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12:30 AM
so I know e.g. from the point of view of complex cobordism theory that any invertible multiplicative characteristic class in cohomology theory is of the form $$C(V)=e^{\sum_{k\geq 0} s_kch_k(V)}$$.

I know of a similar description for characteristic classes in K-theory that uses Adams operations instead, which is something like $$C(V)=e^{\sum_{k>0} s_k \Psi^k(V^*)}$$

Does anyone have a reference for this or otherwise know where it comes from? (In this context K-theory is complex K-theory and everything here is defined over C)
15 hours later…
3:18 PM
Soft question: is anyone else having a jolly time writing their NSF Topology grant right now?
8 hours later…
11:01 PM
@Irit I know we already discussed your question elsewhere, but just incase you didn't know about this reference already: Section 3 of numdam.org/article/SB_1987-1988__30__187_0.pdf might be useful to you

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