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Oh I see Laurel was talking about this earlier today. I've not read that yet.
Yes, three people can close but so too can three people reöpen. Which rarely happens.
I can't really fully engage right now. Urgent evening chores, battening down the hatches to furious 70 mph winds and such.
@Xanne Here's the thing: since the number of users/posts is declining, there's less of a motivation to (say) add minor new features improving close-vote mechanics; it's not the highest-priority issue for SE corporate.
The StackOverflow corp. is facing a huge cut into their business by chatGPT right now.
Tried using SEDE to make a chart of posts by month; not sure that's 100% accurate but it seems so.
True; I wasn’t asking them for anything. When you have competition, one approach is to be more flexible about what you do, or what you let users do.
@alphabet Scale?
If you have the fancy mod privileges tchrist has and can see site analytics, you'll probably get higher-quality data.
I can see dead posts.
@RyderisnotRude. The decline started well before Nov 2022.
Yeah, the Monika scandal days...
I doubt Monika was a significant factor either.
If you look at the chart for ELL--working on a version of that now--it goes up sharply at the start of the pandemic, and drops sharply around when ChatGPT came out.
Note: for ELL, the X axis starts later since the site opened later
GPT has the potential to turn this whole network into a ghost town.
I suspect that some of this may be related to ELL stealing our traffic. Before ELL was launched, I believe, questions from non-native speakers would end up on ELU instead.
Some of the decline in ELU's traffic, I mean.
"At this point in your career, your only possible promotion is to management, where you will stop doing the work you love and use a skill set you don't have and we don't teach."
(I'm trying to figure out how to fix the X axes on those charts so they line up properly
Aug 22 at 14:42, by tchrist
mene mene tekel upharsin
@alphabet So ELL is bigger than EL&U? Is this the number of new posts per...something?
Aug 22 at 14:43, by Robusto
@tchrist Useful if you're ever caught in a lion's den.
@alphabet I suspect things broadly correlate with how active SO is, with SO peeps being the main source of new users and activity
@Cerberus per month
ELL has more new posts. It'll probably overtake ELU eventually
~30 days
@Cerberus Go here and click the public beta link.
@Laurel Quite possibly.
Because that's the 25k site analytics not the moderator site analytics, I think we can show that here.
The chart I'm showing is exported from SEDE and thus probably not as high-quality as whatever @Laurel and @tchrist have--but it's public data so you don't need privileges to access it.
@Laurel Oh, wow. It is crazy how the Jewish site gets more questions than we.
Wait, I misread that--the spike in ELL usage isn't Covid-related since it happened in 2019, not 2020. Huh.
@RyderisnotRude. Noted.
@Laurel ELU has gotten too clubby and censorious for casual users. That's why ELL is overtaking us, though both are circling the drain.
We could challenge ELL to a duel. Perhaps that would set things right.
@alphabet Oh, I had no idea ELL had been bigger for so many years already.
The axis sucks.
And O am
And I can't be arsed to grab the csv data and massage it into something that google sheets will show the right time axis labels for.
But you get the idea.
The whole StackOverflow Corp. is "circling the drain."
Yeah, the X axis issues make it hard for me to tell if tchrist's graph (with better data) aligns with my graph (with worse data)
But if you just search "created:2023" on ELU (so both questions and answers) you get 10,886; on ELL you get 13,613 results.
@tchrist What's with the 7-month markers on the X-axis?
Does the software think those are weeks?
GPT is only going to get better and better at stealing business from them.
The moderator version isn't so dumb. But you can grab the raw data and replot it sanely.
@tchrist Hey, jump back. I never thought it was. ;-)
@Cerberus That really is crazy, and it's still too close after adding ELL & ELU together. A huge chunk of the world speaks English, but only a small fraction are practicing Jews
Jews don't need to practice. I mean, if they aren't aiming for Carnegie Hall, that is.
@alphabet you can use one of the following to only get one type: is:q is:a
We have entered a new age of GP Transformation.
The Monica incident doesn't register on the graph and doesn't seem to be a particularly significant inflection point. As one would assume.
Yeah, there's too much noise in the graphics.
@Laurel The Subconts and Knee Reesters, some of the Network's most frequent visitors, are beloved of GenAI. So they ask their programming and language questions of the nearest neo mechanical turk. This takes away a great deal of the tech&lang Q&A they used to post hereabouts. But neither segment is all that apt to post on matters Judaïcal, leaving those numbers undiminished and thus suddenly looming larger comparatively.
