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1:08 AM
Q: External SSD refuses to connect with a USB-C cable

MrUpsidownTL;DR Having trouble connecting an external SSD to my 2021 MacBook Pro with Apple M1 Pro via a specific Satechi USB-C cable. That specific cable does not work on my M1 MacBook Pro but works if I go through a USB-C hub and also works fine on a M3. Device Connection type Connected to Result ...

5 hours later…
5:42 AM
Q: Where to install command-line tools in macOS, to be available by default on the console?

Basil BourqueWhen I want to download a console app, with a command-line interface, into what appropriate folder should I place it? I want the tool to be automatically present on the PATH. I am not referring to the Apple developer tools from Xcode. I am asking about third-party tools such as Microsoft Kiota. F...

16 hours later…
10:03 PM
Q: ssh: connection closed

MatteoI can connect to my Mac Mini using SSH without any problem: remote_machine$ ssh corti@mymacmini mymacmini$ By using another user I get remote_machine$ ssh -i /etc/nagios/.ssh/id_rsa -l nagios mymacmini Connection closed by remotemachine port 22 the same happens with username and password: remo...

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