> “The path they’re dragging us down is to occupy, annex, and ethnically cleanse — look at the northern strip,” he said. He also said Israel was being pulled in the direction of building settlements in Gaza, a notion that is supported by far-right politicians in Mr. Netanyahu’s government.
> “It’s hard for me to say this,” he told the Israeli broadcaster Channel 12, adding that Israel’s political leadership was “corrupting the military.” He said the military was ordering the evacuation of towns, believing the move was for operational reasons. But, he suggested, some of Israel’s political leaders actually intend to clear the area for settlements.
Oh...maybe you were expecting actual tacos? Rookie mistake man. Everything at Taco Bell has its place, but the names are barely suggestions of the shape of what actual tacos or tostadas or enchiladas are.
This is why I always stop for people changing tires at night in the rain on the traffic side. You won't believe what they'll pay for my cache of lugs and lug nuts.
@alphabet My uncle's conclusion to nearly everything: "Soylent Green." Haha, really though. He was nonchalant about it: 'Emm, Soylent Green' and 'Two coffees, black, please, in the same cup, consecutively.' I miss him. :-(
@alphabet It's only a few blocks from the Holiday Inn Express. You really don't have to suffer through Walmart for that.
Walmart is where you find good-enough Chinese stuff; all the Chinese crap is sold on Amazon.
Or wherever; I can't read all the tags.
@Mitch I suggested an electric ice cream maker and they looked at me like I was a traitor. Like I said, 'Let's make un-American ice cream' or something. I bought a Cuisinart for 75% off at the PX. That's the American way. Hiring people who mark everything 50% off, twice. That was the best Black Friday ever.
You can just add chocolate-covered cherries to vanilla and be Christmas-y like SNAP.
@HippoSawrUs Well, yes, but I also need firearms and I'd rather not have to make two separate trips.
Resumptive pronoun of the day: "[They] had seen a draft version which according to them they had been given a time limit to look through it of about an hour."
(From testimony to the Thirlwall Inquiry; don't ask.)
Bide a spell: meditate upon meaning. Should you chance upon no solution ere the day fails, at sunset but implore succour of a higher power and @Robusto shall enlighten your darkness.
> Huffy Henry hid the day, unappeasable Henry sulked. I see his point,--a trying to put things over. It was the thought that they thought they could do it made Henry wicked & away. But he should have come out and talked.