@Laurel On the other hand, the Islam gets about the same amount of questions as the Judaism one, and the Christianity SE gets fewer questions than either of those. Not proportional to their number of adherents, of course.
Which presumably just illustrates that the people who use SE are nothing like a representative sample of the global population.
Last rat to jump ship better remember to turn off the lights.
@Laurel Yeah. Though you only need a tiny fraction of either to receive that number of posts.
The rats are the first to leave, no?
"LLMs don't ride bicycles"
@tchrist That makes sense.
Looming being the appropriate word.
@alphabet What, no, that can't be!
@RyderisnotRude. Good point.
@RyderisnotRude. They haven't yet finished feeding on the perambulant zombies.
Right, right.
Typical bandwagon fans.
Pardon my mixing of metaphors.
Now that I think about it: I've been a software dev for several years and I've never had a moment when I would've considered asking a question on a Q&A site.
What made you think about it now?
Disruptive forces always give birth to complete revolutions overturning the ancien régime seemingly overnight.
@RyderisnotRude. So you're saying there's gonna be an otherwise-abandoned ship full of trash?
@tchrist And tech bros?
It is interesting that the decline seems to have become permanent around when SE sold to Prosus.
They sound like corporate raiders.
James Watt. Eli Whitney. Henry Ford. Bob Kahn. Tim Berners-Lee. Perhap even, at some remove and in an iterative derivative sense, Steve Jobs with cell phones: got any fax machines or pagers in the closet still?
How does the popularity of bit coin fit in on those graphs.
@Laurel Either jumped ship already or are part of the revolution themselves.
@tchrist Hesbollah got pagers
Yes, life is suffering.
@CowperKettle Did have. :)
We use it as, "pain is gain;" but, it ultimately must win.
@CowperKettle Ok, that joke was incredibly dark but also probably one of the best I've seen here.
You haven't been here long pal.
@CowperKettle I don't really get it.
@Cerberus Buddha and Shopenhauer
I got that.
And I imagine both may have things about suffering in their ideas.
Here! I eased your suffering.
Remember the golden rule of foreign policy: "It doesn't count as terrorism if our friends do it."
At least now we know why Marjorie Taylor Greene was talking about Jewish space lasers.
> A former British Army munitions expert, who asked not to be named, told the BBC the devices could have been packed with between 10 to 20 grams each of military-grade high explosive, hidden inside a fake electronic component.
Yeah, not the couple ounces some were suggesting.
Too heavy anyway.
> ‘On one occasion, an old woman chatting outside his door made him so angry that he pushed her down the stairs. She was injured, and a court ordered Schopenhauer to pay compensation to her for the rest of her life. When she died some years later, Schopenhauer showed no compassion: instead he scribble the joke-rhyme ‘obit anus, abit onus‘ (Latin for ‘the old woman dies, the burden goes’) on her death certificate.’
Jan 7, 2012 at 21:41, by Robusto
@Cerberus — Hence Schopenhauer's chiastic pun upon the death of an old woman to whom he owed money: Obit anus abit onus.
No new thing under the sun.
Life is suffering because there is always a better life.
Life is not suffering if you can always find a better job.
Life is suffering because others' jobs always look better.
@alphabet He looks like the man in charge and ready to commandeer the boat. For once I believe your claim that raccoon can be more intelligent than humans :-) .
@alphabet Just like ELU is naturally combined with ELL for statistics (6.4 + 11 = 17.4), Christianity should be combined with Biblical Hermeneutics (2.9 + 4.7 = 7.6) which becomes more than Islam (4.7), Hinduism (3.6), and Buddhism (0.6) although still less than Judaism (7.9). I'm surprised too, and that's after Monica jumped ship to another platform. I wonder what was the number while Monica was still there.
@GratefulDisciple What numbers are you adding up there?
@alphabet Questions per day?
@Laurel Yeah but where are the questions per day numbers from?
@GratefulDisciple Also add up all the crypto currency sites into one... we don't need a SE site for each shitcoin out there.
3 hours ago, by Laurel
@Cerberus https://stackexchange.com/sites#culturerecreation-users
I read that as "culture creation..." not "culture recreation..."
@Robusto I want to find a different job, but it all ends up with me copying job positions into a Word file and doing nothing, for months
And I haven't been able to compose a resume for months
@CowperKettle GPT?
@Cerberus Oh, you have to click the "list" button on that page to see those numbers (instead of showing the "grid" view)
I'm not sure what that number is, though. Questions per day recently? Over the site's entire lifetime?
7 hours later…
@M.A.R. Let me know when you've finished it. I'd love to have a read.
@tchrist I don't know the stats, but in my personal experience, most of the items that I vote to reopen are reopened (with two others). And I vote to reopen avg 2-3 times /day.
2 hours later…
#travle #644 +1
Wordle 1,187 6/6

