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@MetaEd No
We should popularize "God's dam" as a third option, in the vein of oaths like "god's hooks"
@tchrist Ah, well, at least you're getting calories and liquids
TIL that godon (from 'god damn') was a pejorative nickname given to English people by the French during the Hundred Years war.
@Robusto huh. Maybe it's Diane Kruger. Sans ümlaut.
How the hell should I know?
Probably by reading
@Laurel The worst part is that norovirus can stay on surfaces for a month. I don't know that that's the pathogen. It could be a rotavirus or any number of other bugs. I've been aggressively washing linens and clothes such, but I feel like the bathrooms are biohazard zones now.
What is the stuff that comes in fish?
Vibrio vulnificus
@tchrist My advice would be to not lick any hard or soft surfaces in your house
Once I beat this, I probably have short-term immunity.
The gastroenteritis cases from that bacterium are less dangerous than the other kinds. Or at least my PCP thinks so. The CDC has a longer story.
@tchrist Was mich nicht umbringt, macht mich stärker
@jlliagre Not the starkers I was looking for. :)
Oh, I see.
My boyfriend's uncle's whole family got sick after eating fish at a restaurant.
I think two were even hospitalised.
One got a minor brain bleed or brain infarct, his son.
Spanish of the day: oso (bear). Tengo un amigo delgado al que le gustan solo los osos barrigudos y velludos.
I believe they already began to feel sick during dinner, and get very, very sick in the car back home.
And then for several days.
> Have you read the article about ursine cloning? It bears repeating.
@CowperKettle That's the gay bear not the arctic bear. :)
Yes, that's a quote from Wiktionary :)
BTW, delgado has positive aspect like slender, whereas flaco has negative aspect like skinny.
I only knew the word "delgado" from some movies or books, in which it was a name or a surname.
I did not know its meaning, but it sounded nice.
I never thought it meant anything.
It means slender in a nice way.
@jlliagre Das ist Unsinn.
Delgado is the normally-aged scion of L. delicatus, whereas its doublet delicado is a reborrowing so isn't so worn down. It can mean negative things like persnickety.
At best.
> Borrowed from Latin delicātus. Doublet of delgado.

delicado (feminine delicada, masculine plural delicados, feminine plural delicadas)

dainty, fine, refined
subtle (flavor, color)
(Argentina, derogatory) effeminate, gay
Adjective: delicado (feminine delicada, masculine plural delicados, feminine plural delicadas)
  1. delicate
  2. delicado (feminine delicada, masculine plural delicados, feminine plural delicadas, comparable, comparative mais delicado, superlative o mais delicado or delicadíssimo, diminutive delicadinho)
  3. delicate (easily damaged)
  4. Synonym: frágil
  5. delicate (characterized by a fine structure or thin lines)
  6. refined (showing or having good feelings)
Delgado follows the expected sound changes when naturally aged over the millennia.
Adjective: delgado
  1. neuter of delgáu
  2. delgado (feminine delgada, masculine plural delgados, feminine plural delgadas)
  3. thin
  4. slender, slim
  5. (dated) fine, delicate
(3 more not shown…)
A new research by an international team of scientists has discovered that towel use is significantly associated with dry skin.
@CowperKettle In two ways. If you don't towel dry, the dry dead skin can build up, slow to slough, so to speak.
Spanish has pejorative diminutive suffices, so flacucho and delgaducho are both pejoratives.
Using -ucho.
I don't remember French having so many of those, although -ard can be negative.
I have discovered a new hobby.
OFFS there's a book on it.
> In French, there are a variety of evaluative suffixes such as the diminutive, feminine, and augmentative. In addition, linguists and laypersons alike sometimes include the category “pejorative.” Suffixes such as -asse, -aud, and -ard have been labeled as pejorative by many authors, and words containing these suffixes are often considered pejorative by native speakers at first glance whether they are or not.

