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@chachamNisan I'm not sure I can make any full, broad commitments along those lines, particularly regarding time sensitive matters, but maybe we can start by chatting here about what things in particular you don't find are being done objectively or what a different moderator would do differently.
I'll remind you that many moderation activities are done "silently", that is without public record. This means you don't always know which mod has done what and which other mods agreed or disagreed with that action in behind the scenes discussions.
Also note that all moderator activities are logged so if there has been some questionable activity it can be checked and documented. Also mods are human and can make the occasional mistaken judgement call and thus nearly everything we do is undoable.
3 hours later…
To name a few: deletion of my comments(most of which are related to the question), almost every comment you've made on my answers has been condescending and not lishma, and many times I feel you raise an issue that isn't significant and risks losing users by bring sooo scrutinizing that this platform isn't fun anymore. If it matters much, my only unpleasant interactions with moderators on this site have been with you! Why haven't they been unpleasant with the others?
To make things more pleasing, I request that you not moderate me...if it something that's really urgent, then I request you flag it for other moderators. If you're concerned about harassment, I admit I do have a problem with one user, but it's only because his contributions are misleading about Judaism and sometimes just plain wrong. If this worries you, then I can accept if you step in. But for other purposes, I don't appreciate your moderation of my comments, answers, or questions.
And it's because I think you feel confronted by me that you pay special attention to my contributions. But frankly, I think you intimidate other users on this site and make it very unpleasant; instead of making it a more truthful and safe/reliable place to use.
What's your problem? Why aren't you nicer?
And don't tell me "this is Torah"!
@chachamNisan 1) Being related to a question isn't sufficient to warrant a comment. Which comments have I deleted that other mods wouldn't have? 2) My commenting on your posts is not a moderation activity. Just me as a regular user asking questions or calling out problems.
@chachamNisan I assure you I don't care sufficiently about you to treat you differently.
See too about commenting in general
Q: How do comments work?

Justin StandardAcross the Stack Exchange network you may leave comments on a question or answer. How do comments work? Who can post comments? Who can edit comments? How can I format and link in comments? Who can delete comments? When should comments be deleted? What are automatic comments? How can I link to c...

