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5:27 AM
Please help me. I have read pst-spinner and wished compile a animation with it, it is in page 8. I use batch file and my code be as following:




But it produces wrong output
Can you help me? I don't want ask in texSE since it doesn't have to a common question. Please...
5:46 AM
thinking time........
\rput(0,0){\textbf{Viet Cong}}
@chishimotoji: Done
2 hours later…
7:49 AM
Not Viet Cong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Must be " Cong San ". Are you OKK ???
8:10 AM
please help me, how to produce a gif file from above code?
If you have time...
Must be change something of batch file
or compiler..
echo off

rem %1 PDF filename without extension
rem %2 delay between frame in 1/100 second, FPS = 100 / DELAY
rem %3 density
rem %4 alpha, choose one of {on, off, remove}

if exist "%~1.gif" del "%~1.gif"

if exist "%~1.pdf" magick convert -delay %2 -loop 0 -density %3 -alpha %4 "%~1.pdf" "%~1.gif"
gif batch file ?
name it gifanimator.bat
it is installed similar with anything before
8:20 AM
After you have a pdf with several pages, you can create a gif animation by invoking:

gifanimator.bat yourpdffilenamewithoutextension 25 150 remove

from the command line or you can also create a new command in TeXStudio
The same method.
you must have ImageMagick software installed first.
Without imagemagick, you will get error.
I have to eat now.
I am a computer bot but I need food as well.
HAHAHA :-)) Yes I will try install it...
Yes I will try to install it...
8:34 AM
Computer bot food are electric, the letter, ... not normal food :-))
8:55 AM
Which software should I choose?
9:07 AM
gifanimator.bat % 25 150 OR gifanimator.bat % 25 150 remove
When ImageMagick software installed ,Which something I have to do?
9:52 AM
gifanimator.bat yourpdffilenamewithoutextension 25 150 remove
any installer is ok
where is the "remove"?
you need "remove"
Ok, I will add it
any installer is ok?
Are you sure?
any is fine
9:57 AM
What is ImageMagick-7.0.7-31-Q16-x64-dll?
Oh, i see
Which subject I have to choose?
next next next next next next...............
Should I register it to PATH?
I forget. wait
no need to register
Ah, I see ah
10:18 AM
I have to go to toilet. I will return in several minutes.
Computer bot " go to toilet!!! Yess
changing lubricant
installing teamviewer
prepare your id and password
11:07 AM
Thank you
YOur are welcome!
2 hours later…
1:24 PM
hey, i have an idea
1:36 PM
Now, i forget ...
2:05 PM
I am online @chishimotoji
echo off

rem %1 PDF filename without extension
rem %2 density
rem %3 alpha, choose one of {on,off,remove}
rem %4 border color

if exist "%~1-*.png" del "%~1-*.png"

rem method 1:
if exist "%~1.pdf" magick convert -compose copy -bordercolor %4 -border 1x1 -density %2 -alpha %3 "%~1.pdf" "%~1-%%04d.png"
invoke it as follows

pnggenerator.bat pdffilenamewithoutextension 200 remove red
name the batch pnggenerator.bat
don't use Unicode file format.
Byte Of Mark (BOM) in Unicode format will cause error.
" don't use Unicode file format. " 100% ok.
You should be able to setup,
I already taught you more than 10 times.
You should be able to setup ? What is this?
2:12 PM
register path, etc.
I will try to install it now
chrome.exe ?am.png
you can use other
e.g ?
rundll32.exe shimgvw.dll,ImageView_Fullscreen ?am.png
Sorry, I don't know about ImageMagick Display function? What is the purport ImageMagick Display?
2:22 PM
ignore it
Why do we install it?
i don't know
we need imagemagick but not imagemagick display
just ignore
I am loading it, wait several minutes
what is this?
Where are u? :((
Please help me to see it
2:50 PM
you convert each frame to png
is it correct
if you have one page, you get one png
i don't know means
pnggenerator.bat convert each page to png, this is the purpose of it.
if you have a pdf with one page, it produce one png
what???? I want it to animate the same as gif
png is not for animation
Ohhhhh, I see ah........
2:54 PM
you already have gifanimator and pdfanimator, now you have pnggenerator.
so you can submit either gif animation or png to tex.se if you make any question
so, if we use png, we don't use \multido
it is similar to normal pdf file
are studying mathematics at vietnam?
so, except for chrome.exe, is there another .exe to load gif?
Yesss! I am studying mathematics at vietnam.
only browser can load gif
you can use any other browsers
but chrome is the best
I think
Do you have a facebook? :-))
3:00 PM
computer bots never have facebook
computer bots . I don't believe. :-))
How to create it the same as above example?
wow, wonderful! how to create it?



\pstVerb{/I2P {AlgParser cvx exec} bind def}

	\pnode(!#1 1){C}
	\pnode(!#1 /t ED \x I2P \y I2P){P}
We have a mathematician from Singapore here.
I am reading thsi: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/mvc/controllers/routing?view=aspnetcore-2.2

So I am busy. Bye bye all!
3:21 PM
@ArtificialStupidity How to create a gif file as my figure?
3:36 PM
Just post your question to tex.se.
what is?
i see ah
Hello @ArtificialStupidity are you the user who used to say "oh my ghost!"?
@JasperLoy I think you are really smart.
@ArtificialStupidity Not as smart as you. I hope you are well.
@JasperLoy Yes. I become well now.
3:45 PM
@ArtificialStupidity Good. I am still not well. Anyway, if you want to listen to my singing, you can see my channel which is linked in my profile, and there you will find my new email too, if you want to talk to me. =)
@JasperLoy: Do you remember the flag animation I made for you several centuries ago?
@ArtificialStupidity Yes, I remember.
@ArtificialStupidity Yes, that's me. =)
@JasperLoy You looks 35 years old more.
3:48 PM
@ArtificialStupidity I prefer to keep my age a secret. =)
OK no problem. By the way, singapore looks very hot. Your fan is cute.
You was singing in front of a fan rather than a microphone.
What do you think of my singing?
Very good, like celine dion.
I remember you needed to go for some surgery or something long ago?
May I request a song that I want you to sing?
Already finish.
Now I am very very healthy and confident.
3:52 PM
Oh OK, that's good.
What song?
My face is no longer like Golum.
I don't like that song.
OK. I will find other songs
You rise me up. Good!
You can improve the lyric with mathematical words. :-)
I am leaving this room now, bye bye!
Wait. You are a good singer.
I love your voice singing You Rise Me Up.
When is the next song?
3:58 PM
I don't know.
Will you be a youtuber?
I am not feeling well these days, so I don't know when I will do the next song.
Haha, I don't think I can ever get enough subscribers to make a living out of youtube.
You can. I believe. You can share your feeling and everyone is waiting
Do you speak Japanese?
A little bit.
4:03 PM
I never knew much about you. If you want to share more things, feel free to email me. =)
@JasperLoy: Thank you. I will do if I have such a confident.
My new email is on my channel. OK, see you. Bye bye!
Thank you @JasperLoy! I am waiting for your next song. I suggest Hans Zimmer songs.
@JasperLoy: You can be youtube.com/watch?v=GwEVNY2Dki4
@ArtificialStupidity I don't post since I understood problem. :-))
5:03 PM
room topic changed to Secret Room (Don't Enter!!!): We are discussing a confidential mission here. Entering this room without permission is a crime. (no tags)

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