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@MattE.Эллен I Googled the first sentence, then clicked on "show omitted/hidden results". Then I was led to the page of the question several times. Then I did control-F on the page, and voilà.
So I should have started with control-F.
2 hours later…
@Robusto Some of the best packaging ever.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Did you just compliment his package?
@tchrist In a manner of speaking, I suppose I did.
How charming!
Well now, why didn't that work?
That one is nice.
@RegDwigнt I just thought you'd like the cute minifigs rolling a giant J.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Not a great facial cleanser, though, unless you need industrial-strength acne debridement.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Sí, mi clase de español.
@Robusto l'oeuf
Sep 9 '15 at 14:23, by Robusto
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Is that a Meat L'oeuf song?
Jun 26 '13 at 21:42, by Robusto
Jul 31 '12 at 15:05, by Robusto
When you hit a French chicken in the stomach, does it say oeuf ?
That one is my favorite.
I seem to have oeuf chats with you for some reason.
It's because of that post there.
Speaking of les oeufs ...
That's a cheese souffle, my son's first, which he whipped off flawlessly.
The brat.
Wow, I heard such soufflés were very difficult to make...
To have them not collapse.
They are.
He worked as a chef in high-school and as an undergrad, so ...
And later that same day ...
Dessert souffles, of the lemon variety.
What are those made of?
Eggs, mainly.
A soufflé (French: [su.fle]) is a baked egg-based dish which originated in early eighteenth century France. It is made with egg yolks and beaten egg whites combined with various other ingredients and served as a savory main dish or sweetened as a dessert. The word soufflé is the past participle of the French verb souffler which means "to breathe" or "to puff". == History == The earliest mention of the soufflé is attributed to French master cook Vincent de la Chapelle, circa the early eighteenth century. The development and popularization of the soufflé is usually traced to French chef Marie-Antoine...
I shall Google them.
@Robusto beginner's luck.
Maybe. But he's a scientist now, so it wouldn't surprise me if he could replicate that result as often as he wanted.
Hmm . . .
A scientist, you say.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Biology, not chemistry ...
But he is a big Breaking Bad fan.
I'll try the lemon soufflé one day.
I need to finish watching that show.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 You just posted its musical finale. Dunno if you were aware of that.
Thot so.
I know how it moves you.
But I'm surprised you haven't finished. What ya waitin fer, gel?
I just put it in the netflix list.
There was nothing in the list.
Since I finally finished Mad Men.
Now, I could understand if it were, say, Xena: Warrior Princess or like that. But Breaking Bad?
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Disappointing finale, IMO.
I'm terribly sorry.
The whole last season of Mad Men sucked, pretty much.
@Robusto which part?
@Robusto Ha.
You disagree?
BTW, here's another "Baby Blue" you might like:
I'll have to listen to it later.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Well, it sorta leads you to believe Don is going to achieve satori but if he does it's enlightenment of a disappointingly low order.
He creates a horrible Coke ad? C'mon, Don, move the fuck on.
I think he found the peace that Mrs. Doctor made him realize that he needed. And then he exploited it.
@Cerberus Sooner than later, I hope. A pleasure delayed is a pleasure denied.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Perhaps he was incapable of meaningful growth ...
@Robusto Alas, it will have to be later, because my oven has broken down.
@Robusto well . . . life is just a whore that will nurse you back to health just to take your virginity.
@Cerberus What, Amsterdam is fresh out of French restaurants?
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 That's dark.
I want to bake it myself!
@Robusto He had a dark life.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Was that a Draper line? I forget.
@Cerberus May your soufflé be golden brown and not dark.
@Cerberus You'll need an oven with even heat. /nod
@Robusto that was a cornbread line.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Wow, then darker still.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 You are too kind!
@Robusto color me proud!
@Cerberus I bet it will turn out deliciously.
colors cornbread proud, with overtones of maize
@Robusto Sure, I will buy an oven with a rotating plate.
