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I think it's too fucked to sort out.
Tell your manager to call Marra and get SCSM installed. Much wow. Tickets! Such tracking.
My manager would really want to fix it in order for it to.
@ChrisS I wish
Too many groups use it
Damn. Our helpdesk tracks who logged it, and it get dumped into a "unassaigned" area before either my boss or I assign ourselves to it.
@Dan yeah, you want to be known as a crappy IT person? Never talk to your customer (be it external or internal). Or just as bad...people simply won't know you at all. Which makes it that much easier for them to let you go if they have to decide on someone to dismiss.
Others look at your SysAdmin queue?
@ChrisS no, other groups use the Remedy ticketing system
althought I guess in a few weeks it'll be just me...
@TheCleaner Yep, and yet look at how anti-social IT is seen as being :(
@cole Well leave that there for them... Just because other groups use sh*t doesn't mean you have to. =]
Bottom line is, am I out of line when my manager says I need to figure out how to fix the issue - to tell him he really needs to want to in order to do so?
I don't think that's my job to fix, and normally I'm not one to say "hey, not my job bro"
@cole Yeah - This is squarely on your manager, who doesn't seem to know anything about managing IT... How does he/she even have that job? Is his/her manager just as incompetent???
@cole no, he's a manager, he needs to manage people.
@ChrisS everyone has worked here for 15+ years in the management area
that's how.
Most of the employees similar lengths as well.
@Dan that's why someone in IT with great people skills almost always ends up moving up quickly.
@cole So? Employee retention doesn't tend to breed incompetence.
I'm giving it another year here, I came back so I could focus on certs, getting an AD infrastructure upgrade on my resume and not work crazy hours.
Oh, and longevity since my resume was really lacking that
Corporate schemes, like promoting to your point of incompetence, that's breeds... well it should be obvious
@TheCleaner Yup
@ChrisS yeah it's very much my manager is a yes man to our director
all of them are. Our director manages out a fear. He will slam doors and scream at people for things like having a hole in your jeans
Or if he's just in a mood that day and doesn't like the way you talked to him
Lots of people in charge are a-holes, I'm used to it.
He's never yelled at me
He's much nicer to me since I came back, too.
@cole - I've worked similar if I hear you right. TrackIT was for break/fix, inventory, and purchasing. Actual projects were tracked externally using Project Management techniques and Asana.
@TheCleaner similar, yes. I'd take TrackIT over Remedy integrated w/ Notes though
But a "Director" should be directing the business... Giving it direction. He shouldn't be worried about what you're doing; but setting goals for managers and ensuring those managers have the tools they need to accomplish those tasks.
Yeah I hope he retires soon.
He's not good for the group tbh
the Sr manager gets it
and I think he's who would be moving into that position when the director retires.
@ChrisS like you said but I'll rephrase it some..."Lots of people in charge --get promoted over time for no real reason and never understand their new role properly...due to lack of training IMO -- I'm used to it."
‘It’s never the people, it’s always the process.”
@TheCleaner Yeah - that sounds accurate
Definitely accurate in my situation
Do I think I'd be a better manager? Probably not, but shit
Just using this as a stepping stone
@ChrisS you're right that the Director shouldn't be messing with the details of Cole's job. If he is, then he's neglecting some of his key duties. Get involved with a key project's details from time to time? Sure. But he should be focusing on bigger pictures/goals/KPIs for the dept that align with the company's goals.
Forgot to tell you guys
Me and the security guy finally got management to say yes to a WSUS server.
I've been fighting this "we don't patch" battle for a year now.
That's going to be a painful number of patch nights until you're caught up.
@jscott worth it
For sure.
They haven't applied security patches? at all?
@pauska only on install
same here -_-
My managers excuse for everything, and everyone's is "we dont have time"
it does take time.. a lot of time
it's not an excuse however
I agree.
and it can be automated to a degree with SCCM
They're tightening up the wallets here.
Yeah, we have an expression for that
I'll take the little wins though
The norwegian is "Pynte bruden"
directly translated it would be "dress the bride"
I've been put in charge of security here recently, first task was to tell Windows Admin to deploy WSUS in production and office. That was 3 month ago, still not "ready" :/
it basically means that companies that wants to be sold tighten up the wallet as much as they can to make the numbers look good
@pauska that's my thought
with all the other stuff going on...I was one of the first to be like "ya know..."
