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2:01 AM
@EvanJenkins good to know. did i say they were? I don't really know about such things.
@Evan you should star the incriminating reply for posterity, I heard Jon loves that
@LoganM no I'm not. my officemate Vitaly is
@JonBeardsley I know Vitaly. Who are you working with then?
(btw I'm a physics grad at JHU, but the only math professors I know are Nitu and Jack)
oh! cool. I'm working with Jack
do you know Kevin Grizzard? he's a pretty good friend of mine.
@JonBeardsley Click the little arrow on my post.
2:05 AM
oh thanks! close one
@JonBeardsley Yeah I know him also.
oh cool. oh yeah! were you in Nitu's class? I was there for part of that.
do you have a big beard? I may know who you are.
Yeah I was there occasionally. If you were there you probably saw me. I'm the one with the obscene amount of hair on my face.
jon "no beard" beardsley
yeah, no beard for me
2:07 AM
Jon Beardless
and yeah, I saw you there, and in Jack's class I'm pretty sure. I'm the jerk that showed up to his class and hi-jacked him as soon he was done teaching you guys
Jon not-so-Beardsley
Oh yeah I remember you now. It's hard to recognize people just based on internet photos though.
yeah totally
and yeah. i'm Beardfree Beardsley
kind of like butterfree
but, more about beards, less about butter
2:10 AM
This seems like an opportune moment to make a shameless plug for my ridiculous Facial Hair Area51 proposal
during SXSW i saw a novelty band called The Beards
they only sing about beards
they have like 3 full length albums
This reminds me, I should update my gravatar.
This one is missing a beard.
that's a lot of music about beards
i like that really the only math that has been discussed in this room so far is type theory and algebraic geometry
come on
it was HOMOTOPY type theory
not completely irrelevant
but still, it makes my joke less funny
and besides, it was barely homotopy type theory
2:13 AM
and it was barely a joke
it was basically type theory with an infinitesimal arrow pointing at homotopy theory
that's true. more of an ironic observation
explain more jokes to me JB
do you know what the B is Benoit B. Mandelbrot stands for?
It stands for Benoit B. Mandelbrot
2:16 AM
oh that's pretty funny
now explain it
yes I thought that was the point
i'm feeling cyberbullied
please stop cyberbullying me
so Will, who are you anyway?
2:18 AM
please stop cyberbullying me
are you a grad student? an undergrad? a boy genius?
no, i'm the room owner, I'm allowed to cyberbully
sorry master
okay. time to go listen to Bossa Nova and do math
have a lovely evening all
if an elliptic curve is given by some equation
or something
i mean......
isn't this an affine abelian variety?
2:25 AM
the origin is not contained in that set of solutions
You want the projective closure.
it's at infinity in that representation
You're taking y^2z = x^3 + Axz^2 + Bz^3
In projective 2-space
Yes, the additional point at infinity is the marked point.
2:25 AM
so, we can get an affine variety, but it's not a group
Actually, you can take any point as the marked point.
i see, but..... if it's not projectificated, it's not a group?
even if i take some other point as the identity
Because there will be some pairs of points that add to the point at infinity.
2:27 AM
yes, right, kewl
The group operation is take two points, and find the third point that intersects the line they form.
okay, now, when i want to get the formal group law, i take the taylor expansion of the group structure at.... the marked point?
well.... "taylor expansion"
I'm not sure I agree with taking any point as the marked point
obviously youu can translate everything
but if you are doing chord-tangent you want to take a flex right
oh i see what you're saying, chord tangent, yeah
Oh, yes.
2:29 AM
With that definition of the group law.
what is a flex right
a flex is a point at which the tangent intersects the curve with multiplicity at least 3
Inflection point
2:31 AM
Do I have a beard yet?
you want that for your point to be able to be an identity for the chord-tangent grop laaw
Maybe I need to log back in.
yes you do
you have a beard
everyone was too intimated by it to comment on it
2:31 AM
when i click on your name
@EvanJenkins Also make three comments in a row so your picture gets bigger
Ah, wunderbar.
so we can read
like this
2:32 AM
lol nice try!
okay sorry i'll stop
no i wont
huge photo!
we have a winner
Sorry, tried to make a bunch of quick lines and the system wouldn't let me.
2:33 AM
Well that worked.
But I see no beard
except ur little picture is still your old one
I see the new one
And the big picture
2:33 AM
nah i'm seein that beard
I see the beard when I click
and that bow-tie. super choette
Bow ties are cool
yeah, it's kind of all i wear now
Sorry, couldn't help myself
2:34 AM
except people keep saying to me "oh now you really look like a professor!"
Just a bow tie? How risqué.
but i never see professors wearing them
Well, I tried to convince my wife I didn't need to dress fancy to give a talk at a conference, citing Mike Hopkins as an example...
