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@Cerberus things you just can't see
washes hands again
Hmm I don't see anything now.
There's even things that we not only can't see but don't even know about
scrubs harder
Those are the known unknowns
In anticipation of the unknown unknowns...
scrubs some more
The unknown knowns?
Just to be sure...
scrubs with wire brush
The unknown knowns happen in the Anton syndrome.
> Those who have it are cortically blind, but affirm, often quite adamantly and in the face of clear evidence of their blindness, that they are capable of seeing. Failing to accept being blind, people with Anton syndrome dismiss evidence of their condition and employ confabulation to fill in the missing sensory input.
> One hypothesis is that damage to the visual cortex results in the inability to communicate with the speech-language areas of the brain. Visual imagery is received but cannot be interpreted; the speech centers of the brain confabulate a response.
> "It takes a lifetime to make cartilage in an individual, while this method takes about four weeks."
I would love to have my corneas bioprinted and grafted, and to have a 100% vision.
And there are hundreds of thousands of people who have lost sight completely due to corneal damage.
Bioprinters will prove a miracle.
15-year old Nikita Uvarov has been freed from arrest yesterday
He has spent 11 months under arrest for his alleged plan to blow up an FSB building in Minecraft.
He and his friend wanted to create a copy of an FSB (Federal Security Service of Russia) building in Minecraft and blow it up. Their correspondence in the social network was tapped by Russian special services, and they were arrested.
Luckily, the terrorism case was closed in March, after a lot of newspaper and journal articles and a lot of picketing.
But they still face charges of planning to create a detonation device.
He did the right thing: he flatly refused to cooperate with the "investigators" and holds himself innocent. They put a lot of pressure on suspects to entice them into "cooperation" and "recognition of their crimes", hinting that doing so will lead to a lighter sentence.
Invariably this leads to a conviction, and what's worse, drags in additional suspects and convicts into the case.
This is a bloodthirsty machine, similar to the machine started by Joseph Stalin.
People who work in the FSB want to get promotions, salary hikes. And they invent new cases, and drag more and more people into this repression machine.
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Project West Ford (also known as Westford Needles and Project Needles) was a test carried out by Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Lincoln Laboratory on behalf of the United States military in 1961 and 1963 to create an artificial ionosphere above the Earth. This was done to solve a major weakness that had been identified in military communications. == History == At the height of the Cold War, all international communications were either sent through submarine communications cables or bounced off the natural ionosphere. The United States military were concerned that the Soviets might cut...
What a bright idea, sprinkle half a billion needles in space around Earth.
1 hour later…
> Their numbers have been diminishing over time as they occasionally re-enter. As of March 2020, 36 clumps of needles were still known to be in orbit
To be fair, the orbit is ~3500km, and the ISS is at roughly 420km. So the high speed needle barrage is mostly out of range.
1 hour later…

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