How do I answer question 1? Regarding 2; then fine...let other regular users do so. MY is different than other SE sites.
About your last comment, then why are you the only one I have a problem with?
How do you even know I've ever deleted any comment of yours inappropriately? Maybe it was a different moderator? You may not like my calling out problems in your posts, but do you have any evidence I mishandled my moderator powers?
Note from that meta post: Comments are temporary "Post-It" notes left on a question or answer. You should not expect them to be around forever. Once a clarification has been made, an edit added to the post to include new information, or the issue in the comment is otherwise resolved, it is subject to deletion. In reality, many obsolete or chatty comments remain untouched due to the high volume of comments posted, but this does not mean that they can't or shouldn't be deleted in the future.
Don't play smart with me...you know I can't see who deleted my comments. But I do know that one too many times you've deleted my comments when it was completely unwarranted(not that I document or book every misappropriation). If that's the case about comments, then delete the thousands of other comments that stay up that don't follow those rules...but you don't; only mine are you quick to delete(because you offer special surveillance on them!).
I've deleted 358 comments this month.
907 this quarter
And about 20700 comments since becoming a moderator
I assure you again I'm not targeting you as you.
Sure, some users have a higher or lower signal to noise ratio in the comments they post, but that's to be expected.
If you see comments that should be removed, please flag them. It makes my job easier since I don't have to look for them.
As I quoted above: many obsolete or chatty comments remain untouched due to the high volume of comments posted, but this does not mean that they can't or shouldn't be deleted in the future.
If you feel many of your comments are being removed, then I recommend a) review the guidelines for what to put in a comment, and b) keep track of some and ask in chat why a certain comment was removed. This way you can learn to bring your usage style in line with site expectations, and you'll sometimes catch a mistake by a mod.
I don't feel that way...just too many being removed by you and too many comments and negative votes from you about my contributions.
For instance, your recent comment
Hey, I just want to point out, this is a classic example of mekalkel(the shells get tossed after and can't be used for anything). It is permitted(since it is also davar sh'eino mitkaven). Sephardim are lenient. To prove it's mekalkel, the shells get thrown away! See Yalkut Yosef Shabbat 340:9. I'm only making this point because it's very inconvenient and may be unnecessary to worry about as a stringency. The source mentioned isn't explicit about eggs, but I'm sure the din is the same. A better source would be the psak about letters on cakes & shabbat; permitted there, too. — chacham Nisan 40 mins ago
should probably be deleted. It doesn't have anything to do with the post it's on. It's just another answer. It's also unnecessarily apodictic I think, but so be it.
Since the start of my using this site.
Why? I'm including the information so he can include in his answer....
Or rethink it.
If another mod shares your opinion, fine. But no, you like to delete my comments.
@chachamNisan again, if I down vote or critique your posts that's because I believe they have content problems, nothing to do with how I moderate.
Again, I'm asking that you not moderate my activity and leave it for other moderators. There are three of them and if something I do is out of line, I'm sure it will be brought to their attention without your interference.
Fine, you're allowed to downvote or critique. But if you know the answer is correct, then don't downvote. Just because it's not referenced or worded so well, doesn't mean it won't be useful for someone else.
Only if something is wrong or misleading should they be downvoted; correct? If you want better quality, I don't think that should be a reason to downvote; so long as it's correct.
Your comments on judaism.stackexchange.com/q/97960/759 were just picking a fight. It doesn't even matter to the question how reuven sinned and the OP has commentaries to base himself on. So why pick a fight about which side has more and which side Rashi was on?
It's just a tangent. Better for chat.
Because it's wrong to say that Reuven slept with Bilhah! It didn't even acknowledge other perushim!
How is that a truthful question?
Your comments to judaism.stackexchange.com/q/97981/759 didn't help anything. The question asked for a source. That's allowed. You and Al can fight about the definition of Emunas Chakhamim elsewhere.
Oh come on!....the question was flawed based on that premise because he didn't sin. I proved to him Reuven didn't do because neither of them was stoned.
@chachamNisan he did sin, the question is just which sin he did. And it's not a flaw to ask a question based on meforshim that chachamnisan doesn't like.
It's about mainstream Judaism...are you neturei karta? No. But how do you feel about them?
He didn't sin...if that perush was right; then the sin was adultery.
I deleted an ad hominem attack of yours at judaism.stackexchange.com/a/97687/759
Whatever...I admit I have a problem with him, so I expect it.
I deleted a comment of yours at judaism.stackexchange.com/a/18405/759 as too chatty, especially given the long length of that thread. There are plenty of reasons that Torah could have been invalid the question was just about the style of pei.
Here judaism.stackexchange.com/q/97280/759 I deleted a comment where you answered the question in the negative with no sources. What's the value in that?
I don't remember what I wrote there...I do know that if I commented, it had substance to it. I don't appreciate deleting that one(about the peh).
Then delete Alberko's comment because it's also an answer with no sources.
@chachamNisan I don't know which comment you are talking about, but if so please do flag it.
You see? Why do you see only my comments?
I don't care about other's comments to flag them; because who cares about them except for the discussion?
@chachamNisan I've listed here maybe 10 of the hundreds of comments I deleted this month. It's not just you.
@chachamNisan unfortunately, my job is to care about them.
I can't make you see other people's comments, but please don't think I only see yours
Still, please stop deleting my comments and let other mods do so. If they're really out of line, they will see encounter it.
Enough for today. I've made my request; please respect it. Thank you.
Just so it's clear, I respect the amount of Torah knowledge you have and remain impressed by it. Keep up the good work in your learning and hatzlacha. People like you are few.
I just tried to show you that while in your head you've painted me as out to get you and your comments, actually it's not just me and I usually have a pretty good reason for why I'd delete something, unrelated to how much I like you or your posts.
Fine...still respect my request. Thank you.
Good night.

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