2:35 AM
i'd like to give a talk at a conference
i'd wear a bow-tie
Shorts and a T-shirt
you better believe it
But it's winter here, and it was Singapore then
that reads as if Singapore is a season
Singapore only has one season
2:36 AM
to e
It is.
Bang on the equator
i see
how sad
well it's not due just to that
Nice and warm all year around
2:36 AM
it's a lot of climate regulation from the ocean also
listen guys, please take this to the climatology.stackexchange chatroom
insert John Baez joke
Sorry, but I was talking about Mike Hopkins and his talk about E_\infty stuff
what if i made this room and just kept kicking everyone out, and just sat here talking to myself
2:37 AM
You are talking to yourself, we are all bots
You already did. We're just your sockpuppets.
it'd be like Arnav's room
what if that IS what I'm doing, I just don't know it
whoa, we all had the same thought
Re: Lem's Peace on Earth
That's because we're all you.
2:38 AM
yeah, Arnav's AG room
hahaha, excellent.
i'm glad i know some stuff about elliptic curves
Hey, it's a great way to think out loud and keep a transcript
well, that's the only way i worked out that what i really wanted was a cogroup scheme
Good on you, Jon
Don't listen to those other nasty voices
Are you sure you didn't want a group coscheme?
2:39 AM
though i like to think about cosheaves. by which i do not mean covariant functors satisfying descent
Codescent, you mean.
yeah sorry
Like Lawvere's quantity and quality
Also known as ascent!
that's not what i don't mean
2:40 AM
Intensive and extensive
yeah, totally. insensitive
Wow, now the system is being cranky and not letting me post comments quickly
as well
These are real mathematical things, you know.
All about topos-theoretic approaches to classical physics
no i mean a category fibered in grothendieck topologis
that is not a "real" thing
2:41 AM
No, no it's not
but it'd be cool if it were. also, sheaves of sheaves of sheaves of sheaves of....
A textbook example of toPoe's law: made-up topos-theoretic terminology is indistinguishable from the real thing.
so those are $\infty$-sheaves, right
don't pretend you wrote sheaves infinitely many times there
i did, the internet just couldn't handle it
i'm particular interested in $(\aleph_3,\aleph_2)$-categories
2:44 AM
I thought you were interested in large cardinals
those don't seem very large to me
i'm not actually
that's a relief
interested in anything
i don't know any big cardinals
Not even the Pope?
except the Reinhardt cardinal
which I'm pretty sure can't exist
or something
does mathematica solve systems of equations? it seems like it should really do that
2:46 AM
of course
because that's what i need to happen right now
but like, everything is symbolic, systems of equations in terms of just a whole bunch of constants
In the absence of AC we know of no reason why Reinhardt shouldn't exist.
oh that's right
and i'm not really down with AC anyway
mathematica.se, please
is that a thing
2:47 AM
ref/Solve in the mathematica documentation gives examples
I saw. But with homotopy type theory, you shouldn't need it.
holy shit, it WILL NOT let me post even remotely fast enought
Yes, was doing that to me too
can homotopy type theory fix my clogged kitchen sink?
2:48 AM
only if the clogging is simply connected
most likely not the case
Only if the clogging is nilpotent
Don't try to fix clogged sink with Coq.
i already learned that the hard way.
Just use Require Import Sink
2:50 AM
my sister asked me what i do, and i was trying to explain to her the notion of contractibility, and she got really frustrated, because you just can't shrink anything that small
or at least, you'd need some kind of hydraulics or something
are we still talking about Coq?
and also: ew. that's my sister bro.
Sorry, Require Import Sink. (missing full stop)
Yeah, I didn't notice your mistake, my Coq is pretty rusty.
this is out of control. we're never going to get any grown up mathematicians in here
I noticed
2:53 AM
are you David P Roberts?
With all these puns, we'll only get groan-up mathematicians.
No, David Michael Roberts
whoa. bigroupoids.
I did say it was winter here
and bundle gerbes
2:55 AM
Will be doing a paper with Andrew Stacey making the fundamental bigroupoid into a Lie bigroupoid next
it's pretty funny to see the way people are in here, and then read their math papers, and how they're all serious and stuff
Bundle gerbes are the easy part
oh my
just, that they're easy.
i know that they're stacks with some extra stuff, locally non-trivial, something something
i can never remember
2:56 AM
It's just a special sort of internal groupoid
OK: here's a crash course
are there nonabelian models for higher rank gerbes, like there are BU(n)s for higher rank vector bundles
Take a groupoid, say in schemes or spaces
(@Eric - yes, but trickier to get examples)
okay sure
let's chat about it sometime
2:57 AM
Call it X_1 => X_0, and take the map X_0 --> X_0/X_1
you can intro for now
@Eric ok - my emails on the nLab
soooooo, objects mod morphisms, or something
like, FGL's mod isos
Yes - it's the space of orbits/pi_0 of the groupoid
2:59 AM
Then the fibres of the functor X -> X_0/X_1 (I forgot to say I will call the groupoid X)
are transitive groupoids

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