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> The first recorded recipe for mujaddara appears in Kitab al-Tabikh, a cookbook compiled in 1226 by al-Baghdadi in Iraq.
@CowperKettle sounds good
Like rice and beans, or 'dirty rice'
The remedy against swiftboating:
I found that funny. Anyways, cheers!
@Mitch Do you drink that with dirty martinis?
3 hours later…
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Email in answer, potentially bad ns for domain in answer, potentially bad keyword in username (81): How to answer the greeting "What's the story?"‭ by Mooore David‭ on english.SE
3 hours later…
24 yo Dmitry Dvali, winner of the European Boxing Championship, has almost lost an eye after he intervened into several men's attempt to beat up an adolescent rbc.ru/sport/08/08/2024/66b4e9a09a7947142c2e384a
He was returning from his morning jog and saw several men attacking an adolescent boy, and intervened. His eye was physically saved, but vision might be close to zero even provided that surgeries result in a success.
Well at least boxing made him morally strong.
2 hours later…
#WhenTaken #166 (11.08.2024)

I scored 797/1000 🎉

1️⃣ 📍 48 km - 🗓️ 10 yrs - ⚡ 183 / 200
2️⃣ 📍 3 km - 🗓️ 1 yrs - ⚡ 199 / 200
3️⃣ 📍 14 km - 🗓️ 0 yrs - ⚡ 199 / 200
4️⃣ 📍 2700 km - 🗓️ 7 yrs - ⚡ 134 / 200
5️⃣ 📍 607 km - 🗓️ 34 yrs - ⚡ 82 / 200
I had no idea how to nail down the last one.
#WhenTaken #166 (11.08.2024)

I scored 946/1000 🎉

1️⃣ 📍 331.5 metres - 🗓️ 3 yrs - ⚡ 197 / 200
2️⃣ 📍 106.0 metres - 🗓️ 1 yrs - ⚡ 199 / 200
3️⃣ 📍 622.3 metres - 🗓️ 1 yrs - ⚡ 199 / 200
4️⃣ 📍 445 km - 🗓️ 4 yrs - ⚡ 182 / 200
5️⃣ 📍 607 km - 🗓️ 9 yrs - ⚡ 169 / 200

So you got the city in the 4th one, but did what I did on the 5 th location.
@Xanne It's very easy if you happen to recognize your grandfather on the picture. Otherwise, like us pick a random place in the region you think it was taken and you will land precisely at 607 km :-) Statistics don't lie.
@Xanne I didn't but was closer.
@Xanne Spoiler
7 hours later…
The grandfather is on the picture? Is he a chicken?
4 hours later…
@Lambie Thanks for enlightening me but to be honest, I wouldn't be greatly surprised if he were one. @Xanne wouldn't be the first animal to regularly visit this chat.
1 hour later…
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in answer, potentially bad keyword in username, blacklisted user (74): What adjective (other than "last") means "most-recent previous"?‭ by Mooore David‭ on english.SE
3 hours later…
Hello, everyone.
It seems I have some catching-up to do.

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