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So am I.
Oh, but I have just added the Xeno siege/healer 3/3 (2 delay).
I needed some siege against those damned wall decks.
Damnit. Another try, another failure.
Ack I lost to a cheating Vampire.
Another 22 minutes.
Yeah, I'm talking about the Niaq.
I just tried it again. Got wall/weaken/wall as my first three options. For the third time in a row.
And yeah Mawcor's second shot would be in turn 9.
So I might even have won if he had Flurried, which he didn't.
Oh well.
On the plus side, four faction battles, four wins.
But I win: I have just beaten myself!
I beat myself all the time.
5 hours ago, by RegDwight
@Cerberus Well, again, given enough dedication, I beat all my decks.
That means that my decks are more of the dumb kind.
Dangit, I would have leveled up today if not for that stupid Niaq.
He's not the Holy Grail...
Also, no raids...
I often find myself doing II because it's faster.
Yeah, well, which card from raids do you covet?
Finished two today, would like to do more, but those are on cool down, and the other ones are not getting posted to chat.
You talkin' about World of Warcraft?
No. Like, puhleees.
Yeah. Join us!
Ah. My Crysis 2 screenshot pwns your Tyrant anyway. In all ways imaginable. Not even talking about Crysis 2 itself.
In all ways imaginable to you, perhaps.
You're just lacking imagination.
Well spoken. But the Crysis pic is pretty...
So freaking what.
Yeah, yeah...
Google "Mona Lisa".
(But yeah, those crazy Germans sure know their stuff.)
Have you seen Her for real?
Have you been there?
The silly queue and the glass make the experience quite unsatisfying.
Then again, I usually don't experience a great deal of emotion with paintings.
Am I alone?
I find architecture more touching, for example.
We'll be visiting Paris shortly, but I don't think Louvre is of any interest to anyone.
Oh, bye the way, @Vit, I see the Unicode perfectly on that source page if I turn off "page style"! Weird?
@Cerberus Depends on the paintings. The Tretyakov Gallery gets me every time.
@RegDwight Really? But... but...
@Cerberus We only have three days. Don't want to spend them all queueing up.
@RegDwight Hmm... but the Louvre has everything?
If you go to the Louvre, order your tickets online (if possible) or ask your hotel to do it: that way, you can walk right past the queues.
And that's only DX9.
@Cerberus I dunno. It sure as hell will have to compete against the Eremitage in my mind.
At least we could; the hotel had bought the tickets.
I suspect Crysis is the most we could get with current rendering algorithms.
Yeah the Ermitazj is nice as well!
Q: Mod Security for apache2 blocks curl!

NeoI'm trying to get my users lat and lng from their address using google's geocoding api but when mod security is enabled it prevents it and the script timesout. How can I add an exception by ip or domain for this or just remove whatever configuration that makes mod_security do this? I am using th...

In 5 or more years, the next technology is realtime raytracing.
Hello Neo.
@Neo Hi Neo.
By the way, is it normnal for Russian workers to be women?
@Cerberus, @RegDwight Hi guys
Hey wow, I just got a badge on ITSecurity. Who would have thunk?
@Cerberus Roughly 50% of Russians are women, yes.
In the Hermitage, we were surprised by 8 women in over-alls who were working with ladders and tools to repair the windows.
@RegDwight in that case maybe you can help me
@Neo Um, yes?
Or do you mean with your question?
Cause I don't know jack about no security.
Oh yeah I meant my question, then nevermind
Ah sorry. Tough luck.
But hey, you do realize we are more like linguists/etymologists in this room?
@Cerberus Well, why not. Don't women work in the Netherlands?
Mar 7 at 20:59, by RegDwight
user image
Sure looks like hard work to me.
@RegDwight They work, but usually not in construction...
And not in all-women groups. But it was nice.
They work in destruction????
Always. But that they do in their spare time. No, they usually work in the tertiary sector.
Is that even a term?
As long as we understand each other, yes.
Oh, service industry.
Hmm, so English uses tertiary/quaternary there too.
I thought they'd use ternary/quaternary.
I keep forgetting in which way they maim the Latin numerals.
You accidentally the whole or how do I that sentence?
Rats, lost again. Three cards aren't enough. I do need the second Asylum.
But then it's a gamble whether I get the Mawcor right away.
K pipls, that was my last try for today.
Gotta go.
Night all, sleep well.
Dream of Mawcor!
Hopefully not.
Over and out!
OK, I don't understand what to make of all those weird characters.
So I cannot convert it appropriately.

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