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2 hours later…
> Sidis created a constructed language called Vendergood in his second book, the Book of Vendergood, which he wrote at the age of 8. The language was mostly based on Latin and Greek, but also drew on German and French and other Romance languages.[2] It distinguished between eight moods: indicative, potential, imperative absolute, subjunctive, imperative, infinitive, optative, and Sidis's own strongeable
Created his own language at age 8.
@CowperKettle Where is the Portuguese Empire?
I praesume the Italians count the Roman Empire...
Oh, and where is the Russian Empire?
And the Austrian Empire?
And the Bulgarian Empire?
The Ottoman Empire?
Probably the other countries were not polled :)
They should have been!
The Belgian Empire must be the E. U.
2 hours later…
> Claims by pro-Moscow commentators that Ukraine’s counteroffensive has failed are premature, says war monitor think tank.
There were probably more than 100 runners at ParkRun today.
Because today is the first anniversary of the Russian ParkRun replacement, 5Verst.
Largest living being on Earth by mass of the day: trembling aspen
Pando (Latin for "I spread") is a clonal organism representing an individual male quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides). It was identified as a single living organism because its parts possess identical genetic markers and it is assumed to have a massive interconnected underground root system. The plant is located in the Fremont River Ranger District of the Fishlake National Forest at the western edge of the Colorado Plateau in south-central Utah, United States, around 1 mile (1.6 km) southwest of Fish Lake. Pando occupies 108 acres (43.6 ha) and is estimated to weigh collectively 6,000 tonnes (6...
A color photo of a river crag made in 1910s by Prokudin-Gorsky
I bicycled there twice in the 2010s, exactly 100 years later.
Камень Слободский — это живописные невысокие скалы из известняка вблизи Коуровской астрономической обсерватории в селе Слобода городского округа Первоуральск Свердловской области. «Камень» стоит на правом берегу реки Чусовой. На отвесах Слободского камня имеется ряд небольших пещер. Сплавы по реке Чусовой начинаются в том числе и от данного камня; входит в верхнюю часть туристического маршрута сплава. Камень часто посещаем, имеет быструю и простую доступность для пешего и автомобильного туризма. Совместно со скалами Георгиевский камень, камень Собачьи Рёбра, камень Часовой (Гуляй) формирует ландшафт...
It's near the Kourovskaya Observatory, where one can go on a tour at night, to look at stars through the telescopes.
Kourovka Astronomical Observatory, officially known as K.A. Barkhatova Kourovka Astronomical Observatory, is an observatory in Kourovka, Sverdlovsk Oblast, Russia. The observatory is operated by the Institute of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, a subdivision of Ural Federal University. It is named for a former professor at Ural Federal University, K.A. Barkhatova, a Soviet astronomer. == Description == Kourovka Astronomical Observatory established in 1965 by Ural State University (now Ural Federal University), which had already established a smaller observatory in 1957. At the time, the Soviet...
In the 1950s and 60s the best observations were made in February, when the sky are clearest, but it's also one of the coldest months.
The local tour guide, a very old astronomer woman, told us they wore many layers of clothing to keep warm.
