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A: Why was "The origin(s) of the word “elliptic” migrated to hsm?

Todd TrimbleMy understanding is that the post was originally flagged with a migration request and one of our moderators processed the flag to meet that request. No, the OP did not ask for that migration; it was someone else who raised the flag. (At the time I was taking a little but much needed break from ...

8 hours later…
I don't understand your comment @ToddTrimble (posted few hours ago in a post asked on MathOverflow) about that mathematics is infinite, as feedback about why unsolved mathematics problems still exist. I don't understand how or the why it is possible such immeasurable quantity of information is accesible for a species living in the Cosmos. I think (this thougth that I evoke) that it is a wrong idiosincrasy that problems of mathematics aren't related to the reality.
There was a time when mathematics had a close relationship with techniques, in particular with a safety navigation.

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