1 hour later…
Is the phrasing "both incrementally and in concert" ok here:
"There are a range of factors which both incrementally and in concert influence whether a listener infers a conditional to be depicting a counterfactual situation or event"
@Robusto That's a new way to say that which I've never seen before.
#WhenTaken #204 (18.09.2024)

I scored 0/1000 🎉

1️⃣ 📍 17336 km - 🗓️ 75 yrs - ⚡ 0 / 200
2️⃣ 📍 15951 km - 🗓️ 69 yrs - ⚡ 0 / 200
3️⃣ 📍 17123 km - 🗓️ 77 yrs - ⚡ 0 / 200
4️⃣ 📍 18354 km - 🗓️ 87 yrs - ⚡ 0 / 200
5️⃣ 📍 18507 km - 🗓️ 90 yrs - ⚡ 0 / 200

A standstill moment :-)
1 hour later…
Wordle 1,187 4/6

@Mitch I don't think it means "that which I've never seen before", I think it means "Nothing is new". At least I've never seen it used to mean "that which I've never seen before". That would be a first.
@Araucaria-Him everything you say is I'm sure we'll reasoned, insightful, and probably right, assuming I had meant what I wrote. Unfortunately, what I meant to write was "...that, which...", the 'that' being an actual pronoun for the linked sentence, not part of the two word relative pronoun 'that which'.
Which 'that which' would be that which I wouldn't have meant.
For context...
Nov 29, 2023 at 22:08, by Mitch
Jul 24 at 16:54, by Robusto
I was going to say There is nothing new under the sun but that would have precipitated @Mitch to pull up his endlessly repetitive post from years ago.
Which is more meaningful itself with the context...
Nov 29, 2023 at 22:04, by Mitch
Jul 24 at 15:35, by Mitch
Apr 21 at 20:50, by Mitch
Nov 9, 2021 at 16:23, by Mitch
Jan 19 at 3:03, by Mitch
Aug 21 '20 at 20:23, by Mitch
Jul 5 at 20:43, by Mitch
Apr 29 at 15:07, by Mitch
Mar 2 at 18:13, by Mitch
Dec 31 '18 at 22:48, by Mitch
Nov 9 at 14:20, by Mitch
Oct 18 at 14:11, by Mitch
Jun 1 at 19:04, by Mitch
May 17 '17 at 19:08, by Mitch
there's nothing new under the sun
This sentence has been written before.
This sentence has been written before.
At most one of these three sentences is true.
All Cretans are cretins.
All cretins create creatine but no Cretans create creatinine.
@Mitch I'm still reading, but while I'm on this line, is that really what you meant?
Or did you mean: "Which 'that which' would be that 'that which' which I wouldn't have meant"?
@Araucaria-Him I would say it is syntactically valid, but it is not easy to imagine what both incrementally and in concert means.
How does it work, influencing someone's inference incrementally and in concert both at the same time? And how is it different from merely influencing in concert?
I have to say, the rest of this sentence, while typical of academic prose, is overloaded.
If it were my text, I would recast such sentences to make them more parsable.
Split them up, use more (full) clauses and/or sentences.
@Araucaria-Him Yes. By which, I mean sort of, not really, uh ...no.
@jlliagre Now you're just baiting me.
Daily Octordle #968
Score: 63
#WhenTaken #204 (18.09.2024)

I scored 855/1000 🎉

1️⃣ 📍 6 km - 🗓️ 4 yrs - ⚡ 196 / 200
2️⃣ 📍 516 km - 🗓️ 10 yrs - ⚡ 170 / 200
3️⃣ 📍 2 km - 🗓️ 13 yrs - ⚡ 176 / 200
4️⃣ 📍 6 km - 🗓️ 3 yrs - ⚡ 197 / 200
5️⃣ 📍 5958 km - 🗓️ 0 yrs - ⚡ 116 / 200

