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in Charcoal HQ, 49 secs ago, by SmokeDetector
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad ns for domain in answer, potentially bad keyword in answer (2): Social media for a mathematics related idea buckets‭ by social media‭ on mathoverflow.net
Q: What should I do when I see a spam post on MO?

Martin SleziakWhat is the correct way to handle spam on MathOverflow? Can regular users do something when they see a spam post?

A: What should I do when I see a spam post on MO?

Martin SleziakAny user with at least 15 reputation points should flag the post as spam. After 6 spam flags, the post is deleted. In addition to being deleted, even for users who can see the deleted posts, the content of the post is hidden - although they can still access the revision history. The same thing ha...

2 hours later…
The spam post mentioned above is gone now.

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