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5 hours later…
10:42 AM
I am not sure whether the claim that the post was deleted as spam/rude is correct. The post was recently undeleted and the revision history shows that it was deleted by regular users. AFAICT in case of deletion through spam flags, the revision history says that it is deleted by Community user. Example from Mathematics and example from Mathoverflow - 10k+ reputation needed to view. — Martin Sleziak 1 hour ago
Martin, it was deleted by regular users but the reason given was that the question was "Spam rude or abusive". At least this replaced the title of the question. — Gil Kalai 51 mins ago
This is quite weird. It the question was flagged as spam and the title replaced by "This question was marked as spam or rude or abusive and is therefore not shown", shouldn't something in the revision history or timeline indicate that this is what happened?

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