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Yesterday Yo-burg had the warmest 15 June in 144 years.
A guy who upvoted my ride yesterday has recently run.. a 100-kilometer race
> Located less than one hour from central Tokyo and surrounded by rich mountain scenery, the Okumusashi Long Trail 105K is a trail course crafted by local residents and trail runners. The Long Trail connects the beautiful peaks of Okumusashi, boasting 105K of distance with 8,000+ meters of elevation gain.
1 hour later…
Very long, and far!
@Robusto everything is conditional, indeed. That's a very Buddhist sentiment, by the way
I can't imagine running for 100 km non-stop
2 hours later…
Word of the day: tailocin - shelled-out half-functional bacteriofage viruses produced by bacteria (!) to kill other strains of bacteria.
> These are former phages that have been domesticated by bacteria so they can be used to harm the bacteria's potential competition. Bacteria with a tailocin can produce partial phages that consist only of the legs and stalk. These tailocins can still find and latch on to other bacteria, but when the stalk contracts, there's no genome to inject.
> Instead, this just opens a hole in the membrane of their victim, partially eliminating the boundary of the cell and allowing some of its contents to leak out, leading to its death.
3 hours later…
> - Why did the pencil think that 2 + 2 = 4?
- Because it was coupled to the mathematician.
*hollowed-out rather than shelled-out
2 hours later…
How the Germanic word for soap reached Aboriginal Australia
@CowperKettle Sabun is in Hindi also.
3 hours later…
And Farsi
It just seems to prefer the naval route
@CowperKettle . . . Holy cow
@CowperKettle Germanic -> Latin -> French -> Vietnamese xà bông.
3 hours later…
@FerasMuhaidat What do you mean? These all refer to things that have not happened yet. Nothing already happened. Did you think told represented a real past event that actually happened already not an imaginary possibility yet to be realized? It’s just like what happens in It would be better if somebody told him the truth. That’s not a real past; it means the same thing as It would be better if someone were to tell him the truth.tchrist ♦ 10 mins ago
Coping with reality can be hard enough sometimes. Maybe we shouldn't be surprised when we find people having trouble coping with irreality. :)
2 hours later…
#WhenTaken #110 (16.06.2024)

I scored 789/1000 🎉

1️⃣ 📍 6899 km - 🗓️ 1 yrs - ⚡ 111 / 200
2️⃣ 📍 1869 km - 🗓️ 10 yrs - ⚡ 138 / 200
3️⃣ 📍 1 km - 🗓️ 1 yrs - ⚡ 199 / 200
4️⃣ 📍 2 km - 🗓️ 21 yrs - ⚡ 151 / 200
5️⃣ 📍 225 km - 🗓️ 2 yrs - ⚡ 190 / 200

@Vikas Cool!
#WhenTaken #110 (16.06.2024)

I scored 795/1000 🎉

1️⃣ 📍 6894 km - 🗓️ 3 yrs - ⚡ 109 / 200
2️⃣ 📍 351 km - 🗓️ 5 yrs - ⚡ 184 / 200
3️⃣ 📍 1 km - 🗓️ 15 yrs - ⚡ 170 / 200
4️⃣ 📍 2 km - 🗓️ 5 yrs - ⚡ 195 / 200
5️⃣ 📍 3107 km - 🗓️ 2 yrs - ⚡ 137 / 200

@jlliagre Another close one.
You and I were 5k off on #1.
@Robusto Statistiquement une cravate, comme disent les anglophones ;-)
@jlliagre Mais oui.
@jlliagre Yes. #1 was a cheat. I mean, who else takes a dog to a volcano?
@jlliagre Spoiler
@Robusto I was puzzled by that one but would have ruled out that country anyway. The columns shape led me to be close to the actual spot.
@jlliagre Well, I've never been there, so I assume you have.
@jlliagre I'm not sure cravate is the correct translation for English tie in this context.
@Robusto It was a joke.
It didn't occur to me until just now. What would the French be for that kind of "tie"?
Un dessin, une tête morte ;-)
Sorry, kidding again.
We would say: un match nul, égalité, ex-aequo.
Ah. Quite literal, you folks. ;-)
Daily Octordle #874
Score: 61
Wordle 1,093 3/6

Wordle 1,093 3/6

Daily Sequence Octordle #874
Score: 86
Daily Octordle #874
Score: 64
Daily Sequence Octordle #874
Score: 78
@Robusto By the way, I've never been in that particular country but I recognized this: spoiler.
@jlliagre Ah. I should have paid more attention to the architecture.
1 hour later…
I drank soju yesterday. The relish was pork rind.
Heck, it seems my default drink capacity is one bottle. It doubles when I drink with my juniors tho.
@DannyuNDos Two bottles? I hope not jeroboams :-)
Hello all. Is this room for English Language Learners or English Language & Usage?
@Kav EL&U
@jlliagre Typically, a soju bottle has capacity of 360mL.
@Kav We also talk about bottle capacities and aboriginal words etymologies, among other things.

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