@jlliagre I suppose I should say thank you. But what was your real score?
Daily Sequence Octordle #968
Score: 68
Tightrope, a daily trivia game | Britannica

Sep. 18, 2024

✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ 🎉

My Score: 2230
#WhenTaken #204 (18.09.2024)

I scored 825/1000 🎉

1️⃣ 📍 1516 km - 🗓️ 15 yrs - ⚡ 130 / 200
2️⃣ 📍 538 km - 🗓️ 3 yrs - ⚡ 181 / 200
3️⃣ 📍 2286 km - 🗓️ 11 yrs - ⚡ 129 / 200
4️⃣ 📍 332 km - 🗓️ 1 yrs - ⚡ 188 / 200
5️⃣ 📍 21 km - 🗓️ 2 yrs - ⚡ 197 / 200

"Stop searching. Happiness is right next to you."
@jlliagre You probably still let me win. ;-)
@MetaEd Sitting at my desk, I have a wall right next to me. I mean, I'm glad my office is not open on that side so I could see the back of the oven and the fridge, but I will keep searching anyway. Thank you for your support.
@Robusto I didn't but I have to admit I played quickly.
Tightrope, a daily trivia game | Britannica

Sep. 18, 2024

✅ ✅ ✅ 💔 💔 💔 ⎵ ⎵ ⎵ 🤕

My Score: 670
I didn't pick the right answer for #6 because the question was talking about (only) "thousands".
Wordle 1,187 4/6

@jlliagre Yes, but miles, not im.
But yeah, you ran into a solid string of US trivia.
Daily Octordle #968
Score: 67
@Robusto It says thousands of which animals. That's two orders of magnitude off.
@jlliagre Spoiler
@jlliagre OK, I just looked and you're right. It's certainly off by that much.
Thanks @Cerberus Yes, I think you're right.
@Cerberus They build up over the course of the sentence working together as they accrete.
So it's not just one factor.
The end's crap because I hadn't worked out how the end of the sentence was going to go, but I still wanted to get some advice about the "incrementally and in concert" bit.
@Araucaria-Him Do you mean because the reader comes across these "factors" at different times during the listening?
Daily Sequence Octordle #968
Score: 77
And what if you left out "in concert"?
#travle #644 +1
@Cerberus Yes, as the sentence goes along the listener gets more clues. The choice of pronouns, comparative morphemes, other deictic words etc, etc.
@Araucaria-Him OK. "Progressively"?
@Cerberus Yes, something like that. I think I just need to cast it differently
And perhaps split it up.
@Cerberus Well, I don't think the end was going to be that clunky. It's just I had to write something in to be able to post it. I think whether a listener infers a conditional to be depicting a counterfactual situation or event will probably be something like whether we infer counterfactually from a conditional
But actually, yes. I'll probably use an extra sentence or so.
@Araucaria-Him That sounds a lot better!
Ciao folks!
Or counterfactuality?
@Cerberus Yes, should be 'counterfactuality'!
I suppose both are possible.
Ah, OK.
Or a counterfactual situation as you had before.
@Cerberus No, it's my computer autocorrecting me *&^(%!
Language has so many possibilities!
@Araucaria-Him Proof that AI is harmful to humans.
@Cerberus Quite.
Night everyone!
Thanks for the help @Cerberus
I didn't!
Sleep tight.
And no playing on your phone in bed, you hear me?
Hi, guys. Can I check with you these sentences? Do they sound natural enough to say?

1. In Cape Town, it is windy year round.
2. Once everything has been taken care of, we can proceed with our work.
3. I've been let go today. I'm officially out of job now.
4. This type of dress is most hip this year. All girls are wearing it.
1: good.
2: good.
3: out of A job
4: I wouldn't use hip as a superlative, I think it is not usually gradable.
So I would either just use hip, or something stronger like all the rage or whatever. Or colloquially super hip.
Some eels can escape from the stomach of a predator.
They use their tail to pry around from the stomach until they find the gills.
Then they roll up their tail like a corkscrew and pull their whole body out.
@MichaelRybkin number 4 sounds off, depends on the time period I guess and wahtever the kids are saying these days.
Also - how formal are you speaking?
1. Cape town is always hella-windy
definitely not formal language.
@MichaelRybkin " ... out of a job"
#4 sounds funny to say. It feels kind of supercilious. Like you don't mean it, or that you're making fun of the dress. Plus not "all girls" but "all the girls". Watch those articles.

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