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1:19 AM
> "Some say the Scheme with love stands luminous,
Some say 't were better back to chaos hurled;
And so 't is what we are that makes for us
The measure and the meaning of the world."
E A Robinson of the day.
quality Germain engineering for two
Looks great.
Can't steer it from the front seat is all - the passenger is just there as crumple-zone.
I'm not sure if it's easy to make turns on this contraption. Probably only to be used on sidewalks, for fear of an accident.
why? More likely to run iunto something/someone on the footpath
pedestrians being kinda unpredicable and blind corners being a thing
1:22 AM
But the passenger contrubutes to the driving force?
Yes - the front recumbent position pedals but doesn't steer.
On this bike, the rear/upright position is the captain and the front is the stoker, which is opposite to most tandems
Imma watch that auction and see what it does. $150 NZ at the moment, which is about 83 euroses
1:37 AM
You seem to have to move passenger's weight when steering?
That is not good.
The stoker is supposed to be a powerplant and not take an active part in steering.
As for turning, its no worse than riding with a cargo bike bin out the front, and some of them are rated for a hundred kilograms of load
I wish I had such a cargo bike bin.
> The researchers found a link between high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts with better memory and brain volume in older adults. And, these brain benefits even lasted up to five years after the study was completed. theconversation.com/…
I wonder if there's a way to overlay one app on another on the screen in Android. Say, I'd want to bicycle and look at the city map on my phone attached to the wheel, but at the same time to see a couple of lines from a poem I'm trying to memorize, and to scroll them now and then.
So I'd like to have 80% of the screen dedicated to the city map app, and the rest to some text reader.
1:58 AM
@Criggie Yeah and those have uncomfortable steering.
@CowperKettle That is very easy in stock Android, at least on my phone.
But I am on an old version of (stock) Android, 10.
I tap the task switcher, I tap on the icon the application, I pick "split screen".
I will read up on this, although it's extremely hard for me to concentrate attention.
I'll look for the split screen option, thank you!
Do you know what version of Android you use?
Android 13
Thank you!
I was watering my cat
With a 20 mL syringe
2:05 AM
No bowl?
Somewhy he does not like drinking from anything, maybe his whiskers are too sensitive
Surely he will drink once he is thirsty?
So when I come home from work, he runs and asks me to give him about 80 mL of water from the syringe
@Cerberus Yes, but small amounts
Cats love drinking from other sources, but they can drink from anything.
@CowperKettle Surely he will drink enough...
So the doctor told us to make sure he drinks at least 200 mL per day, and I trained him to use a syringe
He's had several uretheral obstructions already, so it's a preventive measure
2:07 AM
Did the veterinarian say he was dehydrated?
@Cerberus OMG I never knew that existed!
I suspect many people don't!
I use it occasionally.
I wonder if I'll ever use it.
E.g. with Whatsapp and my calendar.
But it seems awesome
2:07 AM
Or e-mail and map.
@Cerberus She said he should drink a lot to avoid a relapse
@Mitch It has its uses, but the windows will be really tiny.
And you also need to fit the keyboard somewhere.
The small screen is already a bit small. And to share that with something else even smaller
Sometimes I want to cut and paste between apps and its be nice to see both at the same time
2:10 AM
@CowperKettle I had two cats with that problem
Or copy something from a picture.
It was so long ago I can't remember how I dealt with it
@CowperKettle Hmm.
@Cerberus right
The two cats were brothers, both lived like 16-17 years.
But they peed a lot. And also had that bladder crystals back up thing
