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@geoffc I noticed that the president (elect?) has his face in there several times, would that be analogous to Trump sitting front row at SpaceX? This is a private, non-government mission, right?
It is private, but...
It's obviously a pride of Israel.
Just watched The First Man. What is Armstrong calculating with pen and paper, when the other guy asks a question but Neil says, "Sorry; can't. I really need to do this right now."
I think it was a course correction to find the Agena but not sure.
Did he ever calculate a course correction while in flight, if so why wasn't it coming from Command?
Also, why did all the controls look so dirty? Modular systems harvested from other spacecraft?
4 hours later…
Q: Calculations Apollo astronauts were trained to do by hand if loss of guidance computer and/or data & coms link to Earth?

uhohThis answer to the question is it possible to navigate space travel with no computer? currently contains the line Yes, as long as you don't care where you end up but I am not so sure this is true. In order to think about this further, I'd like to find out more about the kinds of calculation...

@Mazura somewhat related
8 hours later…
Preliminary technical information collected by the teams shows that the first technical issue occurred at 14 km above the Moon. At 150 meters when the connection with #Beresheet was lost, it was moving at 500 km/h, making a collision inevitable. #IsraelToTheMoon #SpaceIL
@uhoh Prime Minister. President is Reuven Rivlin. Netanyahu is presumed prime minister (since he has to form a government first. Parlimentary systems are funny that way. US is unique in its republican form of government).
They invite the PM as it is an honour to him and to them.
@geoffc ah okay, got it, and got it.
I'll never understand the parliamentary system, I barely understand the US' system. Everything I know I learned from Schoolhouse Rock.
Israel takes parliamentary systems to the level of stupidity. They have so many parties, and no one has ever won an actual single party governing mandate. I.e. 36 out of 120 will govern, in concert/alliance with other parties in dribs and drabs fo 5-10 seats each. They do require a 2.5% minimum vote count to get even a single seat.
Canada has 3 or 4 major parties, and rarely does the governing party NOT have a majority. (Joe Clark, PC in the late 70's, and Harper in teh 2000's) I say 3 or 4 since one 'major' party runs only in Quebec and it is impossible for them to ever form a government, so what is the point exactly?
Isreal has NEVER had a single party majority. So you get odd coalitions and odd decisions as the party with 5 or 10 seats, says, do what I want, or I go to the other side and your govt fails.
I worked for a company once that sent me to Israel many times for business. I think I've been there about 6 months total. Let's just say when people get together to discuss what to do, there is always an "abundance of opinions".
Ah the famous joke, 2 jews, 3 opinions. (there is a semi religious basis to that, but it isi not meant as a negative thing).
Better joke is they find a jew stranded on a desert island for 20 years, and find three gorgeous buildings They ask him what are they? #1 is the synagouge I go to. #2 is the synagogue I go to when I am upset at the people in #1. So what is #3? That is the one I would not be caught dead in. :) thus the joke is, it is not a real Jewish community until there are 3 synagouges minimum. :)
I am LOL ing now and disturbing others, you caught me off guard ;-)
I was driving on a 2-lane (each way) road which reached a 1-lane traffic circle. Both I and the car next to me sped up to try to go first..
We both had to stop, she yelled at me something, I smiled and said "sorry" and she just stopped dead, a look of confusion on her face. She was speechless.
She had no argument for that response ;-)
okay it's getting late, cheers...
So I thought that the attach points for the side boosters looked different FH 1 to 2, but I was wrong.
Someone overlaid the two videos. I grabed this screen shot to show it. (FLight 2 on top)
it's the other end in the photo of course, but I haven't read the whole article.
The things in your screen shot were fun to watch. Did the main core shut down first, while the side boosters disconnected while under power?
Hard to tell. I think they throttle down the side cores and seperate so the center pulls away.
BUt probably not too much, since you want them to seperate three bears like. NOt too fast, not too slow.
3 hours later…
1 hour later…
3 hours later…
@uhoh "somewhat" ... ? I only got half way through that answer and I have no more questions. Thanks.
@Mazura oh that's great!
@forest I love it!!! :-)

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