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@M.A.R. I don't know! Why not 25%?
Because it's an infinite loop, there is no possible answer.
@CowperKettle well really in every paradox you have to ignore one important axiom or logical step or something like that to land in an answer
Why is a phrasal verb called so?
So if you reinterpret the thing as "chances of the right answer in a multiple choice question with four options?" + "what are the chances of these options showing the answer for the previous question" then the answer is C.
Not logically bulletproof, but eh, not entirely nuts
@RajorshiKoyal because when you add a space, you're no longer dealing with just one word. It's a phrase. (Although obviously in a linguistic analysis of every sentence the verb plus whatever fluff is about it can be called the verb phrase)
But why verb ..hat is so idiomatic about this?
@RajorshiKoyal what?
I haven't slept all night. No riddle-speak
@CowperKettle am awkward. Can confirm.
There's lots of real nasty hate between India and Pakistan that goes under the radar
Why has phrasal verb to do with it being idiomatic ?
That is what I am asking.
Like, the fascists at India say some horrible crap about Muslims or Pakistanis, the sort of thing that gets you gently pinched over at the UN, but no one even belches
@M.A.R. Did u get my query?
@RajorshiKoyal oh, nothing really. But phrasal verbs tend to simplify rarer verbs in English by replacing them with more common verbs
Say, "explode" is mouthier than "go off".
Or wordier
Or scarier
"Turn away" "reject" All sorts of examples
@RajorshiKoyal I feel like my answer was unsatisfactory and thus you're giving me the silent treatment
It's just that I'm literally dozing off, so can you be a little quicker dude
Mitch is going to have fun with that comment
No no the answer is great I got your point :-)
Oh okay great then
I'm calling it a night . . . Day . . . Thing.
What is meant by inventory build-ups?
The Falklands are so big
3 hours later…
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at beginning of answer (34): Why does "smashing" mean "very good"? by alba on english.SE
3 hours later…
Anonymouse is an anonymous Swedish artists collective, notable for street installations in Sweden. They build mouse-themed miniatures and display them in public. The first work was the restaurant Il Topolino that appeared on Bergsgatan in Malmö. It was vandalized a few weeks later. In April 2017 they created an amusement park at Södra Förstadsgatan. In September 2017 two shops and a gas station opened in Borås.The group also built exhibits in Bayonne and on Isle of Man in 2018 and later the same year a miniature barber shop and a shelter for mice in Malmö. In May 2019 a detective agency in Malmö...
1 hour later…
Hi all. Is it okay to say "The Force is Weak with Coronavirus.
May the immunity be with you"?
@Vikas Yes
@CowperKettle Won't people argue that right now corona is stronger?
@Vikas People will argue even if you say "two by two equals four".
@CowperKettle :P
@CowperKettle How dare you!
@M.A.R. What?🙉I can't hear you, you'll have to type louder.
@M.A.R. seeing your reply now, thanks that makes a lot more sense, didn't realise there was a code review chat
@Mitch What? Was I wrong? ))
She participated in some street action, so she is judged not exactly for reading the Constitution. But still a term of 2 years is draconic.
She is charged with spraying pink paint on the General Prosecutor's Office, and putting a banner on the building.
> "Rione" is an Italian term used since the 14th century to name a district of a town.
In Russian, rai-on (район).
For instance, I live in the Leninsky Raion of Yekaterinburg
May the 4th be with you
In the Ukrainian style
A kobzar' is a traditional Ukrainian folk singer
A Kobzar (Ukrainian: кобзар, pl. kobzari Ukrainian: кобзарі) was an itinerant Ukrainian bard who sang to his own accompaniment, played on a multistringed bandura or kobza. == Tradition == Kobzars were often blind and became predominantly so by the 1800s. Kobzar literally means 'kobza player', a Ukrainian stringed instrument of the lute family, and more broadly — a performer of the musical material associated with the kobzar tradition.The professional kobzar tradition was established during the Hetmanate Era around the sixteenth century in Ukraine. Kobzars accompanied their singing with a musical...
14.2% of new cars sold in France in Jan-Apr 2021 were electric or plug-in hybrides.
This is very cool.
I wonder if the industry will hit a wall in term of scarcity of rare elements needed for the production of car batteries.
It will be sad to observe.
@CowperKettle 🤣
Maybe gradually hydrogen-powered cars will appear in big numbers, if the drive to install "green hydrogen" facilities pans out.
I want to say this expression, "it loses the edge" to express poverty of the quality of the energy spectrum it becomes.
Was that acceptable?
It's like the 1970s all over again. Psychiatry and heavy neuroleptic drugs are used to suppress opposition in Russia.
Another protester, Gabyshev, has been in a clinic for several months already.
When visited by friends, he looked terrible, could hardly walk and talk due to the heavy doses of antipsychotics the bastards are giving him.
Map of the United States if the 1851 Treaty of Laramie was respected
Word of the day: Nephronophthisis
I'm writing a Russian Wikipedia page about the ADAMTS family, and coming across all kinds of rare and weird disorders.
2 hours later…
Translated an illustration into Russian
ADAMTS mutations cause a lot of diseases
Interestingly, mutations that increase the activity of ADAMTS3 can cause early schizophrenia.
This is probably due to the fact that an overactive ADAMTS3 deactivates reelin too actively, and reelin is necessary for establishment of neuronal connections in the processes of memory and learning.
@CowperKettle washes hands again
Are you sure you actually washed them?
1 hour later…
@Cerberus Goddammit
washes hands again
2 hours later…
@Mitch Hmm what did I see there?
I think there is a bug hiding between your fingers.
Or a germ.
A virus?

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