History of Science and Mathematics moderator here. We've talked it over and have just sent the question back to Math Overflow (I closed it as off-topic on HSM, so that should bounce it back to MO automatically). Over the last six years, we've had a lot of conversations with other STEM sites abou...
The word elliptic appears quite often in mathematics; I will list a few occurrences below. For some of these, it is clear to me how they are related; for instance, elliptic functions (named after ellipses, see here) are the functions on elliptic curves over $\mathbb C$. For others, I do not know ...
The word elliptic appears quite often in mathematics; I will list a few occurrences below. For some of these, it is clear to me how they are related; for instance, elliptic functions (named after ellipses, see here) are the functions on elliptic curves over $\mathbb C$. For others, I do not know ...
1 hour later…
I suppose that the intention of the moderators from History of Science and Mathematics was to give the question back and then reopen it. I voted to reopen and the question is now in the review queue.
7 hours later…
@YCor Yes, but MO mods could have reopened it. (And I assume they would do so if they acted in coordination with the HSM mods.)
it worked, the question is back on MO --- mathoverflow.net/questions/359705/… — Carlo Beenakker 2 hours ago
@CarloBeenakker thanks for the info! Now it's back on MO I get more info about the timeline. On May 13 it was closed-migrated (by 4 votes, the 4th being by a moderator). Today (11h ago) the migration was rejected (the technical way to HSM to give it back to MO, possibly after flags as suggested here). Then if I understand correctly, the question came back to MO as a closed question. 7h-1h ago it was reviewed with 2 votes to reopen, and 1 to leave closed. Then it was reopened based on 5 votes. (Looks like it was reopened twice consecutively, I'm not sure what happened.) — YCor 32 mins ago
It is also clear that MO mods are rather secretive and do not like to talk to MO users. This MathOverflow site seem to be quite clandestine organization. :-)
This seems to be related to the above question too - however, this user has already posted on MathOverflow Meta.
in On the Shoulders of Giants, May 28 at 18:57, by Gariman Singh
Wow, such a response! But shouldn't have said HSM would never be able to leave the Beta stage. In fact, they should encourage posting such questions here to increase the traffic and make it a busy site as well.
@MartinSleziak If I see the timeline it's written that it was first (a) "reopen completed" (2 reopen votes vs 1 leave closed vote) and then that it was (b) "reopened" with 5 votes. At first sight (a) looks like leading to reopening, but apparently not since it was followed by reopening. So I'm not sure what's the technical role of (a).
Similarly you can see close review linked in the entry which says "close completed" ans has link to: mathoverflow.net/review/close/131239 And it was later closed.
1 hour later…
Re: Now it's back on MO I get more info about the timeline. I suppose that as 10k+ user you should be able to see the timeline and revision history also for a post which was migrated away from MO.
I just check on my post - which was migrated to MO - that I can see the revision history and timeline on Mathematics. (I have 10k+ on that site.)
@MartinSleziak I see. Probably I need the link to the original MO post to do so (which leads to the post on MO saying it was migrated)— which in this case does not longer exist. Was there a deterministic way to get this MO original from the HSE post? (Sorry for being so vague, I strongly feel that English is not my mother tongue when having such technical discussions...)
@YCor To use the example from Mathematics - if I go to this post on MO: Characterization of Fréchet-Urysohn spaces using sequential continuity at a point
I see there "Post Migrated Here from" and there I can click on a link which takes me here: math.stackexchange.com/questions/444908/… (I don't think it will work for users who have below 10k on Mathematics.)
You can check yourself with some post which was migrated from MO, like this one: math.stackexchange.com/questions/3692400/…
"This question was migrated from MathOverflow because it can be answered on Mathematics Stack Exchange. Migrated 6 days ago." If I click on the link in "Migrated", I get this: mathoverflow.net/posts/361405/revisions
In this case it is displayed to me, too. I can also see the post here: mathoverflow.net/questions/361405/… But eventually the migration stub will be deleted on MO - so it will no longer be available to me. (As I am below 10k.)
Regarding "leave closed" - yes, sufficient number of such votes would mean that the post would no longer be shown in the review queue.
> Finally, you can also choose Leave Open (or Leave Closed in the reopen queue). What does this last option do? If enough people vote to leave a question open or closed, the question is removed from the close/reopen queue (respectively) and immediately begins aging the existing close or reopen votes on the question (it does not clear them). It also dismisses any recommend closure flags as declined.
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