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Does that count as a meld?
This is the version I remember. There are apparently lots of others.
Oh wait I remember the line "me without a spoon!"
The only version I am familiar with is this:
Is that... a superhero worm?
It's Earth Worm Jim!
Or EWJ if you want it to sound longer
A most excellent game that came out of nowhere.
A revelation, in its time and place.
I still quote the game from time to time.
@Vit: Hmm interesting, but the video didn't provide much detail...
And then it was a cartoon, which was quite good
Mainly the cow that you have to launch in the first level. It makes cow noises, but every so often says "moo!" really softly.
@Matt: The thing is, I wouldn't know what I'd want Python to do!
@Cerberus Just make sure it doesn't choke my dog. At least not in front of FumbleFingers.
Except possibly manipulate Firefox directly; but I think that is highly advanced, if at all possible.
@Robusto Don't worry, I am using to working with other snakes, like the ones on my neck. And FF has nothing but my best interest at heart.
@Robusto I actually downloaded and tried it.
@RegDwightѬſ道 It's an OK game, but I really like the soundtrack.
By the way, it's spring!!!
Is it warm there too?
19 C and not a single cloud.
It's ridiculously nice here. Like summer already.
@Robusto yeah I liked the visuals you mentioned had been made by a single lady, and the soundtrack was really original. But in the end I only played it once, for an hour or so, and then never again.
Same here!
@Cerberus It's up to you! I'm sure we could figure something out, regardless what the project is. I was just checking my mail hadn't fallen into your spam trap
How is that possible?
I mean, the weather should not be linked between continents.
Jet stream.
Also, magic.
It's basically Super Mario Bros. with good music.
I hear that the internet transports weather from one place to another.
Helo, mei Nehm is Siegfried, endisiz Roay.
@MattЭллен Oh haha, no, but that being my secondary address, I only read it later. In any case, do you think it is possible to have Python do things like locating the boundaries of a text-input box in FF?
@Cerberus It's been as warm as 25 C some days - I had to get out a fan to cool off my apartment when I get home (high rise with windows on only one side gets warm and I am not turning on the a/c in March).
I believe Windows cannot see anything within FF.
@Robusto did you know Square Enix once made an RPG with Mario and Peach all those shrooms and all?
@aediaλ Wowie! Then you win.
And it was actually excellent.
I suppose that is because your climate is more landy.
for example, I'm in the UK and I've got the weather for Marrakech
I think Yoshi was in it, too.
@MattЭллен Huh, you have 30 C??
@Cerberus online!
And it was in pseudo-3D.
@MattЭллен Ahh cheater!
I have the moon here.
@Cerberus A "landy" climate?
Oh I have to run, later!
@Robusto Yes, landy.
As opposed to seay.
@Cerberus run far!
Wow, and some guy on Youtube has a video of the entire game, in 50+ 10-minute long clips.
So I will! Bye!
@Cerberus always has to run when you catch him saying "landy" ...
Oh noes! I am going up to see my family in the northeast and it's warm now but it's supposed to get cold and yucky again over the weekend.
@Cerberus there is always a way, but I don't think it would be easy. It would be a hardcore way to learn Python though :)
@Cerberus Hasta pronto!
@Vitaly Hmm. Well, I suppose. Maybe. I'll give it one more chapter.
All hail the FSM!
@Robusto waves to noodly appendages
That Chthulu sure can cook.
Crafted with love, indeed.
I had spaghetti for lunch.
My husband is napping while I earn $100.
Yay, me!
@KitFox I had macaroni tuna salad (I don't know what to call it... it's macaroni salad made a bit more healthy and meal-like)
@KitFox Yay!
@aediaλ Tuna looks so lovely. Too bad it makes me barf.
It gives me the notion that chicken in macaroni salad would be yummy though.
It's such an easy addition to stuff though.
Also, bacon.
Whenever I buy bacon I add it to almost everything.
thinks about summer BLTs and almost drools
you people are making me hungry
You person should go eat, then. :P
@KitFox I was reading the transcript and my first thought when you said chicken was exactly "bacon" ...
Bacon is the answer to so many of the world's problems.
Chicken and bacon go together naturally.
Go ahead, give me a world problem.
@Robusto greek debt crisis
Exploding powdered coffee creamer. Lung cancer. Poverty. Being out of the right size post-its.
@JSBᾶngs Moar bacon!
See, it works!
i have total faith in your ability to solve these problems with bacon, @Robusto
Chinese slave labor factories? Moar bacon! Nuclear proliferation? Moar bacon! Mexican drug-cartel violence? Moar bacon!
i suppose of greek bond holders will accept payment in the form of bacon (and why wouldn't they?)
They'd be fools not to.
Wait. What if they are fools?
But even fools like bacon ... right?
Later, bye!
If I woke up as bacon, I'd eat myself. I wouldn't be able to help it.
@aediaλ Bacon, bacon, bacon, and ... moar bacon. nailed it!
Mmm, can you imagine how wonderful the air would be if you had bacon lungs?
@aediaλ Now you're trying to get me to eat my lungs. Shame on you.
Wait: I thought "not eating bacon" was supposed to be the answer?
@MrShinyandNew安宇 OK, let's take a poll. Everyone who would give up bacon to bring peace to the Middle East, raise your hands.
whistles tunelessly, looks around
shoots cuffs
wow so that video has a way longer intro than I recall. Anyone who hasn't done so should skip to 2:10-ish.