Starting with 2010s, the digitized the tech, and today's astronomers can make observations remotely, from their Yekaterinburg apartments
Back in the 1960s, they lugged photographic films and plates and stuff at minus 20°С and sat there all night, waiting for the opportune moments.
When we went on a tour there, I was memorizing a poem by Keats, "Written On A Blank Space At The End Of Chaucer’s Tale Of The Flowre And The Lefe". So it associates in my mind with that poem.
It was in early January 2016, I even asked one question about this poem: ell.stackexchange.com/q/78256/2127
1 hour later…
In French, sortie can have the meaning of "outing", "one-day trip". Noticed this on Strava.
Very hot day.
2 hours later…
@Vikas My condolences!
I would sit at home at such temp O_O
@CowperKettle Me too. Also most people here store water in storage tanks over roof. It gets hot. And when it reaches bathroom taps it's still warm and it makes you sweat even when you take bath. Not the experience you want. This is why most orefer to take bath early. But I'm lazy.
Will need to put some ice cubes in water LOL
@CowperKettle Most are black here. Some are green or blue. Ours is green.
I wonder if wars increase religiosity; and if yes, why then the counter-religious USSR arose after such a long and disastrous war.
@Vikas Yikes. To me 80 degrees F (27C) is hot enough that I want to stay inside.
Weather changed quickly and it's raining now LOL.
Guess it read the chat.
@alphabet Yeah I guess it just depends on how and where we grow up.
I'm okay with 28C room temperature.
But many of my friends would change that number to 25 or even lower.
Indeed. Around here a lot of houses still don't have central air conditioning; climate change has made it more necessary over the past few decades.
I'm guessing the rain makes it worse since now it's hot and humid. That's what happens around here.
Anton syndrome, also known as Anton-Babinski syndrome and visual anosognosia, is a rare symptom of brain damage occurring in the occipital lobe. Those who have it are cortically blind, but affirm, often quite adamantly and in the face of clear evidence of their blindness, that they are capable of seeing. Failing to accept being blind, people with Anton syndrome dismiss evidence of their condition and employ confabulation to fill in the missing sensory input. It is named after the neurologist Gabriel Anton. Only 28 cases have been published. == Presentation == Anton syndrome is mostly seen following...
This strongly reminds me of something.
The saying around here is: "If you don't like the weather in New England, wait five minutes."
I first came across this saying in the book The Horse Whisperer in the mid 1990s :)
In the book, it was Montana
@alphabet Humidity becomes issue in coming months here. When the monsoon period is over. Hot weather + humidity.
> In 2008, Mavis Paterson, aged 70, cycled 6,000 miles for charity with Penny Weir, a fellow Scottish cyclist. The route took place around Canada—from Vancouver to New Foundland—and took four months to complete.
Milk diet hacks: get a bunch of plastic Solo cups to drink your milk out of. Wasteful, but it reduces the amount of constant dishwashing you'd need to do otherwise.
A new study says that in 5% of people with hypertension, a major contributor may be a tiny nodule hyperproducing aldosterone. qmul.ac.uk/media/news/2023/smd/…
@alphabet Why plastic? Why not paper?
Tyneside word of the day: howay
Interjection: howay
  1. /həˈweɪ/
  2. (Tyneside) A general cry of encouragement.
  3. Howay the lads
  4. Howay man ye slowin' wa doon like!
🌎 Jun 10, 2023 🌍
🔥 29 | Avg. Guesses: 4.49
🟨🟧🟩 = 3

