@GerhardPaseman: while I respect your attitude to "normally ask" "why?", I would just like to quickly point out that (0) I did not ask the OP this question (to the contrary: see "I would prefer not to even know what you need these 6-tuples for,") in my answer, (1) personally I strongly feel that giving 'motivation' for questions (whatever that is) should not be a criterion for whether questions are good, and should normally not be asked. Questions here should be judged strictly on the basis of what is in the question, and on little else. — Peter Heinig 2 hours ago
7 hours later…
@MartinSleziak I don't know that it's representative of a non-negligible portion, and I don't consider Peter Heinig (who has been active at MO only relatively recently, I believe) to be a barometer of public opinion at MO. I am slightly divided on whether including motivation in questions should be a general principle with some degree of enforcement. I recall that former user quid had some strong opinions that it should be. How do you feel?
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