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I made a suggestion for tag-wiki about cross-posting. I have included link to the network-wide faq and to Joonas Ilmavirta's post.
I am not sure what should be added and how customs regarding cross-posting differ here from the rest of the network.
For example, on meta.SE the tag-info mentions: "Cross-posting is frowned upon as it leads to fragmented answers splattered all over the network. If you spot a user cross-posting, please consider politely explaining to them in a comment why we dislike cross-posting."
On Mathematics Meta the tag-info is even harsher: "If you spot a user cross-posting, please make use of Moderator Flags to inform the Moderator."
3 hours later…
Hi @ToddTrimble, nice to see you around!
@MartinSleziak Okay, Martin: sorry for the considerable delay. This is to let you know that things have settled down on my end (local political matters) and I am prepared to spend some time looking at and thinking about this suggestion brought up at meta. I'll probably be in consultation with the other moderators about this. On a different matter: would you mind if I contacted you over email?
Is that different matter MathOverflow related?
In any case, I suppose my email address is probably relatively easy to find - and mods probably even have access to email address of any user, anyway.
It's MO related, and has to do with tagging. Your response indicates that you wouldn't mind a contact through email, but I'm sure you'll let me know if you're not comfortable with that.
The only thing is that if it something where it would be useful if other users saw the same information (and possible joined the discussion if they have something to add), then discussion either in chat or on meta probably would be better.
But you might have reasons why you prefer email in this particular instance - I guess I'll see when I read it.
If you reach some decision after discussion with other mods, please let me know. (Either here in chat or - if it is suitable there - in comments or as an answer on meta.)
Especially if something is expected on my side. (For example, editing the proposal in better shape before it is considered. Or editing the linked posts into better shape first, etc.)

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