The devil is in the detail, however, as many if not most of these “pejorative” suffixes are far more complicated than dictionaries and native speakers typically give them credit. M
@alphabet Swimming? Or specifically nude water photography?
@Laurel I am not "nude." I have fur, unlike you freaks.
That's dodging the question…
I am swimming.
I am engaging in civil disobedience against segregationists who support "humans-only" pools.
That's a weird hill to die on
Or a weird pool to drown in
@alphabet Un shawi velu et ventru.
It is quite unfair. Humans get nice, clean, luxurious pools, while raccoons are confined to puddles and polluted rivers.
We must resist.
Or recreating a Nirvana album cover but more modestly
@alphabet you're OCD with all this washing stuff
@Mitch That's an offensive stereotype. Raccoons only do that in captivity.
My nonapologies. All offense meant
Noun: shawi
  1. raccoon.
@alphabet #notallhumans!!! There's an owl at my neighborhood pool.
@Laurel Progress marches on. But a raccoon I fear they would not accept.
@jlliagre shawi is raccoon in French?
Oh. Wash rat
Raton laveur
Fair enough
@alphabet Never saw a raccoon at that pool. There was a family once who were speaking a language that I couldn't even identify tho. (If I had to make a wild guess, Russian)
I've also noticed a lot of non-English speaking families at the gym pool now that I'm going there. It's bizarre since I feel like I don't hear so much non-English anywhere else
And it's not Spanish either, which is the most common language other than English where I am
@Mitch Shawi is Louisiana creole, I didn't know that usage before finding it in the wiktionary. In French, chaoui is used but with a different meaning (A Berber group)
> Pentagon is intent on fielding multiple thousands of relatively inexpensive, expendable AI-enabled autonomous vehicles by 2026 to keep pace with China. The ambitious initiative — dubbed Replicator — seeks to "galvanize progress in the too-slow shift of U.S. military innovation to leverage platforms that are small, smart, cheap, and many."
Reminds me of The Invincible, a sci-fi novel by Stanislav Lem
@Laurel Isn't Spanish is the most commonly spoken language after English in every state?
That's terrible!
His age viscosity prooved too high
That would do it.
> Zero viscosity (no resistance to shear stress) is observed only at very low temperatures in superfluids; otherwise, the second law of thermodynamics requires all fluids to have positive viscosity.
So if a person is genderfluid, they must also specify their viscosity.
@Mitch Yes, there's a false friend between French and Spanish. Where French has raton for rat and souris for mouse, Spanish has ratón for mouse and rata for rat. Next up: bats. :)
@tchrist Yeah, that one always surprised me. I thought the -on suffix would mean the creature was quite large.
Our friendly flittermice are called chauves-souris in French, so bald mice. In Spanish, they're murciélagos, which would be a lot to say instead of bat if it weren't so much fun to do so.
@Robusto It normally does so, yes.
There's a story there, pretty sure, but I no longer remember it if so.
> El sufijo "-ón" no siempre denota aumentativo; a veces se usa como diminutivo. Así ocurre, por ejemplo, con "caja" y "cajón", "monte" y "montón", "calle" y "callejón" (previo paso por "calleja"), además de "rata" y "ratón" y probablemente de otras que ahora no me vienen a la memoria.
@tchrist French uses rat for rat. A raton is originally a young rat (like chat - chaton) but it is rarely used nowadays because raton is an extremely offensive noun for a Northern African. No problem using raton-laveur though.
@jlliagre Guilt by association strikes again.
@jlliagre And yet nobody cares whether the word is offensive toward raccoons. Human privilege.
raw coons, you mean, or cooked?
@tchrist That raton gave ratonnade. A race riot.
I will have you know that we reject the term "coon." It sounds insufficiently majestic.
@alphabet Raton-laveur is not offensive, it's a cute name. Well, maybe only until they stop being an abstract thing and invade us.
Not yet in my neighborhood.
but close...
@tchrist rawcoon or cookcoon
@jlliagre so...Raton is a pejorative for a North African, but shawi is not pejorative?
@tchrist I think so, but I'm not sure if that's true of smaller regions. Though Spanish is still the most common non-English language even on a school district level here, iirc
Some unexpected runners up got surprisingly close tho
The name of the country, Burundi, derives from the word Urundi in Kirundi.
The word means "another one".
@tchrist Hmm, they might as well just say it's more of a guideline than a rule.
Feb 20 at 17:40, by Robusto