@Cerberus Wait, you're not talking about a microwave, are you?
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 I hope as deliciously as you are!
@Robusto I started painting a tiny slice of clay pizza.
@Robusto A combo.
Hmmm ...
A convection oven?
Yes, convection, grill, and microwave.
Everybody here has one of those.
It needs to be large enough for two oven pans of medium size to fit in.
Like my broken one.
The oven he used for those soufflés was a convection oven.
But then it's perfect.
Yes, convection provides even heating.
Meh, gotta go dream of soufflés now. Laterz, people.
And goodnight.
4 hours later…
Which one is correct?
- Why jQuery selector doesn't work for the content created after page loading?
- Why jQuery selector doesn't work for the created content after page loading?
2 hours later…
2 hours later…
@stack neither. either "content created" or "created content" are fine, although I would go with "content created" to emphasise the creation. However, such a question should start "Why doesn't jQuery selector work..."
2 hours later…
> Why doesn't the jQuery selector work for the content created after the page loads?
@stack When you say "Why X [verb]" you are explaining. When you want to ask, you say "Why does/doesn't X [verb]"?
Since so many people ask "Why does foo happen?", I decided to write an article titled "Why foo happens".
How can we prevent foo from happening?
Might be a worthwhile addition to your article
@Robusto that's gaie.
@terdon Once you've written that, I'd like to write an article titled "Why 'Why foo happens' happens."
Seventeen reasons why foo happens. Number eleven will shock you!
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Experts are trying hard to hide 12. Scientists baffled about 13.
@M.A.R. You've been doing number 20 wrong your whole life
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 picture of someone walking
advertisement for mesothelioma class action suit
I see we've all seen the same kinds of articles
I guess that means they work
I don't walk anymore
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Does this look familiar to you?
@RegDwigнt NOU
Supposedly a Toronto pic.
Hmm ... shot by Quentin Torontino?
it's downtown, the 6A bus runs on Bay street I think. I bet I can find that location in google maps
So you're going to completely ignore my Torontino joke.
Once again, I'm getting nostalgic for Future Shock.
I think I have that book... never read it
Its author imagined a future that would blow our minds completely ... yet somehow he entirely undershot the mark.
I gotta admit, I wouldn't have specifically known where that photo was taken without the vast might of google maps to help me. I recognized the BMO sign and the TTC 6A bus - those two clues let me search on gmaps for BMOs and narrow it down to a likely candidate on Bay St. But without street view I wouldn't be able to confirm it.
So, yay for the panopticon!
Yeah. I find it endlessly entertaining to explore the world that way.
@Robusto Futurism ain't what it was cut out to be.
I think the details were not necessarily the most important part in that book, moreso the problems of accelerating change.
I remember seeing the movie, with many scenes involving people with shocking bright hair color changes and thinking how that was just plain silly. "Lookie in the future we'll be able to walk on the ceiling too".
But people do brighter colors nowadays as a fashion choice, but it's not widespread.
Also people have extraordinary tattoos and body piercings. But that's not for everybody. And face tattoos are for Mike Tyson and Chakotay.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Still, you found it.
It's interesting how (comparatively) easy it is for us to find a location based on a mere photo.
Provided that we have been there.
Almost every time there is a photo of Amsterdam in the papers or anywhere, I'll have some idea of where it could be, and I usually find it quickly.
Sometimes you have to search around a few locations.
But certainly not all 1000 streets.
@Cerberus well, that particular view is probably very familiar to thousands of people, who could tell you right away where it was, but I just knew it was downtown. Without the bank logo and bus, it could really be anywhere.
rotterdam, or anywhere, liverpool or rome
@MattE.Эллен rotterdam, or anywhere, liverpool or rome / it doesn't really matter, it's a place called home
Is that the next line? It's one of those annoying earworms I can only remember a bit of :D
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Don't you think you would still have been able to find it based on everything else?
The buildings, the street?
