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It seems that some input from moderators is needed here: Why did flagging a comment for deletion made it disappear immediately?
It could be that they (accidentally) used a word which is on Stack Exchange's blacklist. Anyway, a moderator will be able to see if the comment was self-deleted or deleted by flagging. — Glorfindel 17 hours ago
This is weird: I deleted my comment, and then flagged yours as "no longer needed". Incredibly, your comment got deleted the very next second! The probability of this happening is minute, therefore: did you delete your comment yourself, or was it a weird behaviour of the MO software? I've also opened a related discussion on MetaMO; if you deleted the comment yourself, I shall delete that thread. — Alex M. yesterday
I didn't delete it. Thanks for looking into it! — Chad Groft 6 hours ago
4 hours later…
So the 2018 year starts on MO with a bit of drama. I think this is the first time I have seen 1 year long suspension on this site.
I have seen some great answer from this user about , so it's not good feeling to see him gone for a year.

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