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@geoffc - JFK asked what Americans can do for this country to go to the Moon. And allocated 5% of US GDP to accomplish that. Imagine if Trump asked us to go to Mars?
4 hours later…
NASA just announced that they are delaying the Artemis program (again). Artemis 2 is now planned for April 2026 and Artemis 3 for 2027 nasa.gov/news-release/…
> The [heat shield] problem, said NASA Deputy Administrator Pam Melroy, was linked to the “skip” reentry used by Orion, where the capsule dips in and out of the atmosphere to bleed off energy. More heat was retained than expected in the outer layers of the heat shield, forming gases that were trapped in the material. “This caused internal pressure to build up and led to cracking and uneven shedding of that outer layer,” she said.
At least we now have more info on the heat shield, something that I fee I haven’t really hear much detail on until now
14 hours later…

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