And Burundi looks like a little heart with wings. And so on.
@CowperKettle Nyasa means lake, so Lake Nyasa is Lake Lake
@tchrist What is this monster?
Not quite German.
@Robusto It's now Burundi because the Belgians added the letter "B" to it, from "Belgium".
Belgian Urundi → Burundi
They also renamed the capital Usumbura to Busumbura.
@Cerberus Procyon.
@Mitch Shawi is not used in France, it seems to be used in Québec, possibly with the chaoui spelling. In France chaoui is rarely used these days. I heard it used offensively in the seventies.
Should Russia rename Bakhmut to Rbakhmut? Or better to Bakhmut.ru?
Maybe Bakhmut was also renamed from Akhmut by the Belgians.
And Boston, from Oston
Those Belgians..
Redskin is original, blueskin is gone walkabout.
@CowperKettle What's the Russian word for "heap of rubble"?
@CowperKettle I heard they first invaded Elgium.
@jlliagre :)
> Belgae, any of the inhabitants of Gaul north of the Sequana and Matrona (Seine and Marne) rivers. The term was apparently first applied by Julius Caesar.
Elgin ( EL-jin) is a city in Cook and Kane counties in the northern part of Illinois, United States. Elgin is located 35 mi (56 km) northwest of Chicago, along the Fox River. As of the 2020 Census, the city had a population of 114,797, the sixth-largest city in Illinois. == History == The Indian Removal Act of 1830 and the Black Hawk Indian War of 1832 led to the expulsion of the Native Americans who had settlements and burial mounds in the area and set the stage for the founding of Elgin. Thousands of militiamen and soldiers of Gen. Winfield Scott's army marched through the Fox River valley...
@jlliagre got it. Now I have to unlearn it. Otherwise I'll be biting my tongue on next meeting an Algerian so as not to blurt it out.
@tchrist Britannica is cool, but I searched in it for whinging pom, and found nothing
@CowperKettle Fancy that!
> The consensus among linguists is that the ethnic name Belgae probably comes from the Proto-Celtic root *belg- or *bolg- meaning "to swell (particularly with anger/battle fury/etc.)", cognate with the Dutch adjective gebelgd "very angry" (weak perfect participle of the verb belgen "to become angry") and verbolgen "being angry" (strong perfect participle of obsolete verbelgen "to make angry"), as well as the Old English verb belgan, "to be angry" (from Proto-Germanic *balgiz), derived ultimately from the Proto-Indo-European root *bhelgh- ("to swell, bulge, billow").
@tchrist A fore-dog?
@tchrist Mystical map!
Perhaps some species native to North America?
@Cerberus Procyon lotor.
Oh it is an actual organism.
I thought the star.
Ahh, that organism.
I had no idea they had spread here!
I but recent learned it.
I don't think I have ever seen one outsides zoos.
Outside zoos are the best kind.
What are inside ones?
You mean regular offices?
Internal cages, within some building.
@CowperKettle I don't know what to make of that.
Apparently it wears off with age?
Lots of girls who will say they are bi because it's hip?
Amongst other outlandish things. Bunny rabbits and such.
Are those outlandish?
Will a microwave blow up if you run it empty?
Blow up?
What could possibly explode that is in a microwave?
It will get too energized
You mean ionised?
I don't think that should happen?
Ah, I've googled. The only thing that will happen is that the magnetron will fail.
Yeah I imagine it might heat up some element inside too much.
@Cerberus If you look at the underlying data, it does appear to be largely driven by people (especially women) identifying as bisexual, though the % identifying as gay/lesbian has also risen.
I suspect it's because women around 1-2 on the Kinsey scale are now more willing to describe themselves as non-straight.
Curiously, women are three times more likely to identify as bi than as lesbian; men, though, are more likely to identify as gay than as bi.
This could reflect genuine differences in sexual preference, or just a greater reluctance by men to identify as bi. Dunno.
Of course, given my views on culture shaping the formation of people's sexual preferences, I'm quite willing to believe that the genuine rate of homosexuality has increased; I'm not sure how to tell apart changes in sexual preferences from changes in self-identification.
There's probably some complicated biological mechanisms at play also, at least in explaining the discrepancies by gender. Who knows.
Personally I think we've just done a better job at recruiting this time around.
And all of this is US-specific.
@tchrist Re that map: we are not "invasive." We are mere migrants, who deserve sympathy and respect as we move to areas that are, at any rate, badly in need of guerilla sanitation engineers.
2 hours later…
Wordle 892 3/6