@pauska . . . Norwegian weddings must be very interesting, here bridal gowns cost as much as the GNP of small countries :)
Everyone was like LOLNOWAY
You can auto-approve with WSUS alone. But you'll want to make sure those deploy to test stuff first.
Now it's more like "Do...do you think they'd keep us?"
@voretaq7 it's folk slang
broke ass farmers doing whatever they can to get their daughters to marry rich men
@pauska uh huh, I'm just going to go with "Y'all get married naked in the snow" 'cuz it's funnier :P
like fixing their appearances to something that's not totally honest
Patching/WSUS is like insurance...it "costs" and you'll probably never need it...but when you don't have it and things go bad it'll cost you even more.
@cole Just stay cool Cole
Yeah I'm not really concerned
remember that you have a tendency to go all depressed over work.. you just changed jobs man
But like to get my VCP5 done, just in case ;)
and the boo crowd in here doesn't help
just stick with it and get certs etc
@pauska yeah that's why I've been a bit MIA
I don't get upset about work anymore. At the end of the day, if they want it done a certain way - fine, as long as I get their stupid idea in writing and a paycheck.
@cole you can only do so much if your direct manager isn't open to your ideas or input. That's always the way it will be unless you own the business.
Aye. No sense in getting upset about it.
I think I left all my fucks at the contract job.
@pauska Boo crowd?
But the grass is almost never greener on the other side...if it is...it's usually because they've got a lot more fertilizer...if you know what I mean.
@TheCleaner ya.
I know there's better companies out there - but right now, it suits my needs.
Pays well for the area, I don't work a lot of extra hours unless I want to, short commute and pretty good benefits
@Dan You know, we (including yours truly) keep laughing and telling Cole how much his workplace sucks
I'm terrible at it and it's hard to stop
@pauska Oh yeah, we're bad people.
especially when you think about how fucked up his workplace is
crap, I did it again
I'm also a bit more mercenary with how I deal with these things, my wife keeps moaning about her colleagues and I just don't understand why she won't leave
Fuck 'em
Cole just needs @ewwhite to come into the comms room more often and talk about his clients.
The thing with IT is that you'll always end up working with douchebags
someone who claims to know stuff and doesn't know shit
they're everywhere
I can't leave here for a year minimum without burning a bridge.
I guess the only factor is if you make enough money to take it...
@pauska They've been told there's $$$$$$ in IT
@ChrisS oh god, yes.
a year is nothing...it'll go by very fast.
just make the best out of it @Cole
@TheCleaner yeah I'm not like OMGGETMEOUTOFHERE
get their legacy shit removed (NT, no patching etc)
I laugh at the dumb shit now.
it would be a very nice addition to your CV
@pauska which is why I came back
@ChrisS those 2 last dollar signs...must be IT sales positions.
migrations and phasing out legacy stuff is one of the hardest parts about this business
@pauska It's not
Doing it well, is :D
@pauska this 'merica...resume'.
@Dan come on
@pauska it's a pain in the ass since these legacy systems - are VALIDATED systems
how many enterprises have you worked for that doesn't have any ghosts in the closet
so things need to get re-validated in order to move.
"Oh, that server? We decided to just keep that one running"
"too much work to migrate"
So we have a server hosting an Access 2.0 DB I found out
I laughed, literally laughed out loud at my manager.
or no maintenance agreement on software, so you can't migrate it because they don't have a new release of it
and so on
Cole also works for a very large ship...and those don't like to turn quickly. I'd be willing to bet 99% of the issues will still be there next year too.
@cole not that uncommon, sadly
it was the only choice back when people converted from DOS systems to excel etc
not many out there know about SISS
@TheCleaner I have to say, as much as I've bitched - I've decommissioned like 13 of the 15 NT4.0 domains in a year.
@cole It's not a real decommission unless there is thermite
@ChrisS Microsoft recommends 8GB of RAM for DPM.. we have it at 6GB, and it's so utterly crappy slow.. what do you run it at?
@pauska 12GB - It's still utterly crappy slow.
@ChrisS :-(
At least I only have to mess with it once in a blue moon... So it doesn't bother me much.
I tried to use the remote console instead of local, but it crashes.. alot..
@cole Oh...no doubt IT projects themselves will get done...I'm talking about actual change within the dept./mgmt. in regards to how things are done and people are treated.
@TheCleaner oh yeah, and with the longevity that's here?
I haven't had problems with the DPM Console crashing remotely, but it's even slower than local.
