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I think this question should be reopened because it is a reasonable on-topic concern and because it has a perfectly good answer "because SE chose to set manually to 1 the reputation of suspended users". The fact that the account is suspended is public information, and one does not need to discuss further details about the suspension to answer this question. — Federico Poloni yesterday
@FedericoPoloni I think that a better course of action would be to have a "dummy" question of the form "what does it mean if a user's reputation is set equal to 1" which can then be answered as a CW answer. Either Dominic did not think to look at JvN's page where it says quite clearly that JvN is suspended (which in my view suggests Dominic could have looked or thought harder) or Dominic's underlying question is "what events caused JvN's account to be suspended" which is then off-topic. (There has been a sustained set of behaviours and actions from JvN which, to be blunt, were IMO antisocial) — Yemon Choi yesterday
Since also suspensions in general have been discussed in the previous comments, I will add a link to this FAQ post on Meta Stack Exchange: My account has been temporarily suspended; what does that mean?Martin Sleziak 37 secs ago
@FedericoPoloni and @YemonChoi I agree that the suggestion to make a post on meta with some basic info on suspensions could be reasonable. (And it would be a place where to direct users if similar questions to this one pop up later.)
If such post is made, I think that link to the post I linked above could be included: My account has been temporarily suspended; what does that mean? Possibly also the other FAQ post: What can I do to lift or reduce a suspension?
Seems a reasonable thing to do. There is also meta.stackexchange.com/questions/91627/… to link to.
At this point, once this question is created, I would insist that the question about JvN be reopened and then closed as duplicate instead than as off-topic.
I think it sends a very wrong message as it stands.
@S.Carnahan Since you've been also involved, perhaps I should have pinged you, too. What do you think regarding the above suggestions?
4 hours later…
@MartinSleziak Sounds fine withe me. I still am not sure of Dominic Z's motive for the question; if it was meant purely as an enquiry about why a generic user has reputation 1, then I am fine with @FedericoPoloni's suggestion. However, if Dominic Z wanted to ask about the particulars of JvN's suspension then in my view that is off topic. There are quite a few deleted comments/answers by JvN which illustrate that he has largely been the architect of his own misfortune

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