Thirty seconds, people.
Uh-huh. That's what I thought. Bacon wins. Again.
innocently chewing on post-it notes
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Will watch later. You guys are on mute right now so I can buckle down for some tetris-loop listening time :)
@aediaλ It's not new... it just relates to bacon, in some way.
doesn't everything relate to bacon in some way?
yes, depending on the context.
Cerb would argue that means bacon causes everything.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 well, just look as the so called "big bang", it was just someone frying bacon
I didn't feel like being at the very end of the line anymore.
what line were you at the end of?
oh, the people in this room line
A correctly executed nyeeeeeur is spelled nyeeeeeur.
that's good to know. I wouldn't want to mistakenly spell it bacon
No, that would be awful.
You would be charged with misuse of bacon.
Your bacon privileges would be revoked.
I would be out of the frying pan and into the fire
You aren't in a bad spot now though.
You'd be thrown out of the window of a comfy apartment.
Six stories up.
probable death, certain pain
@Matt you misspelled "Big bacon".
@MrShinyandNew安宇 is that an echo from the microwave background baconation?
When the whole universe was just a bacon singularity
@MattЭллен Yes, and the doppler effect gives it that stippled bacon look
Doppler bacon: it smells better as it approaches you, then more regretful as it gets farther away (regret: because you didn't eat the bacon)
Baconfinity: the infinite distance at which two parallel strips of bacon meet. That's also the best place to start eating those strips of bacon.
Francis Bacon, 1st Viscount St Alban(s), KC (22 January 1561 – 9 April 1626) was an English philosopher, statesman, scientist, lawyer, jurist, author and pioneer of the scientific method. He served both as Attorney General and Lord Chancellor of England. Although his political career ended in disgrace, he remained extremely influential through his works, especially as philosophical advocate and practitioner of the scientific method during the scientific revolution. Bacon has been called the creator of empiricism. His works established and popularised inductive methodologies for scienti...
@Robusto So that's why this guy is dead now.
polybacgon: when multiple pieces of bacon fuse together in the microwave to form delicious shapes.
Not to be confused with bacgone which is what happens after the bacon is eaten
Schrödinger's Bacon: Tastes good and bad at the same time. Just kidding, bacon can't taste bad.
I have just overtaken Colin, but we usually alternate.
True story: at work our application has an embedded programming language called "bacon script". When stored in an individual file the extension is ".bs"
That is awesome.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Also stands for "bull shit" file.
Actually it's a pretty crappy language.
Still, cool.
@WillHunting yeah, that's kinda why I mentioned the extension :)
It has bacon in the name, it must be cool.
@Mahnax Like Thursagen.
@Mahnax We named it after bacon because the inventor of this language, Tony, was a big fan of bacon, and we got tired of calling it "Tony's language"
@Mahnax lol
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Haha.
@WillHunting Veto.
Thursagen.bacon = null;
making stuff up since '96
Now Bruno is the only user on the first page under 10k, let's give him a hand...
@Mahnax OMG! That is the perfect example of "almost over"!
@WillHunting Uh, thanks?
Gotta run, English time!
I predict Barrie will overtake Reg next month.
@RegDwightѬſ道 The smoking gun. Or smoked gun. Or whatever. But yes.
@WillHunting What is your obsession with all this?
finger's crossed there'll be another lowball for me, so I hit my target for this month :)
@MattЭллен What's your target?
I used to try to stay on the front page of users. Now I no longer care.
I think I can get to 10K by June if I keep doing that
I see my rep creeping upward as new people find my answers
it did some maths in my head a while ago
You brits and your countable math.
My math is mass.
It just gets bigger
or smaller
@MrShinyandNew安宇 mathematics, say it with me
Yeah it has an s but it ain't plural
I am so bored with rep. I don't even bother to protest when I answer a question and some soulless rep hound comes trotting along later and posts virtually the exact same answer I gave.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 I just gave you a hand...
@MrShinyandNew安宇 thus, so does maths
@Robusto Yeah, they see your "dream" and that makes them click "upvote".
@WillHunting No need for that. I mean, thanks, but it's not necessary.
@Robusto I find that a minor irritation of the review page - I have to go and check I'm not up voting a plagiariser
@WillHunting No. they see my dream and they think "Maybe I can get me some of that."
@MattЭллен Do you say "math is hard" or "maths are hard" or "maths is hard"
@MrShinyandNew安宇 maths is hard
physics is hard
@MattЭллен I wonder why it ends in s.
well I'll be damned. It IS singular!
@MattЭллен Oh that ends in s too.
But it is not chemistries or biologies.
@WillHunting mathematics ends in s. => math......s => maths
Don't you find it hard to say "maths"? with that th-s cluster on the end?
@MrShinyandNew安宇 not really, but I've been doing all my speaking life
@MrShinyandNew安宇 I think I just read it the same as "mats".
We call it "maths" here too, like the British.
But I think "math" sounds better.
whoops, time to go. bye folks.
cya @MrShinyandNew
@WillHunting I much prefer maths.
@WillHunting -ics
I think Mageia deserves more attention as a distro. I like it better than openSuse in many ways.
@MattЭллен Also, informatics and robotics.
But once Fedora left me with an unbootable kernel, openSuse an unusable office suite due to GUI distortion and Mageia unaccessible mirrors.
On the other hand, I had zero problems of such degree with Debian, Ubuntu, Mint.

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