The comment exchange under Ben Blum-Smith's answer can also give some insight into how various users see differences between MO and Math.SE.

I would like to add:
I participate in math.SE because
(a) I have learned an incredible amount here by reading answers to others' questions and especially by asking questions. From my very first question, it's amazed me that people are willing to take the time to engage thoughtfully with technic...
BTW at least on of the offending comments cited by quid as an example was deleted. (I distinctly recall a comment along the lines "just open your textbook on ODEs" which sounded a bit harsh - but I do not remember the exact wording. I suppose that was the reason why that specific post was listed as an example.)
I am a bit surprised that the very same question posted on MSE is not closed yet: explicit solution (using lambert function).
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