6:16 AM
[ SmokeDetector ] Phone number detected: world-famous-astrologer-call to 91+9928860580 on math.stackexchange.com
6:36 AM
Woah. My chatbot account has 81 notifications O_o
[feature-request] Add testosterone as a SmokeDetector filter @Undo
7:43 AM
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: IS NOT NULL IN IF CONDITION MYSQL on stackoverflow.com
8:29 AM
@Undo What about adding 'muscle' to the SmokeDetector filter? There recently was some spam about it on Drupal, and it will give fewer false alerts than something like 'body'.
8:49 AM
[ SmokeDetector ] Offensive title detected: OWIN fucks up log4net on stackoverflow.com
9:29 AM
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: TRANSFORMER LOSSES on electronics.stackexchange.com
10:03 AM
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: CONVERGENCE OF SEQUENCE ON MATLAB on stackoverflow.com
10:48 AM
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: MEDICINE FOR BODY BUILDING on meta.stackexchange.com
2 hours later…
12:38 PM
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: FINDING THE CONSTANT TERM IN BINOMIAL EXPANSION on math.stackexchange.com
12:59 PM
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: ERRO NO CODIGO CLASSE FUNCTION CONEXAO on pt.stackoverflow.com
1:14 PM
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: I WANNA KNOW MORE AND TECHNQUES OF MAKING A PROGRAM on programmers.stackexchange.com
2 hours later…
3:43 PM
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, 5 mins ago, by bjb568
What happened here? 10k? http://meta.askubuntu.com/questions/11690/how-to-know-which-questions-should-be-‌​closed/11694#11694
@Seth ^
3:59 PM
Owner deletion by the poster.
4:15 PM
> Now, when you think about penguins, first take a deep calming breath, and
then think "cuddly". Take another breath, and think "cute". Go back to
"cuddly" for a while (and go on breathing), then think "contented".
@Seth, me likes your lizard :P
> That's an Iguana, not a lizard. And yes, there is a difference.
@SantaClaus pong
@AnnonomusPenguin σ_σ
(that's not the right unicode, but close as I could get)
@Seth hehe.
And there's no difference!
there is!
4:21 PM
braces for impact
Just kidding @Seth. Why do you have an lizard iguana as your profile picture?
That's ASCII! σ_σ
4:54 PM
@AnnonomusPenguin People kept getting confused when I did people, so I went to a stuffed animal.
2 hours later…
6:39 PM
[ SmokeDetector ] Offensive title detected: Why did Drax call Gamora a whore? on scifi.stackexchange.com
2 hours later…
8:28 PM
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: HOW TO USE JSON-XS BUG PATCH on askubuntu.com

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