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Never expected that a lawsuit could impede on mathematical research (which this certainly does, though fortunately not for me at the moment). Also: this is still going on? I thought waiting months for a referee report was long, refereeing law takes years apparently.
7 hours later…
Todays mathfiti: Magic squares are millenia old. Magic hexagons, on the other hand, are less than a cevery rare. How many hexagonal arrangements of n hexagons are there where the sums along any line of neighboring hexes have the same sum when labeled from 1 to n? Are there symmetrical arrangements of triangles which have the same magic property?
Sorry, for cevery read century and are very.
6 hours later…
@JanJitseVenselaar Most large Universities should still have the paper copies they bought before the SpringerLink was taken offline.
2 hours later…
Springer's offline? O_0
3 hours later…
Is there any chance that a question of mine, currently at MSE, would be eligible for MO? Or is it fine where it is (albeit unanswered)?

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