@Radek - your last comment is precisely asking for a product recommendation. — TheCleaner 19 secs ago
Maybe the OP's mind and hands aren't connected.
@TheCleaner I couldn't be bothered to respond to that comment
@Iain yeah I read yours and then his and had to read his again. "I don't want you to recommend a product...I'm just wanting you to recommend a 3rd party tool." OK then...good talking to you...
So I think I'm UK bound in March
@ewwhite ugh.. where do I find these HP care pack serial numbers? should they be on a sticker on the servers?
are this guy's serverfault.com/users/90939/shane-wealti last two questions the same but worded differently ?
@pauska online on the support site
@Iain I think he's used to SO where the questions fly by so fast that he can ask the same thing differently 3x and nobody will notice.
@TheCleaner well he's got the same answer twice from 3 different people now
@Iain Maybe he'll post a "Besides SCCM, what other options do I have to manage configurations of Windows Servers?" question next.
This closure would result in the 'duplicate of' navigation only leading in a circle.
Aw, you can't circularly close questions.
A = Dupe(B); B=Dupe(A). assert(Hilarity)
@pauska hp should have service tags like Dell... But I know it's inconvenient.
@dan we should all be consultants!!
@ewwhite I just want cars and money, tbh
Oooh, cars.
don't you mean COKE AND WOMEN
My appetite for sexy cars is weak. I like station wagons.
@pauska Yes :(
speaking of cars
need a rental in houston and we want a large ass suv
like escalade
a swagon if you will
all I can find are cheap ass chevys
Why do you want a large SUV
Get the Chevy. Same platform
You should rent a Mustang - they're shit, by the way, but oh so american
Mustangs only work if you're driving in a straight line.
we're 3 people
not going to cram that into a mustang
we did have a mustang cabby two years ago, but then it were just me and a coworker
@ewwhite american roads go in a straight line
@pauska lol not in Boston
God our roads suck here. When I was out in Denver - it was a whole new world.
@voretaq7 - regarding the meta post...isn't that what pastebin already does?
@TheCleaner Yes, but we don't really encourage people to use Pastebin
i see
Why no pastebin?
@ewwhite because they want the content on site
(it's how they make money - google rank)
@ewwhite the problem with pastebin is twofold: One if they delete it from pastebin now the question makes no sense anymore (all the context is gone), and two it screws up Google (because the content / error message / etc. isn't here).
Right. But there are times where it makes sense.
Same reason I'm always converting images to use the SE img.ur instance - if the image goes away on Joe Smith's server it screws things up
@ewwhite If we could get a SE Pastebin that would be pretty awesome. Inline them the same way we inline the img.ur stuff
"Click here to download the raw data" & a little iframe'd preview of it. that would rock.
later brotatos
cya pauska
Anyone else here use an Ipad with the Cisco Anyconnect client?
Speaking of Ipads how do I switch to mobile mode for SE chat in chrome ?
@Iain Is there a "mobile" link under the SF logo?
(bottom line by help/FAQ/legal/etc...)
@voretaq7 ah ha - thanks
@Iain Don't thank me - Mobile Chat sucks :P
@voretaq7 The problem I have with full chat is that whenever someone write a new message all the messages reload
@Iain really? I don't think it does that in (mobile) Safari
@voretaq7 this is in chrome
the window jumps but that's just because ZOMG Javascript edited an element! RE RENDER ALL THE THINGS!
@Iain Chrome sucks :P
@voretaq7 it generally sucks less than safari
Safari is pretty low on the suck these days
it's certainly not winning any prizes, but I find it tolerable
So lets try full chat in safari then
awww yisss. I have at least 10 valentines cards on my desk.
bring on the candy
Interesting the first fragmentation of SO by language - Portuguese
@mossy heart throb
@cole Someone gave me a little tiny hamburger eraser. Looked like candy so i tried to eat it.
@mossy No cards except from my girlfriend...but, steak dinner date tonight :3
@mossy sometimes, you really amaze me.
@NathanC Nice!
Pretty much broke it off with my girlfriend last night
@cole Who the fuck gives erasers out for valentines day
@mossy who the fuck tries to put everything that looks like it can be eaten, in their mouth!?
@cole Really? Ouch...
@cole ME
@NathanC yeah
@cole Babies and @mossy
Pretty much she can't just seem to keep her mouth shut about me being trans
At the ER on Saturday - the nurse was trying to be nice and asked me if my surgery hurt and how long the healing process was
I responded with "not really, and 6 weeks. I'm sorry, but I really don't like discussing it."
