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Q: Why did they expect Astronaut Scott Kelley's telomeres to get shorter? (they got longer!)

uhohThe NPR News article and podcast Scientists Share Results From NASA's Twins Study says: SCOTT KELLY (NASA Astronaut): You know, the symptomatic stuff is fine. I don't have any long-term negative feelings, physically, from being in space. Now, there's the things you can't feel. And hopefully, ...

7 hours later…
12 hours later…
posted on April 13, 2019 by Chris Bergin, Michael Baylor and Thomas Burghart

The “Roc” –  Stratolaunch Systems Corporation’s air-launch carrier plane – has conducted its first test flight…

1 hour later…
This Q was erroneously closed as dupe. space.stackexchange.com/q/35470/195
I’d have no objection to closing it as “another fucking hoaxer” if that was one of our close reasons, but it’s not.

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