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12:40 AM
Oh boy, I've got a doozy of a stupid question: There's a sort of slogan that I thought was true, namely that if G is a group, then given a G-object BG→C, the colimit (that is to say, homotopy orbits) is almost never a finite colimit. But if I'm not mistaken, this isn't the case for G=Z, since BG=S^1 is weak homotopy equivalent to a finite simplicial set
Is there a condition on a group G such that BG is actually a finite simplicial set?
I'm guessing that the thing I was thinking about was that for G a finite group, it's never true. It does seem like it would be true for free groups on finitely many generators by the same argument as S^1 (take a bouquet of circles)
Are those all of them?
3 hours later…
3:20 AM
@HarryGindi I think there are lots of BG's that are finite. tori of any dimension, higher genus surfaces, hyperbolic manifolds, to name a few
3 hours later…
6:22 AM
I'm trying to understand Dwyer & Kan's proof of the theorem that if $M$ is a group-like cofibrant simplicial monoid, then the map to its group completion $M \to M[M^{-1}]$ is a weak homotopy equivalence. (This is Proposition 9.5 of 'Simplicial localizations of categories'.) Their proof uses quasi-fibrations, with which I'm totally unfamiliar. Is there a more "modern" way to understand this proof?
7:02 AM
@DylanWilson Ah, great, thanks!
1 hour later…
8:15 AM
@NarukiMasuda Prop in HA says there is a t-structure where Sp(C)_{<0} consists of those X such that Ω^∞(X) is contractible.
Note sure if this is the same t-structure that Denis described. The image of C is clearly in Sp(C)_{≥0} though.
Oh actually it is the same, this is explicitly stated in the proof of said proposition.
2 hours later…
9:51 AM
@AlexanderCampbell The map whose geometric realisation Dwyer and Kan are considering is the one from the décalage $\mathrm{Dec}_0N(V)$ of $N(V)$ to $N(V)$. But unwinding the definition we see that $\mathrm{Dec}_0N(V) = \coprod N(V)_{/v}$. Hence $\mathrm{Dec}_0N(V) \to N(V)$ is a right fibration if $N(V)$ is a quasi-category, for which I seen no reason for it to be true.
But you can now try to answer the following question: For which simplicial sets $X$ are the fibres of $X_{/x} \to X$ homotopy fibres in the Kan-Quillen model structure?
(Sorry for not being able to provide a modern proof, but hopefully a modern question is better than nothing.)
@AdrianClough My interpretation of their construction is that $N(V,V)$ is the diagonal of the decalage of the bisimplicial nerve of $V$, rather than the decalage of the of the diagonal of the bisimplicial nerve of $V$.
One is reminded of the fact that a right fibration over a simplicial set whose homotopy category is a groupoid is in fact a Kan fibration, but I agree I don't see how to apply it in this case, alas.
It also reminds me of Quillen's Theorem B.
10:19 AM
Is there a good survey around on the state of the art in enriched and $(\infty,2)$-categories? I feel like a lot of stuff has been figured out in this area but it's probably spread over several papers and a lot of stuff might only be known to experts. As someone who's a bit afraid (unjustly probably) of 2-categories I'd really want to quench that fear...
Even if there's a short non-technical exposition about this stuff in some paper that would be helpful
I'm thinking of stuff like categories of correspondences (and their universal properties), lax/op-lax co/limits, gray tensor product, 2-categorical unstraightning etc...
10:34 AM
@SaalHardali I am not aware of such a survey. There was the idea to write a survey of $(\infty,2)$-categories at MSRI last semester, but it wasn't completed; the last I saw it didn't get far beyond the basics, and certainly didn't cover most of the topics you mention. In my humble opinion, the subject of $(\infty,2)$-categories has not yet been sufficiently developed for a survey to be written. I think your best bet for learning the subject is to read papers or to learn directly from the experts.
If you just want to get over your fear of 2-categories, you could start by consulting Steve Lack's 'A 2-categories companion' (arxiv.org/abs/math/0702535) and the references contained therein.
@AlexanderCampbell Thanks, just I got the feeling that a lot of stuff has been figured out recently so I thought maybe it was sufficiently developed. Thanks for the reference! :)
@AlexanderCampbell Woops, you are right, I wasn't being careful.
11:06 AM
@AlexanderCampbell The statement that the homotopy category of $N(V)$ is equivalent to $\pi_0V$ seems plausible to me... and then perhaps $\mathrm{Dec}_0N(V)$ and $N(V,V)$ are homotopy equivalent over $N(V)$?
The first statement should follow from Theorem 5.7 of arxiv.org/abs/math/0607820v2.
6 hours later…
4:50 PM
I have a feeling this was asked here once before but I can't find it. Is there an non-hypercomplete $\infty$-topos whose hypercompletion is spaces?
2 hours later…
6:46 PM
@SaalHardali Parametrized spectra
1 hour later…
7:47 PM
@DenisNardin can you explain what is this topos and why it's an example? I didn't get it.
@S.carmeli One way of describing is the ∞-category of excisive functors from pointed finite spaces to spaces, which is a left exact localization of a presheaf category by standard Goodwillie calculus facts. Another, perhaps more enlightening, description is the ∞-category whose objects are pairs $(X,E)$ where X is a space and $E:X→Sp$ is a local system of spectra on $X$. Hypercompletion "contracts" the spectra to 0, so its hypercompletion is just spaces
In general this paper is a good treatment of this type of constructions
8:01 PM
@DenisNardin thanks!

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