I 'grew up' with Windows, so that even though I've been using a Mac for almost 20 years, I still don't know how to use some of the basic navigation things
2:15 AM
Why would you not use the biggest ecosystem, with the cheapest hardware?
I just finished a novel that was really good so I looked into other titles by the same author. I was about to put in hold (I'm not going to pay for all that!) and I thought I'd check out the length...
600 pages! And the first of a trilogy all about the same length!
Come on man if you can't get to the point in less than 300 pages...
Well you better have some car chases and explosions or -something-
Anna Karenina? Spoiler.
You're welcome! I just saved you a thousand hours of tortuous wondering over which Russian guy had that first name that was mentioned 100 pages back and never again.
Or was that War and Peace?
@Mitch I turn off a lot of the mac wizzyness. Never use the touchpad cos every action has hidden sub actions, like three-finger drag vs 3-2-3 finger drag or whatever.
@Criggie all those gestures... Sometimes I'll accidentally brush an extra finger across the pad and the screen goes. Into a state I have absolutely no idea how to get out of.
Yes! precisely!
and frankly the touchpad is rubbish.
I'm still using a first gen MS optica mouse.
@Mitch This is a pretty serious spoiler...
I hope you are happy with this edit.
3:13 AM
spoiler is a link to q.q ?
Spare the rod, spoil the child.
3:34 AM
@Criggie Hover over it!
The URL is filler.
Ahhhh ok thanks
6 hours later…
10:03 AM
Is the Warrior Cats series worth reading?
2 hours later…
11:53 AM
@Mitch 🔪☠️🗡️
1 hour later…
1:20 PM
@Cerberus Not as serious a spoiler as when, in Crime and Punishment, the author gives it all away in the title. You know the entire plot before cracking open the book.
I guess it would be a spoiler if I gave away War and Peace - Napoleon doesn't make it to Moscow.
Or in Murder on the Orient Express, the author follows the whodunit trope of everybody being a suspect, and then it turns out that literally ⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️.
@Cerberus Oh nice... is that how you've been covering up spoilers for spoiler?
Yes! Yes, it is!
@Cerberus Is it a spoiler to say out loud that Darth Vader is Luke's spoiler?
Hand surgeon?
Dog Walker?
looks up 'nemesis'
1) If anything, -Luke- is Darth Vader's nemesis, not the other way round.
2) I did not know this about Greek mythology: "The Nemesis is eventually crushed beneath a crashing helicopter, and is later killed by the nuclear explosion that destroys Raccoon City."
1 hour later…
3:05 PM
"Eighty percent of all people consider themselves to be above average drivers."
3:15 PM
@Mitch Yay.
3:32 PM
@MetaEd "and one percent consider themselves to be under the average drivers". Well balanced statistics.
Nov 21, 2023 at 21:13, by MetaEd
Sep 20, 2012 at 17:20, by ΜετάEd
@Cerberus 82% of all statistics are made up.
@MetaEd Damned lies!
4:28 PM
@jlliagre fun fact: the guy that wrote that book (about how to lie with statistics) was hired by the US tobacco companies during the 50s and 60s to 'prove' that smoking was not bad for you.
5:15 PM
@DannyuNDos Read a bunch of the books a long while back and I enjoyed it. The books are supposed to be middle grade (preteens) but there are "adult" themes in it like death
5:39 PM
@Laurel Interesting fact: kids' movies are much more likely to feature death than ones for adults. I wonder if that goes for books also.
@MetaEd That may actually be correct, if by "average" you mean the mean rather than the median. If there's a population of ultra-ultra-bad drivers pulling the mean down, most people will be above that mean.
2 hours later…
7:45 PM
#WhenTaken #168 (13.08.2024)

I scored 766/1000 🎉

1️⃣ 📍 210 km - 🗓️ 19 yrs - ⚡ 150 / 200
2️⃣ 📍 68 km - 🗓️ 16 yrs - ⚡ 164 / 200
3️⃣ 📍 13 km - 🗓️ 2 yrs - ⚡ 197 / 200
4️⃣ 📍 10150 km - 🗓️ 5 yrs - ⚡ 95 / 200
5️⃣ 📍 1149 km - 🗓️ 6 yrs - ⚡ 160 / 200

Peut mieux faire.
1 hour later…
9:14 PM
@alphabet The average person doesn't understand what the average person means.

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