That worked well.
The Brits say “wot” instead of “what.”
Wodj ew mean
@CowperKettle air doesn't expand that much. Say, if room temp is 300 K, and it gets to 600 K in a microwave, your air pressure only becomes 2 atm.
Explosives are explosives because they also generate a lot of gas. 4 moles of nitroglycerin becomes 29 moles of gas. That gas is rapidly expanding due to the heat generated. So you get an explosion.
2 hours later…
Moles in chemistry made me sick.
2 hours later…
Dog jumps from 4th floor. I wonder what height is safe for them to jump from. This one seems too high?
1 hour later…
@Vikas bad teachers make me sick. Stoichiometry didn't have much of an effect on me.
One thing about chemistry is you don't need to understand a lot of it to fake being a chemistry teacher I've noticed.
@Vikas Certainly too high..
My cat has myoclonic jerks, sometimes triggered by grooming him with a brush
I wonder if I should give lamotrigine to him.
@CowperKettle Only if you want to be a different kind of jerk.
@CowperKettle uh, how do you know you're not triggering some normal reflex?
Wordle 892 4/6

@CowperKettle Maybe he had some internal injuries.
@M.A.R. Our inorganic chemistry would often say much of this chemistry is about cramming / memorizing stuff.
@M.A.R. At what level, high school? Maybe. Undergrad? Less likely but possible, especially in survey courses. Advanced? I don't think so.
@Vikas Been there, done that.
So Modi is Bush II.
1 hour later…
Wordle 892 3/6

@CowperKettle hahaha
@Robusto This is better.
@Vikas Except W's mission decidedly wasn't accomplished. I guess all Modi wanted to do was go for a ride in a jet. He didn't invade a country to do it.
"Is there anything this man, this fighter can't do?" Hmm ... how about unite a country behind him? Well, Bush couldn't do that either.
Note that I forewent the ALL-CAPS. I'm allergic to them. Even now this msg is making me itch a little.
Fighters have to fight.
No fighting in chat. Let's just agree I'm right and drop it.
Uniters have to unite
Q: "It ain't gonna rain no more." What kind of sorcery is this?

PiezoI've heard this kind of sentences before. TBH I am confused like a straight male hyena trying to find a mate(female hyenas have pee-niece too!) Can somebody explain it to me or should I stop talking to someone who says those sentences.

> TBH I am confused like a straight male hyena trying to find a mate(female hyenas have pee-niece too!)
> should I stop talking to someone who says those sentences.
I'm glad that they specified it applies to straight hyenas. Such inclusive language.
@Robusto ::ding ding::
I win by default. This is one of my many faults.
Given their attitude, they should probably stop talking to anyone.
Probably a troll tho.
@user85795 Take the gloves off. We're done here.
@alphabet Oh, most definitely a troll.
So you wanna go bare-knuckle, hey.
Female hyenas have a vulva that is shaped like a penis (supposedly to enhance their authority in the pack), and worse, the birth canal goes through there, so births are hard. That would seem to counter evolution somehow, but IDK.
@user85795 Better yet, let's have a spelling contest.
Ok ok you win.
Spelling was always too memory intensive for me.
See, I can't not remember spellings. Goes back to my childhood.
Now, typos? I make a lot of those. Usually I catch them, but sometimes my eyes fail me.
@alphabet They do have a legit question asked the other day. It could just be that we're finally seeing how they actually talk, no matter how much we don't like it
Did you compete in spelling contests @Robusto
@user85795 In grade school I did. I won.
These days there must be a ton of apps for kids to improve their spelling on their own.
@user85795 Sure. Back in those days the only spelling "apps" were made out of paper.
Whelp, the best new apps have to mimic those paper and pencil methods.
Reinventing the wheel with something as fundamental as spelling sounds dangerous, imho.
@user85795 Autocorrect + google :p
I was never great at spelling and now I feel worse unless I have stuff like this
Using the internet as a "crutch" is ok outside of a test situation.
It really depends on the "playing field," I guess.
The advantages of starting young won't change though.
Automaticity, fluidity, and all that.
No physics in this chat
@alphabet you think
@Robusto Oh, you'd be surprised.
Though to be fair, us pharmacists have a habit of scaring off medical doctors with our daunting half-assed knowledge of chemistry and scaring off chemists with our daunting half-assed knowledge of medicine.
@M.A.R. Maybe TAs in advanced courses, but at any respectable university they would know their stuff. At least they did in my day.
As I've said before, jack of all trades, master of none. Thus particularly adept at keeping the nosy experts at bay.
@Robusto It's possible my bar for expertise is higher. But still.
@M.A.R. Always a possibility. You majored in that stuff, so ...
I was lucky enough to have people in my majors (Music, English) whom I always thought were at least as smart as I was in those subjects.
@jlliagre This reminds me. When the compound actinomycin D became a drug, they creatively called it dactinomycin
@M.A.R. Why not.
Physics is math with physical examples.
In other words, take away the examples and they're the same subject.
Just like biochemistry and organic chemistry.
@user85795 The thing about science is that math permeates everything. No math, no science. It's that simple.
@user85795 Because the only physics I can discuss with you is useless pop science, idle daydreams of astrophysicists, or pharmaceutical stuff that's only interesting if you've had the misfortune of covering a lot of boring background on it
OTOH, when we talk about vitamins, it's something I feel like people are genuinely interested in. Or when alphabet talks about how in some dialect some word is pronounced in a weird way OK that's also boring.
But on-topic.
Astronomy's cool. But that site always gives me a headache
Q: Stack Exchange’s image hosting arrangement with Imgur is ending - advance notice

