It seems that "I'd like to answer it, so it does not matter whether the question is good or not" is quite frequent attitude of MO users - recent example from the other site.
Why is this closed? It's a completely standard question. I wrote an answer answering all of it and now I cannot publish the answer. The spaces in question are important, as they appear in Stone duality theorems. I am forced to publish my answer in the comments. — Andrej Bauer Mar 18 at 13:17
@AndrejBauer Perhaps if you could edit the question to add a few words explaining why the question can be considered interesting, that might improve the chance of getting reopened. I have tried to find some support for reopening the post also elsewhere - we will see how this turns out in the end. (Needless to say, I am not that surprised that question containing two sentences with no motivation at all got closed.) — Martin Sleziak 18 hours ago
Nah, if the people who have the power to re-open can't tell this is a legit question, epsecially after reading the comments that are already there, let it all go down the drain. — Andrej Bauer 14 hours ago
@AndrejBauer In case you are interested to know, your pair of comments above are an excellent motivation to avoid reopening this. One cannot deliberately neglect the rules of the site (which say questions without context should be avoided) and then act surprised when other people act according to said rules, can one? — Did 11 hours ago
Sure. But the mods seem a bit trigger happy. Anyone with decent knowledge of general topology will recognize the relevance of the question and ask for it to be amended. But apparently not those who wield power around here. A mistake was made so fix it instead of placing further bureaucratic burden on those who made no mistake. So don't go all Wikipedia admin on us, the contributors. Threatening with rules will just make people walk away. Look at Wikipedia. — Andrej Bauer 8 hours ago
Maybe I should have spared you (and the others) of the above outburst. Probably it will be for the best if I stick to retagging, editing, discussions on meta (I think I can help quite often with support-questions) and occasionally posting a question or answer on the main.
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