@Cerberus probably not. I don't spend a lot of time in that part of the downtown.
And what if it had been a daylight photo?
I dunno.
That one building in the background is pretty distinctive but I'm not sure I would have recognized it.
the building with the pillars could be on any of streets in the old part of Toronto
And the pillars aren't slightly distinct from other pillars in some way?
This is what we call an oorwurm in Dutch.
we call those earwigs
@Cerberus I haven't memorized all the buildings' pillars
Why would both languages involve the ear in that beastie's name?
I've rarely even been on Bay st, it's all big financial companies there, and when I am there I don't usually have time to look around at buildings.
Do you also have the myth that they creep into your ear?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Hmm I usually look around to some degree to admire the architecture wherever I am.
> The common term, earwig, is derived from the Old English ēare, which means "ear", and wicga, which means "insect", or literally, "beetle".[2] Entomologists suggest that the origin of the name is a reference to the appearance of the hindwings, which are unique and distinctive among insects, and resemble a human ear when unfolded.[3][4] The name is more popularly thought to be related to the old wives'
tale that earwigs burrowed into the brains of humans through the ear and laid their eggs there.[5] Earwigs are not known to purposefully climb into external ear canals, but there have been an
Less so when I'm in a hurry, of course; but even then there will be subconscious memorisation.
@terdon Hmm I see.
Sure, but again, I rarely go there.
The shape of the tail.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 OK.
I suppose I go everywhere within the inner city.
And pictures are much more likely to be taken in busy streets.
That particular block is all huge office buildings. The nearby streets have shopping and restaurants but there's less reason to walk on that block of Bay than some of the other blocks, unless you work there.
Also there are lots of towers packed fairly closely together, so it's hard to get a sense of what each one looks like; you need to make a conscious effort to crane your neck upwards to look at them
"oh, yeah, it's the black tower with the windows..."
yeah. actually that one is the stock exchange, I think.
it's one that I've often seen from a different angle, but usually when I'm on a tram
probably a useful description in middle earth, but not in a metropolis
yeah, but is it orthanc? or barad dur?
sorry, I mean the one with the huge flaming eye on top
you know, when you look into it, it feels like your soul is been sapped away?
I'm in the costa coffee next door
I think maybe the barista at that coffee shop is a dementor
that could explain the soul-sapping
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Hmm that sounds inconvenient.
I suppose it would be more difficult in the suburbs, where there are large, modern buildings.
But the combination of pillars and modern could be a clue...
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 You don't cycle?
@Cerberus I didn't, back when I used to go downtown. Anyway it's quite far from where I live... it's not very convenient to bike to downtown from here.
I see.
I finally bought a bike at the end of last summer
the last time I owned a bike was in 1997
Oh, wow.
That's how I felt, surprised.
@Cerberus Uhm. What? And surprised isn't really what she felt there.
I'd be surprised.
If someone grabbed my boob.
@Cerberus Ah, I was referring to the officer.
I happened to come across that picture.
Who knows what the guard felt!
@Cerberus boobs. The guard felt boobs.
I thought that was obvious from the picture.
@Cerberus @Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Polysemy strikes again!
@MattE.Эллен Hah, I was just making that up.

Proposed Q&A site for bangla (or Bengali in English) is an Indian language. The site would contain all aspects... starting from Literature and culture through grammar, spelling, translation to typesetting, font, encoding, optical character recognition; everything.

Currently in definition.

@Robusto nice work :D
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword with email in answer, email in answer: Does "like" mean to build a further relationship? by kimberly villagomez on english.SE
1 hour later…
@tchrist From now on, I shall boldly, cheerfully, and frequently introduce the oxford comma into split infinitives because it will give people an issue other than ending a sentence with a preposition to heartily inveigh against.
Why is the bounty reason labeled "One or more answers..."? You can only award a bounty to one question at a time....
2 hours later…
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Yay!
@MetaEd Well done!

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