The nurse was like "oh ok I'm sorry"
Gf starts talking to her about where I went to get it done
Talk about not being sensitive...
She's outed me to everyone she fucking knows
I dont get it
It's my thing to share if I feel comfortable
Yeah...I have no clue either. Sounds like she didn't give two shits about your feelings about it
Yeah it's a huge deal
yep, I can see why
@cole Guilty.
@Tanner Children, all of you
@cole This is the internet. We are collectively 12 years old.
Hooray 12
Fuck I hate print servers
I hate secure print servers and equitrac port even MOAR
@cole I'm working on re-organizing our AD groups...
they're all over the place
and people have way too much access and our "office" network drive is a complete disaster security-wise >.>
@NathanC working w/ the security guy to fix our AD OUs
@cole . . . you bring the users in, he shoots them and disposes of the body? Good deal!
I created brand new AD groups by department so they'll be easier to work with
there's tons of redundant groups (people being in 5 different groups all with basically the same access) so it's a bit of a mess lol
OUs will be next...
But now, lunch!
Man, I love polandball
Company's MX records show two servers. They each fail regularly, but I have yet to catch them both down at the same time. Our Domino server fails to send occasionally. I'm worried it might not be trying the second server. Our problem, or theirs?
because I'm tempted to just tell them 'fix your fucking servers' and not give a damn... but I don't want to be that guy. :P
One of my 0 point SU answers (which happened to be wrong...oops) gets a few spam edits a day. Solution? Nuke it from orbit.
Why do my one-line answers to stupid questions always generate more rep than the detailed, carefully researched answers that I used to post, back when questions were more interesting and software recommendations were on-topic?
This must reflect a fundamental flaw in the system.
@Skyhawk Just because.
I think it's about what people are able to identify with.
@ewwhite Fair. Naturally, I identify with climbing windmills. Quixotic.
woo, new laptop
came with Ubuntu preinstalled. First thing I did was wipe it.
@Skyhawk I identify with pushing people into the mill.
@DennisKaarsemaker apple
@DennisKaarsemaker Clearly, somebody <3s you.
And install an updated version :)
@Skyhawk neh, work laptop, old one was held together with fruit
(I had to stick a piece of tangerine peel in the monitor casing to keep it working, contact came loose)
@cole You'll hate print servers less once you've tried the absence of print servers. Unless they're running Windows Server 2003 or older, in which case you'll hate them forever.
I wish when I ran linux on my laptop that it would work well - I have all sorts of weird issues with it.
Not sure if any of you all are public radio fans, but I think today's Google Doodle is my favorite ever, just because Ira.
@Skyhawk I've run into him a few times.
@ewwhite I went to his live show in Seattle several years back. There was a LOT of swooning going on in that room. I wonder what teenage Ira would have said if someone told him he'd have to fend off amorous admirers in his middle-aged years.
Yeah, really :) The voice doesn't match the face, though.
I've missed @MichaelHampton
Garrison Keillor is the same way. There is NO WAY that a man with that voice doesn't have a beard, and then you see his face...
mornin gents
Someone shoot me now. I'm starting to like working with openvz containers
 | |||||||||   `--------'     |          O
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     / XXXXXX /`|     /
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@DennisKaarsemaker Quite the ASCII Art Jedi.\
Sadly, the grip angle on that ASCII art has better ergonomic angle for natural wrist position & sight alignment than most of the modern pistol designs produced nowadays.
@DennisKaarsemaker So disappointed that's not a real book
any vmware people on?
I virtualize every once in a while... of course, if it's stumping you, I probably can't help.
Not stumped... just working in a small environment.
4 NICs per server...
and I'm debating on where to place the vMotion ports.
vswitch0 has VM traffic (2 ports)... vswitch1 has NFS (2 ports)
Well, let me fire up vCenter and see what we've got going on at our remote sites...
@ewwhite OH, seems that we're lame. We have 2 NICs for the management network (failover) connected to one vSwitch, 2 NICs connected to another vSwitch for all our traffic... and two unused vSwitches that look like they would be used to segregate traffic if we bothered to do that.
where is storage?
oh, probably local
@ewwhite Yeah, local. I guess I could check our SAN-attached hosts...
any NFS?
@ewwhite No, just CIFS.
And our SAN-attached hosts are setup the same. Weird. I should probably do something about that, but... too much paperwork.

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