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4:15 AM
4 hours later…
8:40 AM
so is it me or does my MathOverflow profile mathoverflow.net/users/26698/ben-millwood not list MO under my Accounts section
9:10 AM
@BenMillwood Not just you. The team knows, they're working on it
ah, ok
so it wouldn't help to tell anyone in particular
Q: Why are MO accounts not listed among other SE accounts?

Martin SleziakWhen I go look at my accounts in SE network, mathoverflow is not listed there. (You can get to the list of accounts, for example, from your profile page. Other SE accounts are listed on profile page.) I have checked profile pages of a few other users and noticed the same thing - math.SE is list...

already reported
wait no
there we go
okay, awesome, thanks :)
7 hours later…
4:35 PM
mh normale \mathbb is definied via \DeclareSymbolFontAlphabet{\mathbb}{AMSb}
but that doesn't fix it if you overwrite it
4 hours later…
8:12 PM
Some more mathfitti: Everyone should know the chances of breaking (an idealized model of) a stick at random into three pieces with lengths that are the sides of a nondegenerate triangle are about 1/2. Is it the case that the chances are 1/2^5 for six pieces which are the lengths of the edges of a nondegenerate tetrahedron? Do we have 2^(1- ((d+1) choose 2)) for the case of a d dimensional simplex?
Oops, I got some of the numbers wrong. Make that 1/4, 1/64, and divide the last quantity also by 2.

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