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12:11 PM
Q: Why was diamond removed from some MO moderators?

Martin SleziakTim Campion and Todd Trimble are currently not listed among the moderators. And their profile pages do not list them as moderators either. At the same time, I haven't noticed some post on meta related to changes in the moderator team and the answer listing the moderators still shows the same user...

Todd chose to quietly end his tenure after a long time of service, and Tim's expired for technical reasons and he hasn't chosen to renew it. The board is aware and has discussed the fact we are now two moderators fewer. More news later. — David Roberts ♦ 4 mins ago
@DavidRoberts I will say here again what I say in the post (but chat feels a bit more private).
If there is some reason why you (i.e., the moderators or the board) would prefer make some related announcement by yourself and it would be better not to alert other users about this, I would not object if you decide to delete the question.
Although I assume that by now at least a few users have already seen the question - so this is probably moot.
This goes for any leaving moderators - but especially for somebody who served long time: Thanks a lot for your work on the site!
Tangentially, somebody who is familiar with the timings could update this answer at some point: History of MathOverflow. (But it is certainly not urgent.)
12:33 PM
Todd Trimble already posted his answer:
A: Why was diamond removed from some MO moderators?

Todd TrimbleThe decision to step down from being a moderator, effected in early September, was one I had planned to do quietly, without fanfare. There was no specific dramatic circumstance underlying it, and it was nothing like not signing the new moderator agreement. I started in September 2013, so I'd been...

The answer mentions "early September" - so it took quite a long time until I noticed.
1:01 PM
I think the question is fine. And I'm glad Todd answered. I'm not sure if Tim will answer/comment or not.
Thanks for the response!
I guess now that TT answered, the whole point is moot.
In any case, your comment basically answered the question.
Todd chose to quietly end his tenure after a long time of service, and Tim's expired for technical reasons and he hasn't chosen to renew it. The board is aware and has discussed the fact we are now two moderators fewer. More news later. — David Roberts ♦ 59 mins ago
It's hard to guess whether many users noticed this (and whether or not some other users were curious about this, too) - but I assume that somebody would notice eventually.
1 hour later…
2:16 PM
Hi everyone, I am so sorry for posting on meta yesterday like that, wont happen again. Feeling much better today. I am going back to MSE now. No hard feelings ok =) Cheers

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