SlateFor more than a decade, Imgur has provided image hosting services to Stack Exchange, but that hosting contract with Imgur comes to an end this upcoming April 2024. This April will conclude a decade-long successful relationship between Imgur and Stack, for which the whole company has been deeply ...

@Robusto The problem is that to do anything remotely practical you have to use partial differential equation models; which are notoriously complex.
And mostly, unsolvable.
But we already know that the problems of the world are mostly unsolvable.
Pro Tip: If you are going to the gym, always carry a banana with you.
Otherwise it’s a fruitless exercise.
Btw: if you like horror, I recommend this truly terrifying 15-minute documentary.
It isn't a good video if it doesn't scar you for life, that's my philosophy.
Oct 2, 2014 at 15:57, by Mitch
Also, I'm not clicking on that link, you russian-phishing-cat-lover.
@user85795 I never differential equations. They made me sorry I took Calculus.
Yeah, they turn a lot of people off the subject.
Sorry, meant to say "I never liked differential equations." But you got the point.
It is an acquired taste.
Yeah, never acquired that.
Anything beyond quadratic equations was pretty much terra incognita to me.
You must have done well in trig
and geometry
@user85795 If math can show you anything, and it is definitely arguable either way, the set of solvable problems is countable but the set of all problems, solvable and unsolvable, is uncountable. That is, there are many more unsolvable problems than solvable.
However, most of the problems we care about are in the solvable area.
Or at least mitigatable.
@user85795 Yes. Geometry was my best subject in high school, followed by trig. I loved trig.
There are uncountable ways for aliens to destroy us.
But the problem with raccoons is at least tractable.
@Mitch Why should they worry about it? Just wait for us to destroy ourselves.
@Robusto Problem solved!
One down, ♾️ to go.
As long as you order your problems in a well-founded manner (from complex to simple, and no infinite descending chains) then that method will work.
> How can it be that mathematics, being
after all a product of human thought which is independent of
experience, is so admirably appropriate to the objects of reality? Is
human reason, then, without experience, merely by taking thought,
able to fathom the properties of real things.
In my opinion the answer to this question is, briefly, this: As far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not certain; and as far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality.
@user85795 Is it independent of experience?
He thinks so.
Who is 'he'?
Is this Wigner?
sorry should have attributed it first
Einstein was always trying too hard
thirsty is what we used to call it
not hungry?
he didn't chew on stuff for long, I guess
most of his stuff loses something in the translation for me anyway.
while guys like Bertrand Russell tie me up in knots
@user85795 So I guess the Golden Ratio is hogwash then?
@Mitch I dunno. He was always happy to have others do his math for him.
nah, none of it is "hogwash"
The adjective "golden" was earned.
now 1/0 <---that is hogwash in the set of real numbers
1 hour later…
Comment of the day: when I was a kid, I thought that the Bill of Rights started with some word Congrels, that rhymed with mongrels. – Paul Tanenbaum 7 hours ago

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