Wordle 721 4/6

Interestingly, she uses the singular guy about herself, which is new evidence of that word branching into a genderless mode. It's starting to mean, simply, person. I added that tidbit to my 12-year-old answer on the subject.
A: Is "guy" gender-neutral?

Robusto"You guys" is a familiar, all-inclusive way of addressing a group of men or women directly. That said, there are some important distinctions you must understand. "You guys" is more likely to be said in women => women or men => men or women => men or mixed-group => mixed-group contexts. It is less...

I link to the exact spot in that video where she says she's "a dark--matter guy."
She also plays an entire game of "The Binding of Isaac" onscreen throughout the video while making her case against string theory. What a talent!
@M.A.R. thanks for the detailed explanation
Do you mind addressing the 'self repair' idea? Ie does the liver repair itself/regrow/heal better than other tissues (those three may be different things) in comparison with the kidneys. I've heard of some of your liver is surgically removed it regrows to fill the space.
@CowperKettle I saw people on Reddit saying they would insert profanity into what they write so they're identifiable as human. Which I guess would work until people start asking DAN to do that too
@Robusto Yep, like how "actor" is sometimes gender-neutral, sometimes the masculine of "actress."
@Robusto Where is she from? Singular guy for a woman sounds awkward to me for the most part, though I do use gender neutral guys
@alphabet Yes.
@Laurel Her accent is flavorless, so it's hard to tell.
I mean it's not that hard to tell since her channel says she's "From Eastern KY." :p
I think, though, that she uses the term "dark-matter guy" en bloc, perhaps as something she hears among her male colleagues ("I'm a Chevy guy" or "He's a soccer guy") and simply applied it to herself, without conscious gendering. That, more than anything, suggests the progress of this particular word.
@Laurel OK, now you're expecting me to read YouTube stuff ... ;-)
I'm fairly certain EKY is not where she got her accent. She sounds like it was acquired at universities.
Interesting, Kentucky is the only state to mostly prefer "you all", at least according to dialect maps (most regions have multiple acceptable terms)
Her last name would appear to be "Collier"—which I suppose is apropos of that part of Kentucky.
She also says "contranarian" [sic] instead of contrarian. I wonder if that is a taggable regional artifact.
Probably not?
Yeah, I'd be inclined to doubt it.
I just remembered some of the phrases that I use with gender neutral guy: good guy & bad guy (like in a story); my guy (my character or token when playing a game)
I'm sure there's more I use
I think it's clear that even man has an ungendered sense. I've heard a female coach of a women's basketball team admonish her team to "make sure to guard your man" (though obviously there were no men at all on her team).
We referr to chessmen even though at least one (the strongest one) is gendered female.
Both commissioned officers and enlisted men alike.
> A wilderness, in contrast with those areas where man and his works dominate the landscape, is hereby recognized as an area where the earth and its community of life are untrammelled by man, where man himself is a visitor who does not remain.
“But I am no man!” screamed Éowyn, trampling across the wilderlands.
No mankiller but one ever spared a woman.
I don't have time to watch more than a few minutes of this right now, but it sounds interesting so far.
There is no word in the English language that cannot be poisoned and twisted out of recognition into a vile weapon to pierce the heart of the opposing side in whatever trumped up ideological conflict afflicts the chattering class.
Interesting that you say "trumped up" there.
He is emblematic of our current antagonistic politics.
@Robusto Not idly do the leaves of Lórien fall.
Angela Collier resembles what I imagine Hypatia of Alexandria to have been like.
Hypatia (born c. 350–370; died 415 AD) was a neoplatonist philosopher, astronomer, and mathematician who lived in Alexandria, Egypt, then part of the Eastern Roman Empire. She was a prominent thinker in Alexandria where she taught philosophy and astronomy. Although preceded by Pandrosion, another Alexandrine female mathematician, she is the first female mathematician whose life is reasonably well recorded. Hypatia was renowned in her own lifetime as a great teacher and a wise counselor. She wrote a commentary on Diophantus's thirteen-volume Arithmetica, which may survive in part, having bee...
> Damascius states that Hypatia remained a lifelong virgin and that, when one of the men who came to her lectures tried to court her, she tried to soothe his lust by playing the lyre. When he refused to abandon his pursuit, she rejected him outright, displaying her bloody menstrual rags and declaring "This is what you really love, my young man, but you do not love beauty for its own sake."
AC seems to be in love with science in the same way.
Daily Quordle 502
By the way, I don't mean to appear to be speculating about Angela Collier's sexuality. I'm not interested in that at all. I'm only interested in her love for, and clarity on, science.
@Robusto What part does capability-fu play in positive or negative regard?
Too much, but just because they're fu-capable doesn't mean they're on your side.
@tchrist I'm not sure what you mean.
@Robusto How appealing someone's presentation is probably shouldn't be linked to their sexual preferences, but that never stopped anyone, no matter whether it's only before breakfast or after dark with the lights off or on the beach or during months without R.
@tchrist Well, I'm still not sure what you mean by "presentation," but I actually don't think her presentation is appealing at all, in the strict sense. I just like the points she makes.
Fraid I'm running shy of polysemy; off to the store for more.
2 hours later…
Daily Octordle #502
Score: 71
Wordle 721 5/6

Daily Quordle 502
Ecstatic news
> MDMA was first developed in 1912 by Merck, and nearly prevented the breakout of WWI.
Rest In Peace, Ted. 1942 - 2023.
"Twenty years of schooling and they put you on the day shift"
I loved the 1978 cartoon Contact by Tarasov
Contract (Russian: Контракт) is a 1985 Soviet/Russian animation based on the short science fiction story Company Store (1958) by Robert Silverberg and directed by Vladimir Tarasov. The song I Can't Give You Anything but Love, Baby is used in the animation. == Plot == A colonist arrives on a deserted planet and is immediately attacked by various monsters. Moments before the colonist meets his death, a protective field is activated by the trading robot QBF-41. It turns out that the monsters are merely a ploy used by the robot. Using the mass transmitter (a device that creates "everything necessary...
And Contract was great
Based on Robert Silverberg's short story "Company Store" of 1958.
And this was based on a story by Stephen King, it turns out. I never knew that.
@CowperKettle Cute.
I know that melody, whence did it come?

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