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6:26 PM
@TheMaskedAvenger For the tetrahedron, do you have to use the six sticks as the six edges in a fixed order? Or do you instead want the probability that there is at least one permutation of the six sticks that forms a tetrahedron?
6:43 PM
On the default web interface of the chat, how do I find all replies to a chat post?
2 hours later…
8:39 PM
My idea was like that for the triangle, use them in any order (which will not matter for that result). However, even applying a retstriction that yields bounds on the general result would be welcome, e.g. says you have all but two edges specified for the d simplex, what is the probability etc.
Since someone is "listening", here is todays mathfitti. Define a move M as having two bins, each with some positive number of balls, and transferring balls from the larger quantity to the smaller quantity to double the smaller quantity, e.g. (m,n) goes to (m-n, 2n) for m at least n and n positive.
It is not too hard to show that given three bins with balls, there is a sequence of moves of type M that will empty at least one of the bins. Suppose we use moves of type N of the form (x,y,z) goes to Kx-z,y-z,3z), where we insist that the result is nonnegative. Can we empty at least one of three bins this way? Or at least one of four bins?
1 hour later…
10:02 PM
I like mathfitti. Don't have time to pen-and-paper solve it, but I can think over it :)

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