2 hours later…
But the migration does have an "other". It reads "belongs on another site in the Stack Exchange network" and you type in which one. — Todd Trimble ♦ 4 hours ago
But still, I'll remind that moderators can migrate to any site. Regular users can migrate from MO to MathOverflow Meta, Mathematics or Cross Validated. (If a regular user thinks that a question should be migrated elsewhere, the only option they have is to flag for moderators' attention.)
I'll add that History of Science and Mathematics is out of question, since migration paths to beta sites are not allowed. It is possible to have at most four migration past, five if you also count meta. Other than meta, currently Mathematics and Cross Validated are offered in that dialog. — Martin Sleziak Aug 9 '18 at 6:43
Since you have mentioned some sites related to computer science, I'll add some previous discussions about those: Option to migrate to CS Theory and Migration of questions to cs.SE? Of course, things might have changed since that. Perhaps somebody with sufficient reputation can check the migration stats for the sites you mentioned. — Martin Sleziak Aug 9 '18 at 6:49
Basically what I am asking is whether you see different things than the OP simply because you have diamond at your name at they do not. (You are a regular user on Mathematics and on Meta Stack Exchange - so you can compare how the dialog behaves here and there.)
But the migration does have an "other". It reads "belongs on another site in the Stack Exchange network" and you type in which one. — Todd Trimble ♦ 4 hours ago
No I cannot type which one. It gives me only 3 choices that I listed. — Alexandre Eremenko 4 hours ago
This seems somewhat similar to your older question: Recommending to move the question to another site. Migration paths have been discussed here: What outgoing migration paths should we have? — Martin Sleziak 14 mins ago
Since you have mentioned physics: Migration site list lacks entries and Migration to Physics.SE. You have mentioned also CS (although you did no clarify which one): Option to migrate to CS Theory and Migration of questions to cs.SE? — Martin Sleziak 11 mins ago
@Todd you may be interested in the comments here: physics.meta.stackexchange.com/q/5259/25301 — Kyle Kanos 4 hours ago
@KyleKanos Thanks; that was some six years ago, whereas this is the first time I've ever heard of a problem over at MO (I've been a moderator there for six years). — Todd Trimble 4 hours ago
Don't you get a third option: "belongs on another site in the Stack Exchange network type to search" in the pop-up window Closing>Off-Topic>Migration, when you vote to close it? — Qmechanic ♦ Dec 3 '13 at 16:22
@Qmechanic 3k non-mods can vote Closing > Off-Topic > Migration, but the only options are to Meta.Physics or to Math. There is no search or custom field. — user10851 Dec 3 '13 at 19:54
2 hours later…
@Todd Only moderators (i.e., you) can migrate questions to sites other than those with an established migration path (i.e., the three listed). — Emil Jeřábek supports Monica 59 mins ago
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