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Q: No link to orphan tag after tag merging in orphan-wikis page

αλεχολυτAs a mod I merged couple of tags, but now I can't find the link to nowadays orphaned tag wiki "scroll" in orphaned wikis page. What's the reason for that?

1 hour later…
Q: Why don't you want to moderate for Open Source?

SpencerGA few weeks ago, we announced to the Open Source community that we had trouble getting the necessary number of nominations to hold a competitive election. We hoped that this would start a conversation on the need for nominations for moderators on the site. We have greatly appreciated MadHatter an...

Q: Why don't you want to moderate for Poker

SpencerGA few weeks ago, we announced to the Poker community that we had trouble getting the necessary number of nominations to hold a competitive election. We hoped that this would start a conversation on the need for nominations for moderators on the site. We have greatly appreciated Grinch91 and Jons’...

1 hour later…
Q: Stack Exchange’s image hosting arrangement with Imgur is ending - advance notice

SlateSince 2010, Imgur has provided image hosting services to Stack Exchange, but that hosting contract with Imgur comes to an end this upcoming April 2024. This April will conclude a 13-year-long successful relationship between Imgur and Stack, for which the whole company has been deeply grateful. Ho...

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